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April 9, 1889
Dear Diary,
Honey and I had a talk today. She found out that I am trying to become an animagus. If I am being honest, I don't know how much I really want my siblings to know. Part of me hopes they will all find out and see some value to me. Part of me simply does not want to care what they think. It is all frustrating and confusing and I must admit that I hate feeling like this.

From, Rachel
April 16, 1889
Dear Diary,
Someone ruined my dress. Not one I was wearing. I didn't even see it happen. But I was looking through my clothing to try and find something to wear, when I noticed that one of my dresses as torn up quite a bit at the bottom. I had worn that dress only a few days ago and it had been fine.

I think one of the house elves might have done it on accident. Or perhaps that really mean one did it on purpose. He hates everyone anyway. I will have to make sure it is fixed. Perhaps I will send it to be fixed by a human, just to be safe.

From, Rachel
May 12, 1889
Dear Diary,
It will be summer soon. Honestly, I do not look forward to feeling as if I can do nothing with my life. Study, yes. I will havr even more time to study in my animagus interests. But what else? It seems as if I will forever be in mourning some how. Even if no one has died.

From, Rachel
June 17, 1889
Dear Diary,
As predicted, my time has been spent studying. And sneaking my sisters in for a visit every now and then. I cannot bring myself to sneak into their house. It hurts too much. But they are willing to see me.

From, Rachel
August 16, 1889
Dear Diary,
It took me so long to find the courage to write this. To put it down on paper. Pumpkin is dead. Murdered right before my eyes by a vampire. One that got away. I hope with all my heart that this demonic monster will be caught. I am not anti-vampire, but I certainly am against that murderous beast. These events will likely haunt me forever.

Furthermore, soon after that, I moved back to the home of my siblings. Thus far things have not gotten out of hand. We will see where things lead. I miss Pumpkin. I miss her so much.

From, Rachel
September 4, 1889
Dear Diary,
I spotted that hedgehog again. In the library of all places. What would such a creature be doing there? Or in Hogwarts at all? Something isn't right. For the life of me, I cannot imagine what. But this is far too odd to not think more on the matter.

One spotting is one thing, but how can a hedgehog get into the castle two times in two different years? I know it might sound crazy, but I'm sure it's the same one.

From, Rachel
September 20, 1889
Dear Diary,
I did it! I completed the transformation and am now an official animagus! I plan to register properly of course. What a triumph! Hopefully I will impress those I am close to with this wonderful news.

From, Rachel
October 11, 1889
Dear Diary,
One would never guess it, but it is quite fun to be a cat. Relaxing where I please, though only as a proper lady would of course. I once spent an entire evening as a cat in the common room. Simply for the enjoyment of it all.

Bijoux doesn't know what to make of me. Always giving me odd looks and such when I change into my cat form. I don't think she likes me as a cat. Not that I bother with caring about her opinion.

From, Rachel
October 31, 1889
Dear Diary,
Today has been rather uneventful. I don't even know why we, as a magical community, celebrate a holiday centered by magic. Perhaps I will understand more in a few years. Or when I will be able to attend parties.

It is almost time for me to retire for the evening. Still, my mind will not settle. I have began writing tonight to calm my mind. Things aren't bad enough to be stressful for me, so I cannot think of a reason why I would be this awake and alert at this time of night. Maybe it is the slowly approaching end to the year.

From, Rachel
November 11, 1889
Dear Diary,
The year is coming to an end, as each one does. December is approaching, as is my birthday. Eighteen years old. I can't believe it. A year of being legally able to use magic outside of Hogwarts. Eligible of marriage. Old enough to realize that I really don't want to be tied down like that.

I don't want to be stuck. Being the happy little trophy. What if a husband would force me to leave the job I have wanted all my life. Who wants a life like that? Why are women stuck being tied to the whims of men. I have been stuck under my brother's mercy since father died. Must I really be stuck under the mercy of a man I barely know? These words could get me into more trouble than they are worth, but I must put them somewhere.

From, Rachel
December 1, 1889
Dear Diary,
I do not feel older. I don't think I've felt older on a birthday since I had turned thirteen. Who could blame me? Not much seems to change in a day. An average day, I should say. There are days that change everything, but my birthday is not one of them.

From, Rachel
December 2, 1889
Dear Diary,
One day into the age of eighteen and I have managed to produce a corporeal patronus. The same form as my animagus form. It felt so wonderful to accomplish such a marvelous spell. To see the cat in the air, as such a calming presence. Do other people feel so calmed by their patronus? Perhaps it was the memory that I used, or the magic itself. But I plan to practice this spell often. To understand it further. Perhaps it shall be one of the things I shall focus on as an unspeakable. Is that something they do?

From, Rachel
December 29, 1889
Dear Diary,
Today is Handsome's birthday. I am actually home for the holidays. Though most of my time is with a school book in my hands. Meals, tea. I can't bring myself to not glance at one class book or another. I'm nervous. Nervous to say something wrong, nervous of my upcoming tests. This is my last year. An opportunity to prove that I am worthy of the job I seek.

Thus far, however, I have managed to keep the books out of my hands unless I have no one to be around. I try to be polite about the fact that it's Handsome's birthday. I got him a rather nice hat. I don't know how he feels about it. I still don't know how he feels about the book I got for him at Christmas. We just feel so tense around each other.

From, Rachel
January 4, 1890
Dear Diary,
I beat Acacia Ruskin in a duel. Yes, Chrysanta's sister. She ended up with antlers on her head! Oh, she did not look very pleased. It made things all the more amusing. Please do not misjudge me, I respect the young woman very much. But to see her in such a state was too much to not feel the need to laugh every time I think about it!

What is even more extraordinary is that I won the tournament. By turning into my cat form! Evading Miss Rookwood's spell by doing so. It was excellent. I am glad I decided to register with the Ministry. How could I ever hide such an amazing talent? I know, I sound like a snob. I truly don't mean to. It just feels so exciting!

From, Rachel
January 27, 1890
Dear Diary,
Bijoux has gone and disappeared. I can't find her. Having always been a sneaky cat, I wouldn't be surprised if she snuck out of the common room and is wandering the halls. Perhaps even outside. I will find her in a few days, I'm sure. She is a rather stubborn cat. If anything, I'll find a fellow Slytherin coming to me complaining about her. She's rather famous for being even more of a brat than I have been.

From, Rachel
March 21, 1890
Dear Diary,
I have not found my cat, but I have found my journal. I had lost it soon after my last entry. This is rather frustrating. I can't stand it. A few days is one thing, but this long? What is she eating? Is she OK? No one has mentioned anything, has told me anything. I don't know what to do.

From, Rachel
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