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Full Name: Hortense Ambrosia Selwyn
Nicknames: Tensy
Birthdate: November 3rd, 1877
Current Age: Twelve Years
Occupation: First Year
Reputation: 8. Although Hortense has done nothing to warrant rumors, her family's reputation has been marred by bastards, rumors of adultery, and questionable family ties.
Residence: Selwyn Family Manor in Wales
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Pine, 12 inches, Unicorn hair, Bendy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
----- Selwyn, Father [18XX]
Ambrosia Selwyn (née -----), Mother [1856]
----- Selwyn, Brother [187X]
----- Selwyn, Brother [18XX]

Many more, but far fewer who she acknowledges in every day conversations.
Hortense has always been average. She has a pretty enough face, but not one that would catch the attention of onlookers. She is short still at four feet, eleven inches, but has the potential to grow a few more inches by adulthood. She has a small, skinny frame that still has yet to show any symptoms of womanhood, and has always looked a year or two younger than she is. Her hair and eyes are both brown. She wields her wand with her right hand.
1877 | Hortense is born the second legitimate child and daughter of the Selwyns. She is doted upon by nurse and nanny, and altogether has an uneventful first year of life.

1878-1881 | Her mother gives birth to another child, this time a little boy. Hortense does not take the task of older-sistering lightly, and is very protective of the boy despite how little attention he seems to get from their parents. When with the nanny, she always takes time to include him in her games, even if he seems too little to participate. She does not, however, include her elder brother, who is quick to lose his temper and quit their games.

1881 | Hortense begins her early education alongside her elder and younger brother, but does not show much of an interest in academics. She is, however, eager to learn her manners and society's strict rules, hoping to avoid corrective sessions with her governess. Even by this point in her life, Hortense has taken to infantilising herself around the home to avoid being dragged into conflict.

1884 | Hortense shows her first sign of magic during a game with her siblings and newfound cousins. After being yelled at for accusing another player of cheating, she up and vanishes for the rest of the afternoon. Three hours later she is found stuck on a tree branch by the estate's gardener and is helped down.

1887 | As her tenth birthday approaches, Hortense becomes more aware of the disreputable behavior her family—specifically her father—has exhibited and begins to understand how it may affect her future. Instead of voicing her concerns, she does what good little girls do: keep quiet and record her thoughts, complete with a ten-year plan, in a diary.

1889 | Hortense begins her Hogwarts education by unsurprisingly being sorted into Slytherin. She rather wishes the hat would've considered her bold enough for Gryffindor, witty enough for Ravenclaw, or kind enough for Hufflepuff; there are far too many Selwyns in Slytherin, anyways. While she struggles through her academic classes, she takes great joy in extracurriculars.
Observant. Cautious. Unassuming. Purposefully gives off an air of naivety. Acts younger than her age around her elders. Independent. Avoids drama. Diplomatic. A survivor.
Name: Bree
Age: 20
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