
Full Version: Zakarya Alaoui
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Full Name: Zakarya Alaoui
Nicknames: Zak, Zakar
Birthdate: May 3rd, 1865
Current Age: 25
Position: Beater
Reputation: 9 — he's very reserved which makes him seem standoffish to strangers.
Wand: 10" Argania & fwooper feather
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Social Class: Middle
Family: Chakib Alaoui — Father
Kenza Sekkat — Mother
Maïssa Alaoui — Sister
Appearance: The first thing you'll notice about Zak is his considerable height, at 6'5" he's hard to miss in a room, especially in the 1800s. The second thing you might notice about Zak are his good looks. Thirdly, you might notice that he's trying to avoid attention and skirting to the edge of the room. Aside from height, he is also broad shouldered and muscular. His hair is black and his eyes are almost as dark. His clothes are understated, preferring muted colors and nothing too flamboyant. He is right handed.
Quidditch Background: Zakarya's talent for quidditch is apparent within a few flying lessons at school. He falls in love with flying as soon as his feet leave the ground but he shuns his talent for the first year of school, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to himself. When he finishes the school year his very keen father is horrified that his son is holding himself back and encourages him to embrace his talent. Zak, albeit a bit hesitant, heeds the advice and tries out for the quidditch team when school starts again. He makes it onto the team as a chaser. He is moved to Keeper the following year as his steadily increasing height is useful for goal-blocking. Being Keeper doesn't agree with him and he is moved to beater and this is where he stays.

Quite by happenstance, Zak finds his future in the hands of others and before he can even figure out what he wants to do with his life, he's being urged to try out for a professional team. He makes the second-string to his own surprise. Not being particularly ambitious, he would've been happy to remain thus while learning the ropes of his father's business but within a year and a half he's been promoted to first string beater. Fast forward a few years and he's somehow been persuaded to try out for the National team and... made the first string?! He's absolutely delighted but equally reluctant to be so much in the spotlight.
Educational Background: Zak's reasonably wealthy merchant muggle father took the news that his son was a wizard incredibly well. So well in fact that he was almost more excited about it than Zak. As such he went to great lengths to find the best school he could afford to ensure that his boy was well educated. He didn't fit in very well with the majority of his classmates; they were mostly elitist sorts and did little to make him feel welcome. Being a muggleborn and firmly middle class meant there were multiple reasons for his peers to find fault with him. He proves to be a very good student and does all he can to avoid drawing attention to himself but this proves incredibly difficult as his quidditch talents come to light and the growth spurts begin...
Other Notable Events: N/A
Personality: Reserved — Modest — Chivalrous — Polite — Loyal — Hardworking — Generous
Other: [Any other information you want to include.]
Name: Olive
Age: Immortal
Contact: Ask
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