February 3, 2025 – 8:16 PM

Full Name: Isla Noel Bowen Née Lochrin
Nicknames: Illy, Nollie
Birthdate: 24th December 1863
Current Age: 31
Gender: Female
Occupation: charms professor
Reputation: 9 (working MCF)
Residence: Hogwarts and small home in Bartonburg
Hogwarts House: Slytherin class of 1882
Wand: 12 inch black walnut rigid with acromantula spinneret core
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
- Father - Patronus Lochrin VI (1821)
- Mother - Anne Lochrin Née Fleming (1828)
- Brother - Patronus Lochrin VII (1852)
- Brother - Protego Lochrin (1855)
- Brother - Fianto Lochrin (1855)
- Sister - Fidelia Lochrin (1867)
She has a registered animagus form, that of a Scottish red squirrel, she treats this form a bit like a pet and has even given it the name of Underfoot.
1863: Born as the fourth child in the Lochrin brood, she remembers little of this period.
1868 Her first magical experience, was at London Zoo there was a moment referred to only as “the incident with the spiders” where the giggling girl was found alone in the arachnid house with a half dozen magically transported tarantulas exploring her dress.
1875: Begins Hogwarts, is sorted into Slytherin House. She is a little shocked, but her brothers say it makes a lot of sense.
1879: With her good grades, great etiquette and what she has convinced herself some trick by brother. She was made slytherin 5th year prefect.
1881: Made head girl of Hogwarts and couldn't be happier.
1882: Graduates her NEWTS with good grades and finds a suitor during her first season, marrying in January 1883.
1884: During the plague her brother Protego moves in after his shop burns down. She enjoys having her brother around but the pressure of keeping up the appearance of hosts and success did privately bring to light between the couple just how little disposable income they had.
1885: The Bowens spend the early part of the year trying for a baby, Isla begins to suspect her husband’s heart isn't truly in it as he makes excuses and things don't go as planned. They argue about this a lot and that it's never the right time with their tight finances.
1886:With the permission of her husband, Isla takes a job working as a charms research assistant for a library helping to catalogue an evaluate various published works to decide where, if anywhere, they belonged in the library. Her keen academic mind also helps her expose a few documents as works of nonsense.
During this period she also tutors a couple of local children in her spare room. She tells everyone that both of these jobs are hobbies, but she does it because they need the money and it is a distraction from an increasingly unhappy marriage.
1887-8: Herbert becomes ill in winter 87 and is bedridden by spring 1888. By before the end of May the man has expired and Isla is left alone. She is pleased that she got to be there with him in his last moments. He leaves her the house of course, and there is enough money to keep her off the streets if she watches her finances and tightens her belt.
1888-89: Spends a eighteen months on mourning for her husband as is proper, for all their problems she did love him. She uses this period of isolation to finish her animagus training that she began in her final year of school. To her amusement she finds a red squirrel inside her, she calls it Underfoot and makes to register on the day her mourning expires. While mourning she fills the time reading a lot of academic books and writes several "unpublished papers" on various charms she has experimented with.
1889-92: In late 1889, just as her partial mourning comes to an end, she realises that despite her best efforts her savings are already dwindling and that if she continues as she is she will have to sell her home within a few years. She begins to use her home to tutor students again and this actually feels very good, she is childless but her home rarely has no children in it. Due to the fact that her students are often poorer, payment is not always consistent or present at all some months for her most disadvantaged students. In order to increase her appeal to wealthier students she takes courses at Flint specialising in charms and teaching studies which she passes with distinction. She draws the attention of the advanced Charms department of Flint who take interest in the research that she did while mourning.
She punctuated the early 1890's with a number of short term employments as a travelling tutor, visiting several counties around the world over the years, teaching charms to various peoples. Unfortunately these trips are often unpaid or living costs only only, with the real "earnings" being measured in exposure to foreign magical traditions. But she does them for personal and professional fulfillment.
early 1892: Isla manages to get a couple of the works she wrote during her mourning finished and published which led to her being given a full time position as a researcher and classroom lead.
1892-1894: The roles and activities started in late 1889 continue, but with a significant leaning towards her academic role at the institute.
mid 1894: She still yearns to teach and continues to take on students part time in addition to her research work, now including Hogwarts students over the summer. Her more business minded brother Protego Lochrin makes the observation that she is doing teaching wrong. That she could have more money and better conditions if she applied to Hogwarts.
late 1894: Begins role at Hogwarts as Charms Professor.
She has worked hard for everything in that so she values effort more than anything. There is more credit in someone who tries hard and almost makes it than in someone who coasts to victory. In this regard she is fairly stern in her views towards students particularly those of the upper classes who like to take their privilege for granted. There may be a little class envy there too but she would never admit that.
She is a happy person but very reserved on the outside. Her husband’s death freed her to find the new life that she enjoys. She might marry again one day but it isn't a priority.
Name: ChrisAge: 30+
Contact: Discord
Other Characters: Violetta DeCroix, Benedict Hunter, Bonnie Greyback et al.
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