December 16, 2019 – 8:35 PM
Full Name: Annabeth Wren JenningsNicknames: Anna, Ann, Annie, Beth
Birthdate: January 3, 1865
Current Age: 24 Years
Occupation: Teacher at the Irvingly School
Reputation: 8
While overall perfectly acceptable in both her own character and that of her family name - other than her sister's tendency to lose fiancés - she has developed a reputation for being just a little spacy and obsessive in both muggle and magic circles.Residence: Irvingly
Hogwarts House: None
While she was never allowed to attend Hogwarts, and therefor never sorted, she has sorted herself based on Robert, Brendan, and Nat's stories of their school. As such she considers herself a Slytherin, though she has considered a Ravenclaw as well. However, being unofficial, and her perspective disturbed by the second hand, this should be taken with a grain of salt.Wand: None
Blood Status: Muggle
Social Class: Middle Class
Cecil Jennings. Father, university professor, b. 1829Appearance:
Brielle Jennings née O'Shaughnessy. Mother, muggle socialite, b. 1836
- Brendon Jennings. brother, wizard, b, 1855
- Robert Jennings. brother, wizard, b. 1858
- James Jennings. brother, muggle, b. 1860
- Nathalie Jennings. sister, witch, b. 1861
History:Now that she is fully grown she stands at a simple five foot two and a bit and lacks any sort of womanly curves but is rather thin and lanky and all limbs. Still, she does have a slight chest - which she often makes more dramatic with the help of corsets, that as an added bonus, give her the illusion of faint curves as well. She wears more shapely corsets for balls than she does day to day wear. Her face matches her body, with stark angles and hollow cheeks. Dirty blonde almost brown hair, thin and whispy, it refuses to hold more than the slightest wave. Grey eyes set off the look. She is right-handed.
Personality:1865 | The second daughter and youngest child is born to Cecil and Brielle Jennings, however, unknown to all but her mother, she is only the second blood child of Cecil along with her brother James.
1866 | While a one and a half year old Annabeth has little comprehension of the events, her eldest brother goes off to boarding school.
1867 | At two years old, her idea of magic is limited to believing that her brother was going off to play with fairies and unicorns like the muggle books paint magic to be. Even young she develops an obsession with magic. Every bedtime story must have magic and she loves the tales Steve tells whenever he comes home. When Nat shows signs of magic, all she can express is child-like joy, giggling away and when James panics, she can't understand why.
1869 | Robert is off to Hogwarts now as well and the concept of having another sibling off at mysterious castle school sends her obsession to a point and the four-year-old spends her days trying to force magic out of herself.
1871 | This is the year her youngest brother would have gone off to schooling but a letter never comes for him, much to his happiness. This idea panics her as she too has not yet shown any signs of magic like her sister and brothers and she is now in the age range in which most of her siblings showed magic if they did.
1873 | Brendon graduates from school and states a healing internship in a magical hospital and after summer her sister is off as well, leaving her alone with her magic fearing brother and nonmagical parents. Her attempts to produce magic grow even more dramatics as she faces the years counting down.
1875 | Robert graduates and with only one more year till she should get her letter, she gets angsty and her attempts to force herself to produce magic reaches a new level of desperation in ways that often injure herself and she requires constant supervision.
1876 | Throughout the summer, Annabeth waits for a letter that never comes and when the Hogwarts year rolls around and Nat goes off to school without her, it is like a slap in the face. She wasn't accepted. In her desperation she writes the headmaster multiple times, only to receive no reply each time.
1877 | The lack of magic in her causes a fight between herself and her sister and while the two were once close Ann's anger tears them apart. While she was closest to Nat, she drifts away from the rest of her siblings as well, turning bitter as her whole life's dream had been taken from her. She would never see the castle or have a wand. She was to be normal and normal she will be. She scorns off magic and she resigns herself to continue her lessons with the governess she had been taking after age seven for another seven years.
1878 | Something sparks her interest and she finds herself fascinated with muggle science, coming to view it as a replacement for her all-consuming desire to possess her own magic. Muggle science is magic. The human body, in particular, seems to fascinate her.
1880 | At this point, she has started to repair her relationship with her second eldest brother, Robert, and has become quite close to James once she scorned magic. Nat graduates from schooling and moves back home to make her appearance into society and while she still does not get along that well with her the return sparks her old fascination with magic after almost five years. The sudden appearance of her interest causes a shift in dynamics with her siblings and suddenly she and James no longer see eye to eye and their relationship suffers.
1881 | Tragedy strikes when Nat's muggle love dies and once she has accepted the loss, she starts an internship in the same general field as Steve, healing. Even though she does not quite like her sister still, Annabeth finds herself attempting to widdle stories out of them both of the things they see, fully aware now that magic isn't fairies and unicorns.
1882 | At this time she has learned enough about wizarding families and science that she starts to doubt her siblings' parentage. If Cecil had any hit of magic they would have all gotten it, right? There were more magical children than not, which was just statistically unlikely. Meaning it isn't her fault she doesn't have magic, but her mother's and her likely affair in who had produced all her children but herself and James. Still, unwilling to wreak their family, she says nothing about her mother's sleeping habits.
1883 | Deemed done with her governess sponsored lessons, she makes her way into society, and one of the first large balls she is to attend is the family's Saint Patrick's day ball. Set doesn't put much effort into networking as she has gotten the idea in her head that she wants to marry a wizard. If she marries a muggle, she never see the magic world again.
1885 | While she sabotaged her own pursuers, her sister seems to just have genuinely bad luck when it comes to the opposite sex as a week before her wedding, the groom-to-be runs away with his butler. A little bit after, Nat and Brendon move to a town where muffled and wizards both live and she knows that is where she needs to go to fetch a wizard husband.
1887 | While it takes almost two years of convincing to both parties, she is finally allowed to move in with Brendon and Nat, completing part one of her plan. Still, within months she finds herself in a bit of a roadblock. Magical parties tended to restrict their attendee's to those with magic. The only way she ever finds herself attending a magical party is if Brendon or Nat allow her to tag along and the two both work during the day so she finds herself highly bored.
1888 | Halfway through the school year, she picks up a job working as a teacher in the local schoolhouse. The prior had to retire due to marriage. This gives her something to do during the day while her siblings work and she finds herself actually enjoying it. She never knew she liked children that much.
Intelligent. Obsessive. Cheerful. Caring. Passionate. Emotional. Over-invested. Hopeless Romantic. Act first, think later. Daydreamer. Snarky.Sample Roleplay Post:
Name: NicholeAge: 19