July 16, 2018 – 12:49 AM
Full Name: Edgar Nathaniel HughesNicknames: None
Birthdate: February 5th, 1839
Deathdate: August 21st, 1877
Current Age: 49 Years
Race: Ghost
Occupation: Wandering Ghost
Reputation: 7 - His general demeanour and ghostiness isn't particularly inviting or enjoyable to those around him.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Social Class: Upperclass
Lawson Hughes - Father, _____
Claribel Hughes - Mother, _____
Winnie Hughes - Sister, 1844
Nella Hughes - Sister, 1853
Honora Hughes neé Wright - Wife, _____
_____ Hughes - Son, 1864
_____ Hughes - Daughter, 1865
_____ Hughes - Daughter, 1868
_____ Hughes - Son, 1871
Wellington Wood - Brother in law, _____
Mabell Wood - Niece, _____
Alphonse Wood - Nephew, _____
Arabella Elaine Wood - Niece, 1877
Appearance: During his living days, Edgar had well-groomed black hair with bright blue eyes. Those features have mostly diminished given his rather translucent approach to his physicality though his expression is as it always was; stand-offish and as if he was better than most. Even if he is dead.
He stands at five foot and six inches though should you look closely, it is evident when he died his arms weren’t set the way they ought to be: - his right hand is backwards and his left elbow seems to be facing the wrong way. There is also a noticeable kink on the left side of his neck where a bone is desperate to escape.
He still wears the clothes he wore when he died: a tailor-made suit with undercoat, overcoat, tie, and the works. Also black shoes.
Always one to enjoy the perks of high society, Edgar’s love of all things fancy would prove later on in his life to be his downfall though to truly appreciate his life as a ghost, one must delve into his life as a living being…
On February 5th of 1839, Edgar came into the world to a loving upperclass family whose wealth and social standing had come to be through his father, named Lawson, and his ingenuity when it came to charmswork and enchanting various trinkets to make life much easier for the average citizen. His mother, Claribel, did as any upperclass socialite did: - attended social events, made her husband look good, and ensured the house was in the order it should be.
Edgar’s first sibling, Winnie, was born five years later in 1844 after a few difficulties conceiving. Edgar was enthused to have a sibling to play with – he didn’t particularly enjoy the tutoring he was being made to partake in though he understood his sister would have a very different kind of tutoring. Society had very specific rules, it seemed.
During the winter of 1845, Edgar displayed his first sign of magic when the family went on an outing to London from their estate in the mid-country. He found the way London was to be both awe-inspiring and overwhelming and his emotions culminated in him exploding the baked treat he had in his hand. Whether it was through excitement or anxiety, he wouldn’t say – though Edgar would claim it was because the treat he was eating didn’t have enough sugar in it.
1850 was perhaps one of Edgar’s most exciting years. He started at Hogwarts and was promptly sorted into Slytherin, much to his mother’s – the Hufflepuff – and father’s – the Ravenclaw – dismay. He enjoyed himself, though, and promptly found himself to be quite the socialite himself. He made a lot of friends very quickly and soon understood why he was better than most others.
Edgar’s second – and last – sibling was born in 1853; Nella Hughes.
Having successfully completed his OWLs during the year of 1855, Edgar started his sixth year in 1856 with mostly O’s and a couple of E’s so he continued to study with his focus on Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions as he felt they were the more important subjects. That isn’t to say he didn’t do other studies; he finished his schooling in 1857 with a total of five NEWTs with mostly favourable grades.
The next few years saw Edgar help his father with his work and build a career of his own under the ever-watchful thumb of his fathers rule.
In 1863, Edgar began courting Honora Wright. She was a fellow upperclass citizen who had good wife potential – as made abundantly clear by his family’s determination to see them married. Apparently, her family also thought Edgar a good suitor and gave him a nice dowry to secure her place as his future wife. They never truly fell in love though it was evident they enjoyed one another’s company.
The following years went by without much hassle though in 1864, 1865, 1868, 1871 saw Honora birth a son, two daughters, and then a second son. Edgar found his life becoming increasingly more stressful and so he resorted to distancing himself from his family and focusing on building his wealth and social standing by attending parties, balls, social gatherings and general high society events. This caused a large rift between Honora and himself as she found him to be an absent father. Edgar claimed he was just ensuring their future.
The following few years saw not much happen beyond his siblings having their own lives and doing their own thing. He made sure to bring his family to each birth and birthday if not to show his own family off. He elected to always travel by carriage as the floo smelled bad and apparition wasn’t fancy enough for him.
This proved to be his downfall however as on the evening of August 21st, 1877, Edgar was travelling – separately to his family as he wanted to make an entrance – to his sisters most recent child named Arabella. A bump in the road, a startled horse, and an upturned carriage later and Edgar’s lifeless body laid on the floor, his arms in directions that should not be possible. He was pronounced dead on arrival of healers. His family requested his wand to be placed in his grave, though it was broken and in several pieces.
Lifeless, though, was a bit subjective to Edgar and so as he watched his body be carted away, he found himself sighing and wandering – rather, floating – aimlessly around. He couldn’t bare show himself to his family. Not like this. And so he let them believe him to be dead. Fully, completely, and irreversibly dead.
Now in Hogsmeade – a place he feels surprisingly drawn to – Edgar wanders aimlessly with the ever-nagging thought that perhaps he ought to one day reunite with his family and finally meet the girl who basically caused his death, even if it was indirect and totally not her fault at all.
Other: N/A
Name: JonAge: 24
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