March 29, 2018 – 10:05 PM
Full Name: David Franklin PettigrewNicknames: Davey, Davey-boy
Birthdate: November 3, 1859
Current Age: 28
Occupation: Cursebreaker
Reputation: 9
He tends to think a bit liberally but isn’t overly vocal about it.Residence: Excalibur’s
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Holly, 11", Springy, Phoenix Feather
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Upper
Henrich Pettigrew [1831-1884] FatherAppearance: David would have the tall, dark and handsome thing down if he were more confident. However, he is not so he is simply tall, five foot eight to be exact, with dark brown hair that is more often than not in disarray. His eyes are also brown and quite basic in appearance. He boasts a strong jawline with a cleft chin. He’s on the lean side though with a decent amount of muscle built up. He tends to have a more bronzed complexion that is typical thanks to the majority of his time spent in warmer and more exotic climates. He only dresses in the finest of garb when society dictates it otherwise he opts for sturdy and worn work clothes that have often been patched up and mended several times over. He is ambidextrous though was originally right handed, or so he thinks.
Lucy Pettigrew née Carrow [1838] Mother
Thom Pettigrew [1855] Brother
-and family
Jane Prewett née Pettigrew [1856 – 1883] Sister
-and family
Albert Pettigrew [1858] Brother
Play-by: Alex Russell
1859: The third and final Pettigrew son is born later in the year. He’s loud and fussy and proves to be rather demanding at times.Personality: Reckless. Brash. Adventurous. Independent.
1864: After annoying Albert, he finds himself sporting a new color of hair thanks to his brother’s first signs of magic. He seems unphased by it. But then again, he’s not quite five at the time.
1866: Thom leaves for school and Albert apparently thinks that means he is the new boss. The household staff gets involved after one particularly nasty argument between the two of them and David shows his first signs of magic. Albert ends up sprouting two elongated front teeth and whiskers. David takes it upon himself to start calling his bossy older brother FooFoo as a result.
1867: Jane, the lone Pettigrew sister, leaves for school. David simply does his best to keep to himself as much as he can so he doesn’t have to deal with Albert. When he can, he’s out and about in the yard raising a ruckus. Climbing trees, trampling through the gardens. You name it, he did it or wrecked it. Bruises and scrapes were a common appearance on the young boy and even a few broken bones from time to time.
1869: Albert goes off to school and David couldn’t be any happier. His reckless and rebellious antics don’t lessen any now that he’s the only child at home though and he certainly gives his mother and the household staff a run for their money.
1871: It’s finally David’s turn to head off to school. He finds himself sorted into a house away from his brothers and ends up in Gryffindor! He is actually quite glad not to be in a house with Albert though is a bit bummed to not be sharing a house with Thom.
1873: Third year brings out plenty of changes. Thom is no longer at school and David sees a growth spurt that seems to draw attention from the ladies. It terrifies him and he ends up taking on three additional class, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures.
1875: Jane gets married! David is actually quite happy for her, having quite enjoyed spending time with her in the past, the one female other than their mother, that he can actually talk to without getting tongue tied or blushing like a fool. He also tries out for the Quidditch team on a whim and finds himself as the new Gryffindor Keeper!
1876: The end of his fifth year brings about OWLs. He does decently enough in the classes that really matter. Knowing full well his father would never allow him to play professional Quidditch despite the fact he’s rather quite good, he decides a career as a Cursebreaker is exactly what he wants. As a result, he keeps only the classes necessary for such a career: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Potions and Transfiguration. He also finds himself named Quidditch Captain, which adds a whole other level of prestige to his name and finds him being confronted with ladies even more. He manages to at least talk to them though is a bit of a failure beyond that point as he often ends up saying the most stupid of things. Gryffindor also fails to secure the Quidditch cup which is an awful disappointment for his first year as captain. Albert has also graduated so David’s now the lone Pettigrew brother at Hogwarts.
1877: Muggles find out about magic somehow and it causes an uproar. His father refuses to leave the house in Lancanshire behind and remains there. It’s of little consequence to David as he still has his final year of school to see to.
1878: David finishes up his final year of school in splendid fashion. With a year of hard work, his team sees victory and brings home the Quidditch Cup to Gryffindor! He revels in the glory for a time before boggling up his words and getting tongue tied in front of a girl he’d actually started to quite fancy. He botches his first kiss, with said girl, and ends up thoroughly embarrassing himself. He at least does quite well on all of his NEWTs and sees himself off to Gringotts to begin an Apprenticeship as a Cursebreaker. Meanwhile, Albert is taking a much more boring approach to adult life and continues as a clerk in the Ministry.
1880: After two years of apprenticing, David becomes a Cursebreaker. He manages to put off his first big job to remain in Hogsmeade long enough for Thom’s wedding. He isn’t able to linger long after, however, and sees himself traveling off to Africa for a job where he remains for a few weeks.
1881: David gets a niece! He brings back a little stuffed animal for her from Australia, where his latest job had taken him, though he doesn’t get back home for a couple months after. Albert continues to be boring and becomes a junior lawyer.
1883: With death comes rebirth. Jane dies in childbirth but David hears of it through letter as he’s away on a job in Rome. Later that year, Thom welcomes a son. David comes back shortly after his nephew’s birth with a stick pony for the boy. Clearly not of an age to use it, David gifts it to him anyways.
1884: The year of the plague sees plenty of change. David’s father dies of the laughing plague and Thom’s wife follows suit. Luckily, their mother manages to pull through but she seems a bit off following the events of that year. Thom closes up the family home following the plague. Albert is most put out by it whereas David doesn’t mind really. He’s hardly at home as it is so decides to simply let a room at Excalibur’s when he is in town.
1885: Albert gets even more boring and becomes an actual lawyer. Boring and safe seems to be the epitome of his brother.
1886: Thom marries a young woman surrounded by bad juju. David isn’t actually there for that wedding though. David is still galavanting around the world doing his cursebreaker thing and, quite honestly, loving it.
1888: Albert goes on to work with the research committee. Boring, still. Meanwhile, one of David’s frequent partners at work and original mentor, catches on that David has yet to ever properly kiss a woman. He’s actually only ever had the one rather awkward and failure of a kiss back in his seventh year of school two decades ago! He takes it upon himself to introduce David into a lifestyle of pleasure. He takes him to a brothel while they’re on a job in India. David balks and flees once he realizes just what kind of establishment he’s been brought into. It’s the beginning of a long mission from his mentor. #missiongetdaveylaid
Needless to say, David is still a virgin. He lives his life recklessly and dangerously when it comes to the job but avoids women if and when possible.
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