January 23, 2020 – 2:32 AM
Full Name: Eloise Lou Belby née PhillipsNicknames: Lulu, Lou
Birthdate: January 22nd, 1854
Current Age: 36
Occupation: Arithmancer & Author
Reputation: 5 divorced by a werewolf
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand:9” laurel, unicorn hair, wispy
Blood Status: halfblood
Social Class: middle
Cyrus Westerman [1852] formerly Ephriam Belby, werewolf-ex-husband
Aria Belby [1874] daughter
Archer Belby [1877] son
Ailsa Fraser née Phillips [1842] sister, lingerie designer -- and family
Laurel Potts née Phillips [1842] sister, owner The Florist Potts -- and family
Heather --- née Phillips [1845] sister -- and family
Bianca --- née Phillips [1850] sister-- and family
Cygnus Belby [1818] father-in-law
Antiope Belby née Westerman [1828] mother-in-law
Isaiah Belby [1855] brother-in-law -- and family
Iris Cattermole née Belby [1860] sister-in-law -- and family
Major Belby [1864] brother-in-law
Begonia Belby [1867] Sister-in-law
Appearance: Standing at a slightly-taller-than-normal-but-not-entirely-weird 5’3”, Eloise is a slim figure that has only rounded out thanks to carrying and having children. Warm brown eyes are set in a sweet face, framed by auburn locks. Age and stress have left their marks, but Lou does her best to keep her expression on the bright side, even these days. She dresses modestly in soft colors and is right-handed.
History: January 22nd, 1854 | Eloise becomes the last daughter and final child to a father who desperately wanted a boy. Whoops. She is a quiet and docile child, not overly demanding or social.
CHILDHOOD She takes quickly to her studies once they are introduced and finds both reading and arithmetic quite enjoyable. The former she prefers to do for fun, the latter really enthralls her. Around age seven she displays her first show of magic, making a beloved book float off a shelf in the library right into her arms. Lulu, as she’d been dubbed by her older sisters, sees them go off to Hogwarts one at a time, graduating and then it is finally her turn to attend.
HOGWARTS September of 1865 sees her sorted into Ravenclaw, like some of her sisters before her. Though she has never been as tight with her sisters as the rest of them seem to be, she’s proud to share something with them.
Just as she had in her early education, Lou excelled quickly in things that interested her. In the others, like potions, not so much. In her third year she adds Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, both vying for her favorite subject. Being ever the Ravenclaw, though she does not always enjoy all of her subjects, she does want to do well in them, so by fifth year, she’s acquired a tutor in Ephriam Belby. In his seventh year, Eloise quickly becomes attached, falling prey to those ridiculous romance novels she adamantly refuses to admit to reading. She falls hard and fast, and it seems Ephriam is just as interested, so they two exchange letters over the summer and she vows to wait for him to get established so they can take things further.
Tragedy strikes when her father passes away during her seventh year (1872). Heartbroken, at least her mother wants to see her happy, allowing Eloise to wed Ephriam in a quiet ceremony.
MARRIAGE AND MOTHERHOOD Marriage suits Eloise well, she continues to dabble in Arithmancy, writing articles and papers here and there, working on publishing a book on the subject. Ephriam is doing well at the hospital and she is thrilled when he returns home each evening. Eloise gives birth to a daughter, Aria in 1874 and then a son, Archer, in 1877. Motherhood is definitely not an easy task, but Lou steps up and manages, thankful for Ephriam’s every move along the way. She was so grossly smitten and content with life, of course couldn’t last.
That fateful night in that caused her world to come crashing down around her happened in 1883 when her beloved husband was attacked by a werewolf, scarcely making it out alive and forever changed by the incident. Ephriam was now a wolf himself and though Eloise, begged, pleaded and promised to stand by him, he insisted they divorce to save her further heartache, but she was already shattered by the very thought of it. Everything changed then. The once vibrant woman become more of a shell, keeping her public face one of a calm facade, unphased by the hand she’d been dealt, but in private, she was lost. Even around the children, she managed to keep herself reserved and if it weren’t for the love, acceptance and support of her own family. Eloise would have surely drowned.
Thankfully she was able to publish two texts on her favorite subject that continue to sell well enough to support her and the children, both of whom now attend Hogwarts, leaving her home alone, her own aging mother her only company in their small London flat. THe silence is deafening, but she manages as best she can, books and numbers keeping her sane as much as ever.
Personality: OUTWARDLY: calm, collected, approachable, caring.
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: insecure, pessimistic, bitter
Name: BeeAge: 33