August 4, 2020 – 2:06 PM
Full Name: Karim Youssef HassaniNicknames: Captain
Birthdate: August 21st, 1860
Current Age: 29
Position: First String Beater & Captain for the Moroccan National Team
Reputation: 8. He's foreign and can be a bit abrasive at times.
Wand: Does not own a wand, finds them useless when he can perform magic just as well without it.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Nadia Hassani (1), daughter br> br>
Samir Hassani (56), father br>
Amina Hassani (52), mother br>
Maleek Hassani (27), brother br>
Jamila Marsli (26), sister & family
Eye Color: Dark brown, sometimes nearing on black when he's angry br>
Body Type: Tall and broad, standing at 6'4" Kamir is a wall of muscle br>
Hand Dominance: Ambidextrous, primarily swings right
Quidditch Background:
▪︎ Joined his house's quidditch team as a beater his second year at school. br>
▪︎ Became captain of said team in his fifth year. br>
▪︎ Recruited for the North African league directly out of school (1878) as a second string player; after a year of second string he was promoted to first. br>
▪︎ Given captaincy of team in 1884.
Educational Background:
▪︎ Attended Uagadou for all seven years, learned how to become an animagus (his form is a lion) in his sixth year.
Other Notable Events:
Personality: Competitive. Ambitious. Grumpy. Leader.
Name: EmmaAge: 27
Contact: PM/Skype