February 5, 2025 – 6:59 PM
Full Name: Zipporah Emmeline FarleyNicknames: Zippy
Birthdate: February 9, 1869
Current Age: 25 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Debutante; Inventor
Reputation: 7 or 8
- Due to their known love for all things Muggle, the Farleys are seen as blood traitors as well as eccentric.
- Zippy herself is known to be a tad weird.
- Her sister, Jemima Greengrass, was involved in a scandal and subsequently has a middling reputation and Zipporah is unmarried.
Residence: Tutshill, England
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 12", walnut, springy, kelpie hair
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle
- Ikenna "Ken" Farley | Father | 18xx
- Bess Farley née _____ | Mother | 18xx
- Jacob Farley | Brother | 1861
- Delilah Warbeck | Sister | 1864
- Jemima Greengrass | Sister | 1872
- Noah Farley | Brother | 1874

Expressions & Deportment| Zipporah can often be found with a smile or a laugh ready on her lips. She has a dreamy look about her and it can be quite easy to read how she is feeling because it shows in her expressions all too easily.
Zipporah carries herself with a confident sort of elegance. Which mildly contradicts how excitable she can often seem. She often talks with her hands.
Fashion | Zipporah greatly prefers muggle fashions and keeps herself up to date on them. When it comes to colours, she likes soft, pretty pastels.
Accessories | Zipporah enjoys hats and earrings which she has a decent personal collection of.
Scent | A soft floral scent from her soaps.
Face Claim | Alexandra Shipp
1869 | Zipporah is born as the third child of a muggle-obsessed wizarding couple in Tutshill, England. She would grow up to develop this same obsession. |
1872 | Jemima is born. Zipporah takes great delight in making the small baby giggle. |
1874 | Noah is born. |
1877 | Safe in their Tutshill home, the uproar of 1877 is barely noticeable to Zipporah. |
1878 | Zipporahs personal interest in muggles is deepened as her parents supplement home lessons with muggle focused lessons. Zipporah develops a fascination with muggle inventions and takes to taking things apart the muggle way and putting them back together again. She also has her own ideas and keeps a book full of invention ideas and plans on how to implement them. They are childish scribbles at first but as she gets older and more knowledgeable, become a lot more defined. |
1880-81 First Year | Zipporah goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff. |
1882-83 Third Year | Zipporah takes on Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies as her electives. |
1885-86 Sixth Year | Zipporah continues into her NEWT years with Charms, Herbology, Muggle Studies, Potions and Transfiguration. |
1886-87 Seventh Year | Zipporah graduates and decides against getting a job. In theory, she does the debutante thing but most of the time her mind is on her tinkering, muggle inventions and her own inventions. |
1888 | Living in Tutshill, the fog has no impact on her life. |
1889 | Jemima's diary is wide-released to the students of Hogwarts. Zipporah is horrified that someone could do such a thing to her sister and she is supportive despite some of the less than kind things her sister had written of some people. |
1891 | Delilah is widowed and moves back into the family home with her children. It feels crowded but Zipporah does not fully mind. She spends most of her time out in her workshop anyway. |
1894 | Jemima gets engaged. This is surprising since she never even mentioned this Greengrass fellow before. The couples nuptials are tinged with scandal but Zipporah has never been someone to pay attention to such things. In fact, she doesn't pay attention to most things and Jemima seems intent on doing this so who is she to rain on her little sisters parade? |
1895 Presently | Zipporah is a couple of years closer to becoming a spinster but she does not pay that much mind. She spends most of hr time talking about muggles, tinkering with muggle objects and tinkering with her own inventions. She does attend the occasional social event but tends to do so at her own personal whims. |
ENFP. Sociable. Inventive. Creative. Excitable. Self-confident. Adaptable.
Class | OWL | NEWT |
Astronomy | A | — |
Care of Magical Creatures | A | — |
Charms | E | E |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | A | — |
Herbology | E | A |
History of Magic | A | — |
Muggle Studies | O | O |
Potions | E | E |
Transfiguration | E | E |
Name: Kit