March 30, 2018 – 3:05 AM
Full Name: Harrison Bryant ShawNicknames: Harry
Birthdate: November 1st, 1855
Current Age: 32
Occupation: Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Reputation: 9 - While most of his family kept on the up and up his father did embarrassingly become a drunk and ran off. Thankfully he seems to have stayed away and not caused the family any more strife.
Residence: Hogwarts
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 13in Solid, Redwood with Dragon Heartstring
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Middle
Family: Clarissa & Reginald Shaw (Parents), Jeremy Shaw (Brother)
Appearance: Even with a quick, right wand hand and an athletic frame Harrison was still mostly known for his exceptional height. He was often made fun of it in school and it made him self-conscious, but one day as an adult at his full height of 6'2 he realized that some young ladies fancied a taller man. He came from a decent family and was afforded a decent sense of style. While never of the class to attend hunting weekends at large mansions, he did enjoy the style of dress men had for country sports and as an adult, he tends to mimic that in his daily life which is helped by his profession which gives him the luxury of spending most of his days outdoors. His sandy blonde hair is often messy after a day trekking the forest or teaching in the treacherous highlands, but the curls always seem to work for him and compliment his kind, hazel eyes. To put it in a phrase, Harrison is stylishly casual.
History: Harrison came from solid stock, some might say. Not the best, but a solid, middle-class stock of good, honest, pure-blooded wizarding people. His maternal grandmother had done well for himself, as he was a seer, and on more than one occasion profited off the successful enterprises of muggles after seeing their futures in his crystal ball. While able to raise his family up from the working class they were certainly never accepted by any of the old money. That said Clarissa inherited a good deal of money and when she met Harrison’s father it seemed a match made in heaven. For a while it was.
Harrison was born in his parent’s newly purchased home in Wick, in northernmost Scotland. He’s always credited his adoration for the outdoors to his childhood in such a distant and wild place. He roamed the hills every summer and trapped across ice lochs in the winter interacting with all manner of creature magical and not. He seemed to develop a gift early. His mother was a brilliant witch and herbologist who recognized and encouraged his explorations with natural magic, his father, however, never took to the new home so far north. He felt secluded and found comfort in fire whiskey…lots and lots of fire whiskey.
While they were always respectable family, the day Harrison’s father went missing was the day everyone began to whisper. He was known drunk, and in such a small town when a man leaves his family, everyone knows. Perhaps it was the mixed looks of pity and disgust that drove Harrison’s mother to move him and his younger brother to the larger town of Glasgow where her father had inexplicably bought a muggle factor and, out of which, his estate was somehow still receiving payments. Not as idyllic as Wick, she could blend in better and set herself and her two boys up as a well-off widow. It worked well enough, and people who doubted her story were often far too polite to question her so life went on without too much interruption until Harrison received his letter to Hogwarts.
Hogwarts changed his life. Of course, he enjoyed being back in rural Scotland, but the education, the eye-opening enlightenment was something he’d never experienced. He was sorted in Slytherin House which he was comfortable with and went on to become a pretty good student. He excelled in Potion, Herbology, and of course when he was old enough, Care of Magical Creature. Those three courses he also managed O's on for his NEWTs. CoMC became his favorite course and something he looked forward to turning to year after year. Additionally, he did love flying. While he never made it on the quidditch field there are few things that bring him as much joy as zooming across the open ocean on a beautifully made broomstick.
After graduation, he briefly considered joining the Ministry’s Magical Beast division, but his ideology aligned him to protecting a preserving rather than capturing and collecting wild things. So, encouraged by his mother and younger brother he headed off to America to work and train to be a magizologist. Which he did, and he did well. Harrison also found his love for Dragons and decided to specialize as a dragonologist.
For many years he worked quite happily overseas, but when his mother became ill last year it was serendipitous that a teaching job opened up at Hogwarts. He decided to take the position and move back to Scotland to be closer to his family. While Harrison lives at Hogwarts he has reacted his mother to Hogsmeade and Jeremy visits whenever he can. Harrison is excited to see where this new joinery takes him and he looks forward to once again roaming the halls of the institution that made him the man he was today.
Personality: Adventure-Seeker, Liberal, Curious, Excitable, Outspoken
Sample Roleplay Post: It was the best time of year on the island. The fall was breathtaking out here, the stark remoteness of it all. In town, the trees changed to deep colors of red, yellow, and vibrant orange. Out on the coast, the quickly chilling waters broke around monolithic boulders that dotted the island’s coastline. This was normally Harrison’s favorite time to be out in nature. This fall was different though…and it seemed, now, life would be different forever.
Harrison had always been a confident and competent wizard. He loved teaching as much as he loved the subject he taught. When he was tapped to be Deputy Headmaster he was nervous, but it turned out to be a relatively easy job that allowed him the freedom to continue to teach and pursue his passions outside the school. After the attack though, he wasn’t quite as confident as he was before. His predecessor was a good man, a well know and respected man who ran the school well, if not a bit conservatively. Yes, Harrison enjoyed and learned much in his role as Deputy Headmaster, but did he expect to be promoted so soon> Not at all. he didn’t see himself in the headmaster role for another thirty to forty years…minimum.
Th funeral of the former headmaster had concluded just hours ago and Harrison’s instatement as the new Headmaster of Ouroboros was just the next afternoon. Harrison had apparted out to Trident Point not long ago and he was waiting for a friend to arrive. He needed the support. The white caps were plentiful tonight as the north wind pushed down chopping the water violently just off the coast. A flock of gulls coasted in the wind just over the mountain ridge line that made this area of the beach much more secluded.
Harrison grew up on the island and knew everyone there, but as a kid, he didn’t have many friends. In fact, he really only had one friend, his cousin Atlanta. After the funeral, he’d sent her an owl asking her ti meet him here. This beach is where the always met as kids, it was their place. Always seclude and rarely occupied by anyone else, it was their inner sanctum. Harrison was panicking. He needed that inner sanctum again even though it had been over fifteen years since thy last convened there.
He pointed his wand at a gathered pile of driftwood and a moment later it was a roaring fire. He sat next to it and waited looking out over the flames at the sea before him, the sun steadily sinking lower towards the horizon. A cool wind blew in from behind him and he shivered. It had been a strange few weeks. A scary few weeks. As the shadows grew longer Harrison pulled his knees to his chest and drew closer to the fire. He could feel nothing would ever be the same. He also knew something was not right on the island. He needed an ally, and he needed her to get there quick!
Name: DukeAge: 28
Contact: Email
Other Characters: None
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