July 21, 2018 – 11:10 AM
Full Name: Eldin Henry BonesNicknames: ???
Birthdate: October 14th, 1871
Current Age: Sixteen Years
Occupation: Fifth Year; Beater
Reputation: 9. Despite his family's wealth, his mother has a career at the hospital.
Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Ash, 14¼ inches, Augurey feather, Firm
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Henry Bones, Father [1843-1884]Appearance:
(née Longbottom), Mother [1850]
Rosamund Bones, Sister [1868]
Arthur Bones, Brother [1869-1869]
Vesta Bones, Sister [1872]
Beckett Bones, Brother [1884]
History:Standing at an unimpressive height of five feet, seven inches, it's likely that Eldin will grow another two or three inches before hitting full maturity. He has a lean, athletic build and fancies himself attractive, though isn't inclined towards vanity. He wears fine clothes appropriate for someone of his age and station, though his outfits could be considered conservative; he avoids bright colors, flashy patterns, nontraditional accessories, or anything considered trendy.
His hair is medium brown and kept short, the corners usually upturning into slight curls. His eyes are a similar chestnut shade and look warm against a fair complexion. He wields his wand with his left hand.
Personality:Baby Bones
1871 | Eldin is born the second (but first surviving) son of Henry and Annabelle Bones. He is an easy enough child, if not an unusually quiet one; this leads to talk of illness that ultimately proves fruitless.
1872 | A younger sister, Vesta, joins the family and proves the final one—at least for now. At such a young age and with a nanny doting on him at every hour, he is blissfully unaware this his mother has gone to pursue a healing internship at St. Mungo's.
1874 | His toddler years prove uneventful compared to those of other children: there are no untimely family deaths, no early signs of magic, and no drama that endures in his long-term memory. He does, however, show an early interest in books, art, and anything that catches his eyes; he's soon decorating his bedroom with his poorly-drawn scribbles of dragons. He also labels them with their (incorrectly-spelled) proper breeds and everything because he wants to show just how smart he is!
1875 | His fourth birthday comes with a party that would ultimately be the place his first sign of magic makes an appearance. It's dragon-themed—obviously—and he animates one of the toy dragons in a fit of glee!
1876 | After an evening of sneaking leftover desserts into his bedroom, he wakes to find his walls crawling with ants. Horrified by the sudden invasion, he has to admit to his crime; the house staff is luckily able to rid of the insects before they cause the five-year-old anymore trauma. He still hates bugs.
1877 | He doesn't take the move to Hogsmeade very well, but is quickly placated by the gift of a toy broomstick by a relative (Beckett? It was probably Beckett.). This coincides with his discovery of quidditch—a sport he'd grow to love even more as an adolescent.
1880 | Rosamund goes off to Hogwarts. Boo.
1881 | Nearing the age of ten and the end of his patience, Eldin decides he's going to be a magizoologist. Then a quidditch player. Then an artist. Then a healer because that's what his mother does. And then a Ministry employee because that's what Responsible Adult Men™ do. He never decides, not really. One thing's for certain: becoming a gentleman of leisure is likely not in his future.
Hogwarts Years
1883 | After receiving his Hogwarts letter and supplies list during the summer, Eldin goes off to Hogwarts in September. Like his mother, Eldin finds himself in Slytherin. His academic career begins much like he'd expected—his grades shift depending on where his current interests lie, and he succeeds in the classes he enjoys most. He plans on trying out for quidditch, but ultimately oversleeps the morning of tryouts #oops.
1884 | Eldin's father (along with Aunt Gladys) meets his untimely demise at the hands of the Hogsmeade laughing plague, leaving him without a father and in deep mourning. Come September, Vesta joins him at Hogwarts in ----- house. He makes it to Slytherin quidditch tryouts this time around and finds himself on the team as a beater when the rosters are released. His mother is promoted to head of her department and his brother Beckett is born in the winter. 1884 definitely qualifies as the year shit hit the fan.
1885 | Aunt Louisa dies, which means an even lengthier mourning. On the bright side, he adds three electives—Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Divination—to his course load and finds the first to be his favorite of all his classes. He soon finds himself checking out extra books on the subject in his spare time!
1887 | Shit hits the fan in the magical world once again, but at least he loses no relatives...?
Presently | Trying not to die in the fog. Hoping his mother doesn't die while she parades through Irvingly on the Ministry's expedition. Awaiting his OWL results with high hopes.
While friendly, unprejudiced, and forgiving in his interactions with others, his propensity to show frustration when overlooked in favor of those dubbed "social lessers" proves that his deeply-hidden prejudice still exists. A wealthy upbringing, along with subtle reminders of his "superiority" by relatives, has fueled feelings of entitlement that he at least has the mind to acknowledge. It is a nature not helped by his inclination to befriend only those within his station; in his mind, tradition should be respected to where it need not be enforced. He has never been especially stuffy, though, and believes that government policies should be dictated by what's best for society as a whole, not personal feelings and beliefs.
Eldin possesses a strong work ethic and sense of imagination that borders unhealthy; some call him a dreamer, some call him an idealist, and some call him silly depending on what he's chosen to focus on. His ambitions have always been strong but fleeting; his desire to do everything at once has made pinpointing a single career path a difficult task. Simple pleasures quickly turn into obsessions that grow boring soon after, save for the ones his friends and family have encouraged.
❧ He's a skilled but terribly self-conscious sketch-artist.
❧ He has a green thumb, but must always wear gloves. He hates things that crawl and assumes they're lurking beneath the dirt's surface at all times. His boggart takes the form of giant worm because ugh.
❧ He supports the Wimbourne Wasps in quidditch for obvious reasons.
Name: BreeAge: 19