January 28, 2020 – 10:05 PM
Full Name: Fern Hays
Nicknames: none
Birthdate: January 20, 1875
Current Age: 15 Years
Occupation: Maid at the Painted Lady
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Social Class: Working-class
Nicknames: none
Birthdate: January 20, 1875
Current Age: 15 Years
Occupation: Maid at the Painted Lady
6: Spent a stint of time living in an orphanage and before that, London, though she refuses to talk about London or anything that happened before coming to Hogsmeade. She now works as a maid. Technically, she has done nothing wrong but well, people talk.Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: MugglebornBlackthorn wood. Dragon Heartstring. Ten Inches Even. Springy.
Social Class: Working-class
A handful of working-class muggles. None that quite matter to her. As far as she is concerned, she is never going to see them again and therefore they might as well not exist. If anyone asks, she either makes up a story or simply refuses to answer.Appearance:
Sort in stature, she is easy to look over in a crowd, at 15, she is forced to settle with her final hight. The only thing particularly eye-catching about her is her mane of curly hair, though it is normally kept tightly bound and relatively short for the time period. Her eyes are only a few shades lighter a brown than her hair, both so dark from a distance they might easily appear black. She is thin and willowy, though mostly this spouts from her lack of proper nutrition than a natural build.History:
She keeps her appearance well-kept with clothes clean and as pressed as one can expect from cleaning most of the day and dress mostly in muggle fashion, though prefers wizarding fashion. She is right-handed.
Personality:ChildhoodBorn the second youngest of a handful of children, Fern was born under the name Phyllis Rodgers. Attention from her parents was scarce as they spent most of their time away at work and for the most part, she was raised by her siblings who were too young to yet be at the workhouses themselves. This lasted a short while until she too was sent to work as young as they would take her. At five she worked in a fabric factory, charged with miscellaneous jobs until she grew big enough to work the machines herself. Often she was charged with carrying water used to cool the machines or reaching into tight sports to make repairs.
Phyllis was seven when the odd things started to happen. Things would move or go missing. Enough to worry her parents but nothing to point back to her until one day when she got angry at the workhouse and sent a host of buttons flying at their overseer. The Ministry was called in to do damage control - memory wipe the muggles - and explain the situation to her parents back home.
Unwilling to care for, as her parents put it, 'a being possessed by the devil', she was surrendered to the Ministry where she was promptly placed in an orphanage in Hogsmeade. She takes this opportunity to rename herself. If the Rodgers were unwilling to have anything to do with her, she will shed anything they had ever given her, including her name. She refuses to answer to anything but her new self given name, Fern Hays.
The Magical OrphanageAt first, she thought things would be better at the orphanage, but she quickly saw just how wrong that was. Poor management and corruption led to the children being underfed and the matron being underequipped to deal with them. Eventually, she found she could earn a bit of pocket change by running letters and packages across town. Though her money was stolen a few times by the older children, she managed to save up a few cents here and there.
Enough to scrap by supplies for her one year of government-funded education at Hogwarts. Everything is probably at least third-hand, including her wand, but it does the trick, and anything outdated, she convinces a dormmate to share with her. Her tenure at Hogwarts is only a year, but the food alone was worth the effort to scrounge up money for supplies. With proper nutrition, she shoots up a few inches and puts on enough weight to no longer look like skin and bones. The weight, however, doesn't last too long, as she is right back to the orphanage with no second-year insight. Her grades simply weren't good enough to get a scholarship. Due to her lack of prior education, she struggled with both writing and reading and a lack of support meant she couldn't keep up with her governess educated classmates.
She picks up a job now at the Hogsmeade Ballroom as a kitchen maid, and while it isn't putting that much money in her pockets, it is far more than she ever made delivering odds and ends. She works here for a year before finding employment elsewhere.
The Painted LadyAt thirteen, she moves from being the ballroom's kitchenmaid to finding a post as a maid at the Painted Lady. It isn't really much increase in wages, but at least she isn't chopping carrots all day. She finds she quickly enjoys this far better than her past post and highly enjoys talking to her coworkers, or at least the ones that bother to speak to the child. But it is enough to make her happy. After a few years, she has made enough to buy herself her own wand and move out of the orphanage and now lives in an apartment with several other women.
Resorceful. Go-Getter. Distrustful. Self-centered. Energetic. Moralistic.
Name: NicholeAge: 19