Nicknames: Tia, if you must. She prefers her full name.
Birthdate: March 15th, 1874
Current Age: 16 years old
Occupation: Sixth Year; Unfortunate Seer
Reputation: 7 - Eccentric family plus visions about peoples' dirty little secrets do her no favors.
Residence: Hogsmeade, Bartonburg
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: 15", Silver Lime, Demiguise Hair, Unusually bendy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Ferdinand Dawson - grandfather - b. 1812 - d. 1869
Nell Dawson - grandmother - b. 1818
Fairy Spectre née Dawson - mother - b. 1851
Anansi Spectre - father - b. 1847[?]
--- Spectre - older sibling - b. 1872
--- Spectre - younger sibling - b. 1878
--- Spectre - younger sibling - b. 1879
+ many aunts, uncles, and cousins
Appearance: Pythia is on the shorter side, five feet even, and slim. Her figure has just started to become more womanly, which she is thrilled by. She generally favors her father in appearance, sharing his light brown skin and rounded features. Her mother is best seen in the shape of her eyes and her mannerisms. Her hair is naturally thick and curly, often twisted into a haphazard bun or braided down her back. Her personal style is often questionable, as she is fond of ruffly, glittering things in bright colors. She is left handed.

1874: Pythia is born. She is her parents' second child, so they make the mistake of thinking that it'll be easier this time around. Unfortunately for them, she is a colicky baby and they won't have a full night's rest for many months to come.
1877: The family moves to Hogsmeade and Pythia will never remember having another home.
1878-79: Four years later, after Fairy and Anansi have sufficiently recovered from the trauma of baby Pythia's tyranny, another little Spectre comes along. This baby is quickly followed by another in late 1877. Pythia takes well to being an older sister and likes holding the newborns as much as she is allowed. She is less allowed after nearly dropping one of them.
1880: Shortly after Pythia turns six, trouble begins to stir. While playing with Sally Foster, another girl around her age, she slips into a dream like state. With upsetting detail, she informs Sally that her father is far too friendly with the family's maid. The girl goes home crying, blubbering about what she's heard to her mother. Understandably upset, Mrs. Foster reprimands Fairy for raising a child that would tell such vulgar tales. Pythia insists that she is not lying to her mother, but apologies anyway. Days later, Mr. Foster is found in a compromising situation with none other than the maid. Pythia is vindicated! However, it's a bit of a Pyrrhic victory, as the Foster family is destroyed and her former friend blames her. Despite her parents' attempts to comfort her, the guilt eats at Pythia quite a lot. Once the dust settles, questions begin to emerge about how exactly Pythia could've known about the infidelity anyway. Being that no one aside from Sally witnessed the trance and Pythia doesn't remember it herself, the Spectres are forced to call it a fluke.
1881-85: It is not a fluke. While the rest of 1880 passed without incident, the next five years make it painfully clear that Pythia is a Seer. Her visions are a gossip monger's fantasy and she does not appreciate it. At all. Pythia quickly learns that being reserved and staying away from people is the best way to avoid ruining lives.
In an effort to make Pythia feel more normal at home, the Spectres collectively decide to develop an interest in divination. From tarot cards to tea leaves, any method of fortune telling is brought into the house. In time, the family comes to be very enthusiastic about it. Pythia, who wants to be normal-normal and not normal-for-her-family-normal, is continually mortified.
Her first act of non-Seer magic comes in 1883, when she magically locks herself in a closet during a spirited game of hide and seek. Her parents end up having to break the lock on the door to get her out. This is the same year her first sibling goes off to Hogwarts.
When 1885 comes around, Pythia isn't looking forward to school at all. Avoiding people will be impossible and she doesn't want to cause any embarrassment or conflict with her Sight. She begs her parents to be kept at home, but she is still shuttled off to Hogwarts.
1885-90: The trip to Hogwarts is a miserable slog for Pythia. She cries the entire time and can't bring herself to cheer up even for the Sorting Hat. Through tears, she is Sorted into Ravenclaw. She becomes the house's obligatory first year crybaby, which she supposes is better than being known for her Sight. When not regretting her existence, Pythia is a fantastic student. Her studies offer a much needed distraction from Seer woes. She does best in Astronomy, History of Magic, and Transfiguration.
Second year sees Pythia begin to make some friends. Since first year passed without incident she is a bit less closed off, but still cautious. Alas, she flies too close to the sun and the visions return with a fierceness. Things don't go quite as poorly as she expects them to, which is encouraging. Still, she would rather not deal with her "gift".
In third year, she is encouraged to take Divination as one of her O.W.L courses. Obviously this leads to her selecting Earth Magic, Ancient Studies, and Ancient Runes. With a full course load, Pythia buckles down even harder. She sees the fruits of her labor in fifth year, when she manages impressive test results.
1890: Over the summer following fifth year, Pythia starts to think about life after Hogwarts and finds a new source of existential dread: adulthood. She figures her N.E.W.T courses out, but that's about it. Yikes!
Personality: Burdened by glorious purpose terrible visions. Likes to mind her business, but is literally incapable of doing so. Highly empathetic. Prone to guilt. Hates lying, but also hates telling the truth if it hurts someone. Experiences some social anxiety, which is worsened by strangers. Overthinks everything. Very concerned about what others think of her. Terrible secret keeper.
Other: N.E.W.T courses are: Ancient Runes, Astronomy, Charms, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration.
Age: 25
Contact: PM, Skype, Discord
Other Characters: Thea, Ivy, Ciaran, Aziza