October 4, 2019 – 5:44 AM
Full Name: William BroomheadNicknames: —
Birthdate: January 14th, 1861
Current Age: Twenty-Eight Years
Occupation: Being Division Employee
Reputation: 9. His reputation may have remained unscathed, but his reserved and altogether asocial personality has garnered the attention of society.
Residence: North Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Alumnus ('79)
Wand: Birch, 13 inches, Unicorn hair, Bendy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Thomas Broomhead, Father [1831-1883]Appearance:
Anna Broomhead (née -----), Mother [1834]
Thomas Broomhead II, Brother [1855]
Emma ----- (née Broomhead), Sister [1857]
Louisa Broomhead, Sister [1859]
Harry Broomhead, Brother [1864]
Eliza Broomhead, Sister [1874]
Four aunts, two uncles, and a notable pair of paternal cousins who work with Thomas II.
History:There are some things about William that are undeniably plain; there are other things that are not. He is of average height and weight, standing at a mere five feet, seven inches tall. There is nothing expressive about his face, although some have described his resting expression as "solemn". He has unremarkable brown eyes and an unblemished complexion. His most notable feature is his hair—more specifically, the way it curls. Once described as "unmanly", William's hair is now one of the few traits people care to compliment him on. Surprisingly, William has an eye for fashion and tries to blend in with other gentlemen his age when possible. He wields his wand with his right hand.
1861 | Thomas and Anna Broomhead, a handsome couple of reasonable means with three children already, decide that there is—for some reason—a need for a fourth. William is born just months before Thomas would sell his broomstick manufacturing methods, spells and all, to a wealthy American businessman for a solid sum that would solidify his family's place in the middle class. The family would move to a nicer home in a better part of London, where Thomas would continue creating his own broomsticks and broomstick products to build wealth.Personality:
1864 | A three-year-old William finds no joy when newborn Harry Broomhead is welcomed into the family. He is pushed to recklessness in an attempt to "win" his mother's attention, but only receives a firm talking-to from his father about damaging his workshop supplies.
1866 | Thomas II goes off to Hogwarts, and five-year-old William couldn't care less. It would be another four years before William thought to ask his brother which house he was sorted into.
1867 | His sixth birthday brings his first sign of magic, which just so happens to be his first act of purposeful kindness. When William accidentally flings a piece of cake onto poor Emma's dress, she begins to cry. Overwhelmed with guilt, he magics away the mess—both cake and stain!
1868 | When Emma goes off to Hogwarts in the summer, William does feel the loss. At that point, he considered Emma his favorite sibling; he makes her promise to write to him every week, which she does, at least until he starts forgetting to write back.
1870 | Louisa goes off to Hogwarts. It is a thing that happens, and no tears are shed this time around. He has grown used to seeing his siblings set off for school, and now spends his days wondering what his time at the mystical Hogwarts school will be like.
1872 | William's time to join his siblings at Hogwarts finally comes, except Thomas graduates and returns home, which William sees as annoying at best. He is more than pleased to board the train hand-in-hand with Emma, and sits next to her the whole ride to school. He finds himself sorted into Hufflepuff upon arrival, and less encouragingly, has difficulty making friends. His shyness, which is far less obvious around his family, is painfully obvious in a room of near-strangers, and much of his year is spent with his nose behind a book.
1873 | William cries and cries and cries—from the privacy of his own room, of course—when Emma leaves Hogwarts after her OWLs. It does not take much time to her to find a beau, and she is courting before she turns seventeen. William writes to her weekly and often asks for studying tips, even going so far to ask her for her old notes at one time.
1874 | William adds Ghoul Studies and Care of Magical Creatures to his course load. Both would come in handy in the future when career planning begins. His mother, much to everyone's surprise, gives birth to another babe as she nears her fortieth birthday. She is named Eliza and William meets her during Christmas vacation.
1875 | Emma is married in a sweet ceremony during summer vacation, and William attends his first wedding. Saying goodbye to his sister is a difficult thing, even when she assures him that she isn't going away away. She is pregnant before the year is out, and William is excited by the prospect of having a little nephew or niece to pamper.
1876 | Harry joins him at Hogwarts. It is not nearly as exciting as his eleven-year-old self had imagined.
1877 | William sits for his OWL examinations, having spent much of the month of May in a panic. He does not believe that he did well enough to continue his education—a sorry opinion, given that his mother is insistent that he take his NEWT-levels. Fortunately, his results show that he only failed two OWLs—Herbology and Astronomy—and so he is able to continue his schooling. For his sixth year, he only continues with four classes: History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures, Ghoul Studies, and Charms. It is enough, he says, to get a good office job at the Ministry.
1879 | And he does. Upon graduation William finds himself a nice office job in the Being Division in the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He deals more with beings than he does humans, which is good because he somehow has less anxiety around potentially murderous vampires than silly schoolgirls.
1880 | Following in the footsteps of their neighbors, the Broomhead family packs up their belongings and moves to Hogsmeade, where they settle in a moderate-sized Bartonburg house.
1883 | William's father passes from a fever during the night, leaving the broomstick business and the family's inheritance to Thomas II. His elder brother is kind enough not to turn him out, but William is overwhelmed with the urge to find his own place in society.
1885 | Eliza goes off to Hogwarts and is all alone this time. William sees her off and purchases her a small black kitten to keep her company.
1886 | William's older sister, Louisa, declares that she will never marry. Thomas does not seem bothered by the fact, so William finds no reason to complain about it.
1889 | As his twenty-ninth year nears, the prospect of marriage looms in the distance. He's hopeful that Thomas II will remain unmarried for a time so the pressure is not put on him, but with a decent salary and a hefty savings under his belt, he knows he cannot avoid the society pressure and his sisters' matchmaking schemes forever.
— He never learned to cast a patronus and can't see why he would need to.
— He speaks English and passable French.
Name: BreeAge: 20