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Full Name: Eamon William Dempsey

Nicknames: Mon

Birthdate: February 12th, 1826

Current Age: 69 Years

Gender: male

Occupation: poet

Reputation: 9 -- his reputation has taken hits during his life, but it has climbed in age and alongside his success.

Residence: The Dempsey Family Estate near Galway, Ireland

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Wand: oak, 11", supple, unicorn hair

Blood Status: Halfblood

Social Class: Upper


The Dempsey; this family clan includes numerous children, including the current minister of magic. Eamon is quite proud of them. He has a soft spot for the passionately unaccomplished of his children, but it is good there is a mix — it will read better, for posterity.

Eamon is in a long-standing marriage with his wife Lowri Dempsey. She is a great woman and he congratulates himself for picking her!

Ozymandias Shelley Dempsey | 1856
Endymion Keats Dempsey | 1859
Porphyria Browning Dempsey | 1862
Don Juan Byron Dempsey | 1863
Christabel Coleridge Dempsey | 1865
Shalott Tennyson Dempsey | 1867
Lycoris Wordsworth Dempsey | 1869


Samuel Griffith
height: 6'0"
eyes: Very blue and lively
hair colour: Dark brown turned grey
hair style: Short-cropped curls he lets grow long and wild when he fancies it. When he fancies himself a captain, he at times grows a nice big beard. He is quite hairy in general.
wand hand: right
distinguishing features: Eamon is a man with a tendency to look somewhat gangly, with long arms and legs. He has a side profile that he calls distinguished; he has a big nose and a strong browbone and chin that jut out in a very characteristic way that is quite masculine but not exactly brawny, because despite its sharp contours, his jaw is not wide. His forehead, however, is very wide and his intelligent blue eyes are very wide apart. He has the kind of face that looks very different from the side and from the front. He is a bit odd-looking but it all comes together in a way that just works; it's held together by his radiating smiles that just take people in.
demeanor: Charming and easy-going. Eamon takes an audience captive by the great amount of feeling that is beneath his practical and down-to-earth candor. His eyes are always busy looking. He is very visual and he likes looking at people, musing about them. He can give a lot of attention and warmth, but you better be mentally stimulating to him, or else he will take that away.
fashion: Eccentric verging on intentionally disheveled. Tastefully though, so — his dishevelment is very expensive.
scent: Natural notes. He wears warm scents with woodsy notes.


Eamon is born first to the Irish upper-class clan of the Dempseys. They fashion themselves to be fashionable people. Rich, but interesting! On the pulse of time; the kind of educated upper-class wizards that abhor the stiffness of the pureblooded upper echelon and their wreathed family trees. Culture and fashion and drama, after all, is developing in the midst of the muggles. A dash of muggle blood is seen as a sign of sophistication — but it better not be too much of a dash, that is for sure! Anyways, the Dempseys like to travel the world and they like to read poetry to each other in their sitting room. They are a neat and fairly loving family. Little Eamon is a busy boy. He surely never works, but does he ever find opportunities to stay in action. He loves summering at the coast and he learns sailing and develops a fondness for nature and the outdoors. His first show of magic is growing gills when he goes overboard on a sailing turn at the coast of France at seven years old.

Eamon joins Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. It makes sense, for all his boisterousness and innate yearning, he is also always thinking about how things work, and how they can work best. He is quite judgmental in the way that he does not understand when people don't try to do things right and optimally. School suits him just fine. He has a warm and dynamic energy around him that draws people quickly and deeply into intimate friendships. He is experimental and funny and wants to always say yes. Yes to mischief, yes to life, yes to joy, yes to love. His grades are alright. Eamon has little drive towards becoming a very powerful wizard, he much more wants to make the possibilities of his profound emotionality heard and felt. What else could life really be about?

Wandering Years
After his NEWTs, Eamon goes to gallivant around the world. What a good time he has! He travels wide and far, he makes many great friends and connections, and he needs to worry about very little. His parents generously fund his wandering years. He starts writing. Of course, not all in life is easy. There are countless misadventures and failings. Lost friendships and unsuccessful attempts at romance. He falls unhappily in love but has the sense to leave her be after he recognizes that she would not make him happy, nor could he ever make a person happy who is not inclined towards a joyful spirit. To be truthful, Eamon is quite adept at failing, but he has a knack for failing upwards. He finds out what does not work, and then he is sad about it for a while, and then he turns this melancholy into inspiration. He can laugh about himself and fine-tunes a poignancy of observation that is the basis for his literary success. And literary success he finds. By his late twenties, Eamon Dempsey's poetry is well known and by his mid thirties, it is quite the big deal.

Poet & family man
Back home in London, he visits many balls and salons with the vague inclination to marry, and he meets a debutante called Lowri Sayre. He notices her right away, but he thinks that if it were not for their shared dances, they would have not married. They make a handsome pair and they enjoy each other. Eamon becomes a very good dancer for Lowri, and then he asks her to marry him.
In the years and decades that follow, seven children are born. Eamon still loves his wife and he delights in the children. For the standards of the time, he is quite involved (he is not very involved). If his children exasperate him, he goes on week-long sailing trips or disappears into nature. He laughs about them a lot and he names them after poets, hoping that they will turn out to have storied and wistful lives. His wishes do come true, in a sense, but their antics are quite a bit more than what he bargained for! He is also quite hard to please when it comes to his children's literary ambitions. They have big footsteps to fill, and he prides himself on being a true critic, with no blind spots for his offspring.


The man — conscious traits

Balance and clinging fire
Eamon can never be free from desires and he joyfully fosters his emotional yearnings. He does not always quite know what it is he yearns for, but that is even better, because then he can be busy with finding out! But even in distressing situations, he knows his own emotions and does not let them cloud him too much. He knows they are transient.

The dedication to always say yes
Like a true adventurer, Eamon is about saying yes to life and he is open to new experiences. That may lead to overcommitment.

Sexuality - Bonding
Not only is Eamon in the true sense of the word very fertile, he also has a desire for true and deep intimacy and he knows how to foster it and how to get it. In his youth he used to have a varied appetite and kept to casual encounters, but he also always wanted to be deeply in love. With his wife he reached a point of very deep commitment and dedication and he can keep a relationship stable and enduring.

What runs below — unconscious traits

Possession in great measure
He is one of the people gifted with an assurance of wealth — not only by his inheritance. Eamon enjoys working and he made his own money by being a successful writer and shrewd deal-broker with publishers, which is certainly not easy! He naturally accrues more, and under his steering, the wealth of the family has grown significantly.

Eamon intuitively knows how to make a statement and much of his success is based in his talent for manipulating appearances for maximal gain. His whole habitus serves this purpose, and to an extent, it is superficial — but it is also not entirely. He conditions his children strongly to care for a certain kind of appearance to the world.

The judge
Under all his openness and charm, there is a very judgmental side to Eamon. He unconsciously puts a lot of pressure on others to improve and perfect things, to not just sit around, to get up and do!
That can be very exhausting and people tend to feel attacked by his uninvited corrections.


Name: Lou

Age: 26

Contact: Discord

Other Characters: Samuel Griffith, etc.

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