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I watched this video about spell making and it got me thinking. I have two characters who would experiment with it, Marcus and Seneca. Seneca also wants to create her own potions.

I assume that one would need an against the odds card to make their 7th year student create a spell of example.

So I was thinking, what if we had a system of moderated experimentation to have things threaded out?

Say that Seneca is experimenting with spell making. I have a thread with the NPC account where after each post I get a randomised result based on some modifiers.

Maybe I need to get a 1 in 100 number for it to work and the better modifiers I get the easier it becomes?

And if a player wants there can be risks of death or maiming depending on what they want to create.

I realize that this could prove too much hard work on staff but maybe members could get an experimentation thread once every X period of time? So if I finished a thread today I could request for another experimentation thread in 3 months again or something.

I just think it would be a fun way to thread out and work towards goals characters may have.
This doesn't answer your OOC questions, but IC the Ministry has the Committee on Experimental Charms - I've played a member there before and figured their job was to receive petitions about new spells, try them out, and then kick them back to the creator if there were too many side-effects/unintended consequences so they could keep refining them. Like I imagine there's a way to get your spell approved for general use and if you haven't passed that bar yet, you could get in trouble for teaching it to other people or using it in public/etc.

If mods want to do something like this OOC, there's a mechanic in D&D that might be useful: wild magic surges. Jack's playing a "wild mage" in his current game and it's basically a sorcerer who doesn't have control of their powers yet, so they have random acts of magic happen occasionally.