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Full Name: Charlotte Eleanor Paxton
Nicknames: Charlie or Lottie, she will answer to either
Birthdate: May 26, 1874
Current Age: 20 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Creature-Induced Injuries Junior Healer
Reputation: 9; working middle class woman & suffragist
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: pliant, 12", dragon heartstring, aspen
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle
Family: 2 older brothers (one of which is Calvin Paxton), 1 sister, living parents.
face claim: Josephine Langford
height: 5 ft 1 in
build: Average with an ample bosom.
eyes: Blue
hair colour: Dirty blonde
hair style: Often tied up into a braided bun.
wand hand: Right
distinguishing features: A small mole on her left cheek.
scent: She uses a rose-scented perfume but the chemical smell of Hospital still tends to peek through.
demeanor: Charlotte carries herself in a proper fashion and is expressive. She almost always looks like she is heading Somewhere Important when she moves.
fashion: Charlotte wears clothes that are on the practical side of fashion. She favours blues and greens.

1874-1885Charlotte is born to the Paxtons. From an early age, she is a headstrong young girl that has "far too many thoughts for a young girl" according to their governess and parents. Other than that, her childhood nothing too notable and is a typical one for a middle class family. She plays with her siblings and is endlessly energetic.
First Year
Charlotte goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. She is quick to immerse herself in a bustling social group and is not discriminatory when it comes to whom she befriends. Charlotte also thrives in her academics, having a special liking for Potions and Spellcasting.
Second-Fourth Year
School chugs along swimmingly until a half-breed ban occurs. It does not affect Charlottes own ability to attend Hogwarts but she is livid on behalf of those now without an education. She is loudly against the ban, firmly believing everyone has an equal right to an education. On the academic side of things, she picks Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures as her electives.
Fifth Year
Charlotte receives a prefect badge much to her personal delight. She wields her power responsibly and tries her best to be fair. Even so, she does land an enemy or two. At the end of the school year, she does her OWL exams which she does very well on.

A fight is had with her parents when they discover she intends on working after graduating. It is a long summer of Charlotte giving them the cold shoulder and only speaking to them through whichever unfortunate sibling or staff member is in the room with them. By the time September nears, they compromise with her and say she can get a job if it is female-appropriate.
Sixth Year
Charlotte drops Ancient Runes, Astronomy and History of Magic from her class Roster as she had decided on becoming a Healer and keeps the courses required for that career path. And also Ancient Runes proved to be an academic weakness but Charlotte would never admit to that.
Seventh Year
Charlotte graduates and once she has her NEWT results, she becomes a trainee healer at Hogsmeade Hospital. She also makes a personal vow that she will not be married until men and women have equal voting rights when she realizes just how many of her well educated and experienced fellow female healers do not have a right to vote. Simply due to their gender.
Trainee Year
Charlottes trainee year goes well enough though sometimes she finds herself under her older brothers authority. This mostly fine until one time in August 1892 when Calvin overrides her course of action for a patient. It does not end well for either the patient or their sibling relationship. Charlotte fully blames Calvin and believes her decision had been correct in this case. They simply cannot come to an agreement and much like she had with her parents before them. Charlotte ices Calvin out. She is angry and she lets him know it.

Calvin extends an olive branch in the form of volunteering to take her to her suffrage and feminist outings. As he upholds his end of the deal, Charlotte eventually lets go of her grudge enough to be civil and affectionate to him once more.
Junior Healer
When her trainee period comes to and end, Charlotte chooses Creature-Induced Injuries as her speciality. Partly out of spite, perhaps? Maybe but she does like this department the most out of all the others.

Around Spring 1893, she develops a budding romance with a young man. He is attractive and Charlotte is initially oblivious to his true nature as he had always seemed so charming. In July 1893 though, Minister Ross announces the upcoming election. [YOUNG MAN] voices his rather firm views that women should not get to vote and should just stay home. And seems to expect Charlotte to do so one day. Charlotte pours the drink she was having over his head and severs their romantic relationship.
Charlotte is pleased with the new voting bill that is passed - though it is not perfect, it is a step in the right direction. She spends much of her time between work and going to her suffrage outings with Calvin. And also disappointing her long-suffering parents by declaring that her personal vow to not marry until men and woman have equal voting rights is actually still in effect. After all, not every woman has a right to vote even under the new bill and with this new bill, even some men would not be able to vote.

She probably does not do their heart rates any favours when she flippantly jests that she could just live in sin if they want her with a man and having babies so badly.

Headstrong. Loyal. Extroverted. Outspoken. Can be petty and spiteful when she wants to be. Not easily intimidated. Confident. Her temper might be slow to simmer but can be hotly explosive and is best avoided. Opinionated. Optimistic.

— resume —
Hogsmeade Hospital Creature-Induced Injuries Junior Healer1893-Present
Hogsmeade Hospital Trainee Healer1892-1893
Gryffindor Prefect1889-1892

Ancient RunesA
Care of Magical CreaturesEE
Defense Against the Dark ArtsEE
History of MagicE

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