January 24, 2020 – 1:30 PM
Full Name: Lyre Edmond CarrowNicknames: —
Birthdate: June 13th, 1862
Current Age: Twenty-Seven Years
Occupation: Unspeakable
Reputation: 10.
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Alumnus ('80)
Wand: Silver lime, 10 inches, Dragon heartstring, Inflexible
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Aldrich Carrow, Father [1828] | Lyre has always resembled his father in looks, personality, and ambition, but the two have never agreed uupon what direction that ambition should take. While Aldrich values outward displays of influence and power, Lyre prefers to stay in the shadows.Appearance:
----- Carrow (née -----), Mother [184X] | Lyre is very fond of his mother, but would be even more fond of her if she didn't ask so many questions she knows he can't answer.
Lyndon Carrow, Brother [1864] | The two brothers have never had much of a rivalry, but their different paths in life has made Lyre completely indifferent to him.
Maida ----- (née Carrow), Sister [1868] | The picture perfect image of a high society wife. Married to a respectable gentleman with one child and another one the way, there is nothing at all suspicious about her. Yet.
Isolda Carrow, Sister [1870] | A pretty girl, and a smart one, too, but one who struggles to stand by her values in the face of conflict. She is a people-pleaser—a trait that has earned her a great deal of scorn from her family. She blames her failed seasons on her nerves.
Lyon Carrow, Brother [1870-1874] | Died at the early age of four under mysterious circumstances. Lyre misses him sometimes, but knows better than to ask questions.
Idina Carrow, Sister [1872] | Quiet and inquisitive, Indina knows she must marry, but does not believe she is well-suited for domestic life. She does not look forward to the Season, and secretly desires something of a whirlwind romance rather than the stressful (and often boring) reality of courtship.
Lyre has always stood out from the crowd. He's unusually tall at six feet even and has a slim figure. It used to be a source of insecurity (especially before he filled out), but now he's perfectly content towering above his colleagues. With vanity being one of the few flaws he'll admit to, Lyre always dresses impeccably, styles his medium-brown hair in accordance with current fashion, and does not waste money on "flashy" accessories. He commonly wears work robes, and if not, a suit.History:
One of his most distinct features is his long nose that is just slightly crooked from a series of poorly-performed spells to fix a broken nose that left it permanently amendable. He wields his wand with his left hand, and always holds his wand in a decorative handle—his one splurge.
1862 | After a relatively easy pregnancy and labor, Aldrich Carrow and his wife welcome a healthy baby boy. Lyre is doted upon by mother and nurse, and even his father at times despite Aldrich's insistence that he wants nothing to do with the child until he can talk.Personality:
1864 | The Carrows welcome another child, a second son they name Lyndon. At the young age of two, Lyre has few opinions of him. He does not worry about sharing the spotlight; his nanny gives him all the attention he needs (and even more when he gets fussy, which he does. Frequently.)
1867 | Lyre shows his first sign of magic at age five. After his favorite quidditch team loses, Lyre has a meltdown at the quidditch pitch that causes the snacks of those around him to fly higher and higher into the air as his screams get louder. Once his mother manages to sooth him, the snacks come falling down—on everyone.
1868 | Maida Carrow is born the first daughter in the family. She is pampered by her mother accordingly, and dressed in the most ridiculous outfits. Lyre cannot stand to be around her. Not at first. As the first year progresses, he grows more protective of her, especially when the extended family begins fawning over her. Maida is his sister, not theirs!
1870 | The twins are born. It's a little annoying because now he shares a room with Lyndon, and his mother almost never pays him any attention. On the bright side, his father seems to be coming around more often—sometimes to take him on a trip to London, sometimes to quidditch matches, but more frequently to play with the children of some of his work friends.
1872 | Idina is born after a rough pregnancy and birth, which convinces his parents to stop reproducing. Now old enough to appreciate his baby sister, Lyre takes to playing peek-a-boo and other baby games with her in the afternoons while their mother has visitors.
1873 | Lyre receives his Hogwarts letter and goes off to school in September. He is sorted into Ravenclaw (a bit of a surprise, since his parents assumed he'd be Slytherin) and quickly finds a group of friends from families that align with his family's values. He is not the most popular student, but excels in his academics and takes pleasure in extracurricular activities that allow him to explore magic they haven't yet learned.
1874 | An owl from the family estate brings the unexpected news of his little Lyon's death. Saddened and alarmed by the fact that neither of his parents' letters seem to offer a solid explanation, he continues asking for answers until the day of the funeral when he's told that it was a sudden illness that took him—a cause of death that is not supported by the facts he extracted from the letters. Even the time of death doesn't line up! He confronts his father with his concerns, only to be yelled at for the first time in his adolescent life. He doesn't ask anymore questions.
1875 | He adds three electives at the beginning of his third year: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Earth Magic. All three subjects help quench his thirst for knowledge, at least for a bit.
1876 | While snooping around the family estate one rainy summer afternoon, Lyre enters the basement and is caught by his father seconds before he meets the same fate as Lyon. He is told to never, under any circumstances, go through the door of the basement; it is laced with a near dozen protection spells, including curses that could cause "great bodily harm or even death to a child". He puts the pieces together himself, though unfortunately can't figure out what was behind the door.
1877 | Lyre is appointed Ravenclaw prefect. The family moves to Hogsmeade in the winter, where Lyre spends most of his Christmas vacation unpacking and organizing his things to his liking.
1878 | Lyre takes his OWL examinations and aces nearly every exam. Faced with no choice but to cut his course load, he continues into his sixth year with seven classes: Herbology, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy. He toys with the idea of curse-breaking as a profession, but knows the career would not be a lucrative one nor one accepted by his family. He settles on becoming an Unspeakable.
1880 | Lyre graduates and joins the Ministry when his NEWT results come in. The one downfall of his position is that he's unable to share the wealth of knowledge he gains with his friends and family, but greatly enjoys the hours of research he's tasked with for various assignments.
1884 | Much to his dismay, Lyre is trapped inside the quarantine zone when the laughing plague breaks out and is eventually infected. He recovers before reaching the final stages, and leaves the whole ordeal with a newfond interest in plagues and death in general.
1885 | Lyre moves out of his family's home and into his own flat in London. He enjoys his privacy a little too much and, knowing his tendency to shut himself off from the world if given the chance, begins going to the pub with a few school friends a few nights a week.
1887 | Maida gets married and is with child before the year is out.
1888 | Isolda graduates from school and spends her first season embarrassing herself. Lyre loves his sister, but would rather see her married off in an arrangement than continue making a mockery of her name.
1889 | Lyre sustains minor injuries in the Ministry event at the end of the year, but recovers quickly and returns to work to do damage control.
Traditional, but not snobbish. Prejudiced, but not loud about it. Introverted. Private. Charming when he needs to be, but will avoid situations where it's necessary to put on that mask. Level-headed. Does not like chaos for the sake of chaos. Studious. Observant. Suspicious of people who are too friendly too quickly. Very quick to judge; he either likes someone immediately or dislikes them immediately. Prideful. Scornful of people who break societal norms.Other:
— Apart from his native English, Lyre knows French, written Latin, and runic cuneiform.
— Despite believing Divination as a school subject is worthless, Lyre has researched it to supplement his research into death and the afterlife. He now knows the basics of dream interpretation, numerology, and cartomancy, though does not regularly utilize that knowledge except to interpret symbolism in old texts.
Name: BreeAge: 20