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Full Name: Montgomery Morales
Nicknames: Monty
Birthdate: March 22, 1863
Current Age: 25 Years
Occupation: Being Extra™; Smooth Criminal
Reputation: 4; Monty has never been convicted for any crimes but he is most definitely a shady individual.
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 10", pine, rigid, kelpie hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Family: Monty is estranged from his family.
Monty has dark hair and eyes. His heritage is hard to pinpoint and his skin is lightly tanned. He stands at an average five feet, seven inches and has a slim build. Monty is very conscious of his appearance and so does his best to always look his best. Flamboyant is definitely a term that can often applied to Monty. He is right handed.
1863 - Monty is born.

1866 - Monty shows his first signs of magic.

1870 - By the age of seven, Monty is already mostly on the streets, running small cons.

1874 - Monty goes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin. Academics prove to not be one of his strong suits.

1875 - Monty does not return to school and almost immediately turns to a life of crime as a means to survive in the world. He is pretty adept at it.

1877 - Monty joins a group of criminals that function as a sort of family for him.

1880 - Monty meets Kieran Abernathy and starts a dubious friendship with him. Things eventually lead to some physical fun.

1882 - Kieran discovers a group of revolutionaries and eventually, Monty begins attending meetings too. Mostly to be an annoyance but even so, he tends to be included by them which is nice, he supposes. It sometimes gets him free drinks anyway. Besides, they are all terribly entertaining.

1884 - There is a laughing plague in Hogsmeade. The leader of Montys crew was trapped within the quarantine and ended up contracting the plague and does not recover. Monty is chosen to replace his role.

1886 - Monty and his criminal crew run cons at the wizarding world market and enjoy the profits immensely.

1887 - There is a ban on half-breeds at Hogwarts which Monty doesn't care about. They do make great profit drafting up forged papers for desperate individuals though.

1888 - In March, Monty turns twenty five which he celebrates by crashing an uppity party.
Personality: Vain. Asshole. Selfish. Charismatic. Immoral. Hedonistic. Apathetic. Likes pretty things.
Other: - bisexual

Name: Kit
Age: 30
Contact: PM Roberto Devine
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