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Full Name: Calvin Theodore Paxton
Nicknames: Cal (siblings), Pax (male friends)
Birthdate: November 3rd, 1867
Current Age: 27 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Coroner
Reputation:9 (-1 offbeat occupation)
Residence: Bartonburg South, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: 13" pine and phoenix feather, pliant.
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle
Family: 1 older brother, 2 sisters, living parents.
General |
Calvin is naturally lean, with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. There is nothing at all noteworthy in his wardrobe, except that a few of his Ministry robes have persistent bloodstains.

Expressions | Calvin isn't terribly expressive. When he smiles it is small and fleeting, and he almost never frowns. His gaze often comes across as intense because he has no hesitation holding eye contact with people.

Deportment | Cal has good posture most of the time, which means when he does occasionally unfurl — only ever with family or friends — it is a significant shift in his demeanor and immediately noticed. Although he's typically standing very straight and moving very precisely, he doesn't give the impression that he's tense — just that he's built like that. He carries himself the way your etiquette teacher wanted you to, and makes it look effortless.

Scent | A smokey, leathery cologne.

Face Claim | Cassian Bilton

1867 - 1879
Calvin joins a growing middle class family. He's a quiet, thoughtful, and sensitive child from the beginning. He tends to play mostly with his siblings and occasionally with their friends rather than forming many strong connections of his own. He enjoys projects, particularly detailed ones that involve working with one's hands, and he has the patience to keep at things long after other children his age have given up.
1879 - 1886
Calvin attends Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw. He has a small but consistent group of friends and does well in his classes. He spends one summer during his NEWT years interning with the Ministry's Department of Magical Law Enforcement, which he finds tolerable but uninteresting, and another interning at the hospital, which he much prefers. His family attends the Quidditch World Cup in summer of 1883, which was not especially remarkable at the time but which in hindsight he's spent a lot of time thinking about. It was the first time he noticed Saffron Whitby — there with her family, some of whom were his classmates, and clearly in over her head. At the time he feels sorry for her but thinks it's none of his business... but later on he wonders how things might have gone differently if he'd realized then what he knows now and taken advantage of their few shared years at Hogwarts to talk to her.
1886 - 1889
After graduation Calvin begins training to become a healer at the Hogsmeade Hospital. After cycling through departments during his year as a trainee Calvin is nudged towards creature-induced injuries by his supervisor given that he's not at all squeamish about wounds, even graphic ones, and keeping a cool head while dealing with mauling victims is a much sought after skillset in the department. Calvin could have been happily placed almost anywhere. The thing he finds most appealing about his work as a healer is the puzzle of it, figuring out what happened very quickly and determining next steps with little margin for error. And he genuinely doesn't mind the violence that comes with creature-induced injuries — not like he's thrilled by it, or anything, it's just always been easy to separate the problem from the person in his head.
1889 - 1893
His role as a full healer when his younger sister starts at the same hospital as a trainee puts him in an occasionally awkward position of authority over her. Mostly that's fine, because his younger sister is bright and eager and typically has the right answer, but there is one instance where he has to override her instinct on something and it creates significant tension between them. She's not the sort to move on from things quickly and the household becomes toxic. He almost considers moving out, but knows if he does then things will probably never improve. Instead Calvin tries to broach the gap with a gesture of goodwill, offering to go along on some of her outings. Although she's still angry with him she agrees, because it gets her more leeway to go out to events without having to justify them to their parents first. Which is how Calvin reluctantly becomes a suffragist. Initially he's just there to make his sister happy, but he does have to admit the speakers at her rallies are right... they're just also very loud, which left to his own devices Calvin would never be.

Life churns along as it should, with work and rallies and little side hobbies (he's taken up leatherworking), but he feels like something is missing. He has friends and positive relationships with his family and coworkers but they all feel too finite. No one needs him; he's purposeless. Then one day — August 23rd, 1892 — that changes. He attends a Quidditch match with friends and sees a woman in obvious need of rescue. Miss Saffron Whitby needs him — she just doesn't know it yet.

He starts getting to know her, from a distance. It's slow going, trying to pick up little bits and pieces of information about her life without actually interacting with her directly, but he's patient — and he knows that when they "meet" for what she will suppose is the first time he wants it to be perfect, so it's important not to rush. Her sister is a regular at the suffrage meetings, so he learns a little from listening in there when she talks about family, and he goes to Quidditch games more often in hopes of seeing her at one. The biggest break comes when her father gets sick and takes up residence in the hospital for a few months — but even then he only sees her in passing, because Mr. Whitby was unfortunately not mauled by a manticore, just succumbing to the usual sort of interior decay. Seeing her distraught on her way in and out of visits to him is heartbreaking for Calvin, and it's difficult not to approach her. In fact he has almost determined to do just that, to slide in to her life as a comforting stable presence in her hour of need... but then Mr. Whitby dies, and the Whitby girls abruptly stop visiting the hospital, and he has to find another way.
1893 - 1895
The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is in need of a coroner. Calvin jumps at the opportunity. It's not a glamorous job, and it's not as though it's likely to have any overlap whatsoever with Saffron Whitby in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, but it gives him a legitimate reason to be in the Ministry at any hour he pleases. In fact he's left almost entirely to his own devices, so long as he gets reports in promptly when someone brings him a new body. This is ideal. Now he can stop by Saffron's desk — not while she's there, because he's not ready to "meet" her yet, but before she shows up in the morning or after she leaves for the day. He does things for her that she wouldn't notice, like swapping her quills for ones with better points or ensuring her box of tissues are filled during the spring and autumn when she'll need them most. Just taking care of her.


Acquaintances and friends wouldn't pin Calvin as the most loquacious conversationalist, but despite being somewhat quiet he is generally pleasant, thoughtful, and engaging when he is enticed to conversation. He is an excellent listener, and an even better observer; he puzzles people out before asking them questions.

Name: Lynn
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