
Full Version: Madeleine Backus
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Full Name:Madeleine Ivana Backus
Nicknames: Maddie, 'Little Sponge cake'
Birthdate: 5th Jan 1870
Current Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 10- Average ordinary member of the respectable working classes
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ash, 15", supple, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: working
Family: Barton Backus Owner/Baker of Backus Family Bakery, father, pureblood [1843] - jovial, kind hearted, phenomenal baker, loving
Katerina Backus neé Kozlova Manager/Accountant of Backus Family Bakery, mother, muggleborn [1846] - demure, quiet, loving, great business/organizational sense
Rye Backus Assistant Baker at Backus Family Bakery, brother [1865] - fun loving, jokester, hard working
Magadelene “Maggie” Backus Student, sister [1867] - Blunt, pragmatic
Herb Backus Student, brother [1872] - ambitious, smart, reserved
Appearance: Maddie is a tall thin girl for her age, approaching 5,6 in height but she is likely finished growing - or she hopes she is. She has a skinny starvling frame, with very long limbs. She has very pale skin and no distinctive marks or birthmarks on her skin, except for on small mole on her throat. She has a longish, oval face, like her mother and sisters. Her eyes are almond shaped, and a clear blue, giving her a very whimsical and dreamy look to her face, like she isnt paying much attention to what is going on around her. She has a deep cupid bows on her lips. She has very long golden blonde hair, that hangs in natural waves to her waist. She loves her hair and tends to wear it un-adorned.

Maddie likes to present herself as best as she can, her clothes are old but well cared for and well mended. She likes pale colours, partly because she likes them and partly because they hide flour puffs well. She loves flowers and delicate lacework, if only she could afford more of them.

History: * Parents met, when Barton went to work for Katerina’s family in their bakery in St. Petersburg, as a bake house worker. They eloped and her family provided money to start a bakery in England as a way of avoiding scandal but on the proviso that Barton would never be received into their home again, and they havn’t seen Katerina since. Married in 1864

* Rye was born the following year, to much rejoicing, as there was now a son to take over the family business.

* Maggie was born, bringing about as much joy and celebration to the small family as her brother

* The family expands again as Maddie joined the family, as the final girl

* Herb is born completing their little family

*Maddie has her first display of magic turning Herb's toes green.

* Both girls are close and companionable, with Maggie making it her mission to protect Maddie.

*The family, and their business are moved to Hogsmeade, so the family can be closer to the wizarding community and safe. It has a double benefit of bringing the family closer to Hogwarts school, where the children are about to start

*Rye and Maggie both to Hogwarts when they are due, and were both sorted into Hufflepuff, their fathers house. Maddie is sad when Rye leaves for school but bereft when Maggie goes, as she has no one to follow around after.

* She is thrilled when it is her turn to join them, and is sorted into hufflepuff

* Herb comes to Hogwarts as well, he is sorted into Ravenclaw. It surprises no one!

* Rye only completes his OWLS so he can join the family business and work alongside his dad.

* The girls continue their schooling due to their parents aspirations, their own hard work, and the pragmatic knowledge that lower class girls need to make their own way in the world.

* Maggie leaves school and Maddie sees it as an opportunity to spread her solo wings a little.

*Maddie signs up for her OWLS, she takes
1 Potions
2 History of Magic
3 Care of Magical Creatures
4 Defense against the dark arts
5 Charms
6 Herbology
7 Transfiguration
8 Divination
9 Astronomy
10 Art

*In her 5th year Maddie is made prefect for Hufflepuff House and at the end of this year she interns at the department of magical law enforcement.

* In her 6th year, she remains prefect and focuses on her charms work and transfiguration. She signs up to take extra transfiguration classes with her professor and begins her study of the animagus transformation. she signs up to take 7 NEWTS
2. Charms
3. Transfiguration
4. Herbology
5. Defence Against the Dark Arts
6. Care of MAgical Creatures
7. Earth Magic
At the end of her 6th year she undertakes an internship at the Wizengemot under the chief warlock.

*During the summer of her 6th year she made contact with her maternal grandparents in order to confirm for the school that she was human. It resulted in some limited correspondance with her grandparents who were interested in hearing about her and Maggie. Her Grandfather passed away in September of 1886, leaving the Kozlov estate to both Maddie and Maggie, with none to be given to the boys due to their grandfathers hatred of the Backus name.

Personality: Maddie is a chatter box! There is no other phrase for it! She is the duracelle bunny. She seems to have boundless energy and this is evident in her personality. She tries to think good of everyone, and has it as her life motto, but despite this she is a degree. She is aware that many people are duplicitous, and that alot of the time people mis represent themselves. despite this knowledge she gives everyone multiple chances before writing them off. They will never know they are written off, she isn't hostile, instead she is just dispassionate and uninterested in their life.

Shes a sympathetic spirit...the kind of person that would find a wounded rattle snake on the side of the road, bring it home, nurse it to health, put a bow on it, then be surprised when it bit her! She can be accused of being a bit of a bleeding heart. She cares a lot about those less fortunate then herself.

She's generally upbeat, and a definite glass if half full kind of person. She is fiercely loyal, like a pack animal once her loyalty is given it's damn near impossible to remove. She can generally find a good thing to say about everyone even if it takes a while. She believes thoroughly in second chances and giving people the benefit of the doubt. Maddie is loyal to a fault, she truly believes that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

It takes alot of make Maddie dislike you, but her dislike once created is like her loyalty, immovable. To those she doesn’t like she simply responds at best with silence at worst with a snide comment. Things which are likely to bring about Maddie's ire are arrogance, snobbery, rudeness or abusing animals, or those who are not considered human.
Other: [Any other information you want to include.]
Sample Roleplay Post:It was an odd feeling, knowing that her grandfather had passed – no one had even bothered to tell them that her grandmother had died some months before, shortly after Maddie’s letter it seemed. On one hand Maddie was sad for the sweet old people who had moved heaven and earth to get her back to school, on the other it was her mothers pain that she truly felt in her heart. She was sure that somewhere – deep inside, her mother thought she would make up with her parents that they would reconcile and accept the decision she had made to marry Barton Backus. Now, knowing it would never happen, she was sure that her mother must be inconsolable and Maddie wasn’t at home to comfort her – that duty would fall to Maggie, Papa, and the boys.

Maddie, for her part had been rather subdued for a few days, she had told Handsome almost immediately, not in floods of emotional tears but rather in a shocked monotone before departing for potions. She had cried that night confused by the mix of her emotions. It was a few days later, as she sat in something of a haze at the breakfast table that Sweetie Whitledge sat beside her. Maddie didn’t speak at first, but instead blinked in confusion, lacking the mental strength to prepare herself for ‘battle’ with the Whitledge daughter. Rather prepared to let her vent whatever spleen she felt the need to vent and let her be on her way – hopefully quickly so Maddie could get back to stirring her already cold porridge.

What Sweetie said next shocked her – placations, platitudes, and apologies? Whatever Maddie had been expecting it wasn’t this. ’It’s alright,’ Maddie said her tone muted from her usual bubbly chirp, ’you were protecting your family, I can’t really be angry at you for that.’, she offered a weak smile, glad at least to be clearing the air with the slytherin student. ’and thank you’ she added, with reference to her initial sympathies. ’My grandparents in Russia, my mothers family, they are dead – my grandpa died only last week but my Grandmama, well – she’s been gone for a few months it seems.’ she added glumly. ’I didn’t really know them, not like…’ Maddie stopped herself short. ’well, your loss must be all the closer to your heart.’ she acknowledged, trying to force a small sad smile at the other grieving girl. It had been a long strange summer – and she had never thought she would be sitting beside Miss Whitledge sharing mutual sadness at the end of it.

’I should like to get to know you, if you’d care to’ she added, lifting her spoon again and idly stirring the dregs of porridge that she had no interest in eating.
Name: Dante
Age: OLD
Contact: pm
Other Characters: See CML
How did you hear about us?: Transfer from old site
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