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Full Name: Hope Amity Virtue Crawford
Nicknames: Buttercup
Birthdate: April 23, 1870
Current Age: 17
Occupation: Seventh Year
Reputation: 10
Hope comes from a very respectable family and has not yet caused many issues that would damage her reputation.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 0", Pear, unicorn hair, reasonably supple
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
Faith Crawford nee ____, Mother
Aaron Crawford, father
Hope is a petite girl that stands at four feet, ten inches with a slim build. Her hair is long, blonde and usually kept tied up in styles that are currently popular for her social class and age group. Hope also has bright blue eyes. Hope dresses in a very feminine manner and favors lighter colors. She also likes to fall on the side of what is currently considered fashionable. She is right handed.

Playby: Dove Cameron

1870 - Hope is born.

1876 - Hope shows her first signs of magic when she makes flowers dance around her in her familys garden.

1877 -The debacle with muggles finding out about magic finds the Crawford's moving to the newly established village of Hogsmeade.

1881 - Hope goes off to Hogwarts where she is sorted into Gryffindor. She is quite excited to start her education at Hogwarts and especially takes a fondness to Herbology. In March, however, things get terrifying when Hogwarts goes into lockdown due to the missing muggleborn students. What an experience to have in ones first year of education! It is quite disheartening when the news later comes that the culprit all along was the Minister of Magic himself.

1883 - For her electives, Hope selects Arithmancy, Earth Magic, and Muggle Studies.

1884 - The carnival arrives in town much to Hope's delight. She finds it all to be great fun. Or at least she did until the deaths and illnesses began. Hope and her family are stuck within the quarantine and Hope is quite frightened by the entire ordeal. To top things off, there is also a fire in Wellingtonshire. The Crawford home manages to not be effected. The Crawford family provides shelter for neighbors that weren't so lucky. In September, the Pan-Magical games being announced is a welcome distraction from how terrible the year has been so far.

1885 - Hope greatly enjoys the Pan-Magical games as a spectator. The years ends on a frightening note when the school is put into lockdown.

1886 - Hope does her OWL exams and continues on with Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Earth Magic, Herbology, Muggle Studies, Potions and Transfiguration. Hope ends 1886 on an accomplished note when he manages to produce a lamb patronus in class.

1887 - Hope participates in the Potions competition but does not do very well. This prompts her to decide to work on her potions skills more.

1888 - With the completion of seventh year in sight, Hope is left to debate whether to debut at the Coming Out Ball or become a Pendergast Rose.

* Has a lamb patronus - post

Defence Against the Dark ArtsO
Earth MagicO
History of MagicA
Muggle StudiesE
Sample Roleplay Post:
Hope loved Christmas but it had now past so she couldn't help feeling a little melancholy. She had gotten many wonderful things including a few packets of seeds to make her own garden in her backyard. Something that she was looking forward to doing come spring. She would also be graduating then which was a bit of a headache to think about.

Some children were playing with toy trolleys in the snow. Things she was willing to bet had been part of their gifts under their trees. She smiled at the sight of them as she made her way through the park. Her family was nearby so she didn't really have a need for a chaperone since they were enjoying a chilly family outing.

As she walked, however, her new boots hit an icy part of the path that would have sent her sprawling in the snowbank had she not found herself suddenly being supported by the most handsome man that she had ever seen in her life. "Oh, thank you," she managed as her heartbeat quickened due to the fact that she was instantly smitten with her hero of the moment.

Name: Kit
Age: 29
Contact: PM
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