Nicknames: None that she likes. She tolerates Bea or Tris.
Birthdate: August 15, 1867
Current Age: 22
Occupation: Lady's Maid to Ellory Lestrange
Reputation: 9
Family issues, including family debt and not getting along with her parents.Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor (Dropout by 1883)
Wand: Chestnut, 10", Reasonably supple, Dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Working
Oliver Young | Father | ----
Ami Young née Ng | Mother | ---
Bea is not close with either parents due to them pouring much of their attention at Edward. Their relationship hit rock bottom when she was forcibly taken out of Hogwarts to find work. She mostly avoids them when at home
Edward Young | Brother | 1861
Edward is the child that any parent would be luck to have. He was a kind, intelligent, hardworking and an Auror. The two siblings were quite fond of one another right until before she reached the age of 13. It was difficult for her to antagonize him and it infuriates her even more. She also can't quite accept that her brother has nothing to do with how their parents treat her and her sister.
Julia Young | Sister | 1874
One of the rare person in her life that receives true kindness from her. However that mostly stems from her sister being as unfortunate as she was.
Beatrice is built with a slim and dainty figure with an average height of 5 ft. and 1 in.
She has bright amber eyes, light but uneven complexion and pin straight ebony hair. She can be described as attractive. She has a limited amount of wardrobe but has a preference for wizarding robes however she does keep some muggle styled clothing for her occasional trips outside of Hogsmeade. Beatrice is right handed.
1867 | Beatrice is born as the second child to Mr. and Mrs. Young. The couple weren't expecting the birth of another child.
1868 - 1877| Beatrice was raised in relatively normal home in the nicer side of the London slum. Their mother was literate enough to teach her children the basics of reading and writing. However, it was obvious that her parents gives all of their attention to her brother. By 1877, the family moved to the slums of Hogsmeade as the muggle riots got more serious.
1874| Julia is born. She usually does not pay attention when she was a toddler but the two have a perfectly good relationship.
1872| Her brother goes to Hogwarts.
1878-1882| She is sent to Hogwarts. Her sorting took longer than usual as the hat couldn't decide between Slytherin and Gryffindor. If given another minute she would have been considered a hatstall. Ultimately she was sorted in Gryffindor.
For the first time, she realizes how wide the gap was between social classes. She attempts to befriend the girls that were well off since it felt like having them as friends will give her an advantage. Although she does not necessarily love them hanging out with them! The desire to be one of them grew. She also found herself mimicking the actions such as etiquette in hopes of one day she can fulfill an impossible dream and stand in equal footing with them. She also had a huge crush on one of her few male friends but nothing more as than close friendship came out of that.
While she was not as intelligent as those in Ravenclaw, she was praised by her professors by being skilled in Charms and Potions. The praises she received made her eager to study diligently. After some thought and council from her Head of House, she realizes that a career in healing might just be for her. In her third year, she took up Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Ghoul Studies for electives.
1879| Edward graduates from Hogwarts and enters Auror training.
1880|She was there to witness the instant rise to wealth by one of the first years in her house. Beatrice really wished that she belonged to the upper class. In some instances, she dreamed of being the lost daughter of a rich family as well.
1883| She only needed one more year for her OWLs. Even if it was not as a healer, she would be able to find a different career. She was also confident that she might earn a scholarship to get her through 7th year. Sadly, her parents were not as confident in her skills as she was. She was forced to give up her dreams.While her time at Hogwarts was up, that did not mean she wasn't allowed to learn on her own! She kept her brother's old school books in potions and charms. Her parents found her a job as a scullery maid for one of the rich families in Wellingtonshire.
1884| When she hits the age of 17, she finally is able to use magic again. She uses her free time to practice spells. She particularly becomes interested in hexes, memory related charms, poisons and sleeping potions.
1887| Her employers decided to migrate to America and dismissed the majority of their household, including her. Her father is in debt. She was able to get a new job at Twilfit & Tattings but left after a few months due to fight with one of the older employees. To the public it was a simple disagreement of opinions and beliefs turned big.
After that she worked for various magical odd jobs, majority of which needed for her to be discreet.
1890| She decides to take up the ad for a job as a maid for Claudius Lestrange as she needed a consistent income. To her surprise, her old friend Ellory Pendergast is the new Mrs. Lestrange! Beatrice was sick of being at the bottom of the hierarchy and sought out to rise immediately. She was quite familiar with how kind and naive Ellory was and was able to manipulate her into thinking that she was fit for the vacant position of Lady's maid. Mix in her tales of family drama which was incredibly exaggerated. Her mistress also pays for her short course on cosmetic techniques which she secretly enjoys doing.
Her new position entailed an increased salary and less cleaning but nonetheless she was still not satisfied. She wanted more.
Daring – Reckless – Observant – Two Faced – Charming – Manipulative – Self-Centered – Judgemental – Dreamer – Vengeful❧ A fantastic actress. She presents herself as a cheerful, hardworking and ditsy young lady but is the complete opposite when alone.❧Suffers from Inferiority complex
❧ A talent with making potions and charms.
❧ Very mediocre with majority of her duties as a Lady's maid. She only excels in hairdressing and cosmetics.
❧ Her boggart is her dead body.
❧Astrological sign: Leo
Age: 20