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Full Name: Zipporah Catherine Farley
Nicknames: Zippy
Birthdate: August 30th, 1869
Current Age: 20 years old
Occupation: Debutante
Reputation: 8
The Farley family, whilst purebloods, are viewed by some as blood traitors and rather eccentric. Although generally respectable, Zipporah does nothing to challenge this point of view.
Residence: Tutshill, England
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Black walnut, 13 ¼", single phoenix tail feather, unyielding
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle class
Ikenna "Ken" Farley | Father | 18xx
Bess Farley née _____ | Mother | 18xx
Solomon Farley | Brother | 1861
Delilah Farley | Sister | 1864
Jemima Farley | Sister | 1872
Noah Farley | Brother | 1874
Standing at 5'2", Zipporah often worries that her appearance and slender build contribute to people believing that she's younger than she truly is. She has what can only be described as a baby face, with soft, slightly rounded features and an almost-constant huge smile. Like the rest of the Farley family, she has dark skin and thick dark hair, which can be unruly so is usually just styled rather simply. Her fashion is strongly influenced by Muggle trends, although sometimes she can get these a little off and end up looking quite silly. She is left-handed.
1869 | Zipporah is born to Ikenna and Bess Farley, a younger sister for Solomon and Delilah. Five years her sister's junior, this will eventually develop into her not feeling as close to her elder siblings as to her younger.

1872 | The little time that Zipporah has with her elder brother is cut once more, as he ventures off to Hogwarts and has significantly less time to see his little sisters. Thankfully, his presence is replaced before very long when Jemima is born. Zipporah learns quickly, though, that infants are much less fun to play with than she assumed. She'll have to wait for Jemima to grow up a little.

1874 | A younger brother, Noah, is born. Zipporah has more memories of this birth than she did of Jemima's. At least Jemima has gotten to an age where Zipporah can play with her a little more now, although Jemima is much more conscious of following their parents' commands to the letter.

1875 | Delilah leaves to go to Hogwarts. Zipporah finds that she rather enjoys being the eldest of the children who are most in the house.

1877 | The events of 1877 pass well over Zipporah's head, although all the uproar makes her both confused and curious. She spends more time listening to her parents' conversations about Muggles than she had before, and finds she actually rather enjoys the discussions.

1878 | With her parents advocating for a Muggle-centric education to supplement what the children's governess is teaching them, Zipporah finds her interest in them growing more and more. She begins to do her own research independently of her teachings, and finds Muggle objects that fascinate her. Her parents may not appreciate the fact that they ended up broken, but she just wanted to see how they worked, she swears!

1880 | The time has finally come to go to Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat takes its time with her, before deciding on Ravenclaw. Initially, Zipporah is a little shocked - she'd assumed she would be a Hufflepuff - but upon reflection Ravenclaw makes much more sense.

1881 | Making friends is rather difficult when all you want to do is talk about Muggles all the time (her obsession still not dampening), but at least Zipporah is doing excellently in all of her classes. She's always been a rather smart girl, so it's not too much of a surprise.

1882 | Picking electives is hard. Muggle Studies is a must, naturally, but picking what else to study is a decision that takes Zipporah a long time. In the end, she settles for Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures.

1884 | Jemima joins her at Hogwarts. Given she's sorted into Hufflepuff, the two don't have as much interaction as Zipporah thought they might, but it's still better than the miles of separation.

1885 | Zipporah excels in her OWLs, achieving Es and Os in all of her subjects. She selects Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, History of Magic, Transfiguration, Charms and Potions to continue with at NEWT level.

1886 | Noah becomes the last Farley to head to Hogwarts.

1887 | Zipporah graduates with no grade below an E, as expected. For a long time, she'd been debating whether or not to go into a profession - after all, she has the grades for it. In the end, she decides not to - she would really much rather be a debutante and have the time to herself to work on her inventions.

1888 | It's really rather ridiculous that wizards are so incapable of living like Muggles for a little while - heck, Zipporah actively enjoys doing so sometimes! Nevertheless, the fog has basically no impact on her life.

1889 | The year has flown by with pretty much no courting and definitely no marriage proposal. Maybe people will soon cotton on to the fact that Zipporah doesn't really care about the whole debutante business.

To sum her up in one word, Zipporah is weird. She's obsessed with Muggles almost as much as her parents are, and actively enjoys dismantling Muggle inventions in order to see how they work, reassemble them and even improve them. She's enthusiastic and loyal, and a little like a golden retriever in temperament. She can ignore rules in order to do what best fits her schemes, but she tries never to hurt anyone or get in serious trouble.
Sample Roleplay Post:
"Fascinating..." Zipporah murmurs. In her hands, there's a now-unrecognisable example of Muggle technological advancement. She's been tinkering, and really looks rather unladylike, with her hair gone astray and dirt all over her clothes. But this is a Zipporah who's in her natural environment, and she doesn't much care for what anyone thinks of her. Or, at least, she thinks she doesn't.

With all of this taken into account, it's clear that Zipporah wasn't expecting the intruder who's managed to interrupt her private time. She spins around quickly, holding the object behind her back. Because that's clearly extremely subtle. She beams at the interloper, doing her best to appear completely innocent. Almost immediately, though, the facade falls. Zipporah's smart enough to know when she's been busted, and she rather reluctantly pulls the object out to show the other, even without prompting.

"Muggles are such creative people, don't you think?" She says rather enthusiastically. "They live a life without magic and yet they can somehow come up with concepts like this. I find it quite amusing, don't you? You'd think that, with magic, we'd have worked out how to make things like this by now, and yet it's completely unique to the Muggles. They're so quaint, it's fascinating!"
Name: AJ
Age: 18
Contact: PM, Discord if you have it
How did you hear about us?: Saved in my bookmarks ages ago, I don't remember where from originally, but past-AJ clearly had great taste~
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