August 3, 2020 – 12:48 PM
Full Name: Crispin Emerett PicardyNicknames: —
Birthdate: July 3rd, 1879
Current Age: 11
Occupation: Incoming First Year
Reputation: 9
Residence: Belcourt Park, Warwickshire
Hogwarts House: TBA
Willow, ten and five-eighths inches, with a unicorn tail hair. Swishy.Blood Status: Pureblood
The first wand he matched with was a dragon heartstring, but the thought of something dying to make his wand made Crispin nauseated.
Social Class: Upper Class
Emerett Picardy, Father [1840] | Crispin both idolizes and fears his father, the only parent he has ever really known. A noted, controversial scholar on the dangers that lycanthropy poses to society, he casts a long shadow that Crispin years to live up to—almost as much as he yearns for his affection.Appearance:
Ianthe Picardy née Carrow, Mother [1850-1879] | Ianthe's death shortly after Crispin's birth might have been the typical tale of the perils of labour were it not for the fact that months, not days, transpired between the events. Oh, and the fact that she was actually slain by a werewolf. Crispin's only connection to the woman is a small portrait he keeps with his most prized possessions; though it has been imbued with some of her personality, it's not really good for much more than advice to simple problems.
History:Crispin stands at a flat five feet, a fact he has already begun to dread will be as tall as he grows. An indulgent lad, his is a round figure that his grandmother insists will redistribute as he grows. His head is topped with sandy hair and his eyes are brown, making him the spitting image of many a young lad. He dresses neatly, but not particularly creatively, and is left-handed. Though he has worked very hard to overcome it, Crispin's childhood stutter still comes out when he is feeling particularly flustered or excited.
July, 1879 Crispin is born the first, and ultimately only, child of Emerett and Ianthe Picardy. September, 1879 While taking a turn in the gardens, Ianthe goes missing. What might have been mere tragedy is, instead, the result of a cruel revenge: it transpires that she is abducted and mauled by a werewolf. She chooses death over life as a monster, and with that, the short-lived, happy family dies with her. 1885 Crispin's first act of magic sees him heal an injured sparrow. It is witnessed by his grandmother, and so there is a magnificent cake for tea the next day. 1887 After the halfbreed ban is passed at Hogwarts, Crispin works with his tutor to explore his family genealogy to ease his anxiety about not being permitted to attend. He finds the process quite fascinating, really, and after his own family tree is complete, begins (with mixed results) working on researching others in the household. July, 1890 Crispin turns eleven years old and his birthday gift is a wand—but to him, the true present is a rare hour spent with his father. Crispin is on his best (and least irritating) behaviour, though when he refuses the dragon heartstring wand, can tell that his father is a bit exasperated. Later that month, he receives his formal invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
- Languages: Fluent in English and French with functional German and written Latin.
- A gifted chess player
- Boggart: A wolf-man style werewolf, salivating because it's about to eat him.
- Crispin suffers from anxiety which manifests itself physically in the form of stomachaches.
- Crispin is a member of the Church of Magical Jesus only to ingratiate himself with his father, not because anyone else in the house particularly cared.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Name: KayteAge: 29