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Full Name: Guinevere Siriphon Frost
Nicknames: Eve, Evie, Siri (to a select few)
Birthdate: December 23rd, 1876
Current Age: 18 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Seventh Year Student
Reputation: 10 - A reserved and respectable girl, she has offered no public indication that she might doubt her future as a housewife and socialite. Not, at least, to anyone inclined to spread the news around.
Residence: Hogwarts / Opal Crossing, Wellingtonshire
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Ebony, 12", supple, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Upper
  • Lawan Frost | Mother | Muggleborn daughter of a Khun.
  • Paddington Frost | Father | Pureblood second-son, inheritor of the Frost Bay Company.
  • Arthur Prasert Frost | Brother | Deceased, suspected foul-play
  • Ethnicity: English/Siamese
  • Height: 5’7”
  • Hair: Long, black, sleek and straight as silk.
  • Eyes: Large and olive-brown.
  • Wand Hand: Right
  • Build and Bearing: Though Guinevere is not quite a wallflower, she prefers to exist on the second stage– let her more outgoing friends steal the spotlight and support them without drawing overmuch attention to herself. Soft and quiet, she handles everything with delicate and dancing hands. All but floats when she walks, upright but bending with the wind. A fitting image, given she is built thin and flat as a reed.
  • Attire: Guinevere’s sense of style has been influenced in two different directions– one by her early years in Siam, and another entirely from the age of ten when her family returned to her father’s native England and she was introduced to a proper English governess. As a child she was quite fussy about transitioning to English styles– she preferred the breeches she grew up into the skirts and dresses of an English noblewoman, and was unaccustomed to wearing her hair long. The process of growing it out of the short crew-cut which was so popular in Siam made her thoroughly unpleasant, as she found the hair often tickled her unexpectedly. If asked, breeches and clipped hair would still be her preference for day-to-day life, but she has become accustomed over the last eight years to the English way of life. She favors gowns of a reserved color– greys, muted lavenders, silver-blues– but with plenty of ruffles to add some shape to her woefully flat figure.
  • Play By: Davika Hoorne

  • December 1876 - Midway through a meeting with some of his closest Siamese trading partners, Mr. Paddington Frost is called away by the news that his Siamese Muggleborn wife, Lawan, had begun an extended and difficult labor with their second child. She remains abed– and her frantic husband away from his work– for two days before finally delivering her daughter. Though it takes months for Lawan to make a full recovery, she and the daughter she calls Siriphon survived. Officially, they name their daughter Guinevere, to match her elder brother Arthur.
  • May 1883 - Guinevere demonstrates her first instance of real, identifiable instance of magic by affixing the dining room table to the ceiling when her brother startles her. Though there are no nails, it takes considerable effort for the family’s servants to unstick the table and return it safely to the floor.
  • August 1884 - News of the death of Paddington’s mother, father, and elder brother in the thrall of the Laughing Plague casts a morbid pall across the house which young Guinevere barely understands. It also brings the promise of a significant inheritance, skyrocketing the wealth and standing of their little branch of the family.
  • November 1884 - The Frosts move to England, where Paddington picks up the central operations of the family’s expansive trading company. Guinevere hates it there, at first. She has always been Siamese– hair chopped short in the tradition of her country, wearing shirts in ruffled lace and breeches day to day. The governess assigned to her has a terrible time of grooming the child out of her Siamese habits– teaching her to set and maintain longer, more elaborate hair, and to go about her day with significant extra fabric winding about her legs. Guinevere throws many a tantrum. Fortunately, it all happens behind closed doors.
  • 1888 -1889 - Guinevere joins her brother at Hogwarts. She has submitted to English habits– accustomed to dresses, hair grown long enough to pin up– and speaks English with a proper accent. Most importantly, time has softened her opinion of teachers. Bookish and thirsty for new experiences, she is sorted into Ravenclaw with little debate on the part of the Hat. She absolutely thrives at school, forging what she believes to be fast friendships with many of the girls in her class and excelling in her work. By the end of the school year, all she can think about is how badly she wants to do it all again.
  • 1890 - 1891 - The cluster of friends Guinevere has held dear since her first year at Hogwarts begins to fracture in her third. Many of the girls begin to avoid dear Harmony Gambol in the wake of her family’s fall from grace. It is a choice Guinevere can neither comprehend, nor abide. She sticks herself all the more firmly to Fran’s side, offering only cold and quiet to the girls whose loyalties were made, apparently, from sugar-glass.
  • 1892 - 1893 - The focus of Guinevere’s interests begin to take shape in her fifth year, as she careens towards her OWLs and the inevitable choice of what she will study in her NEWTs years. The idea that she might not take NEWTs never crosses her mind until her Father suggests it. The whole of the school years is dotted with tears and fighting– the most resistance her parents have ever seen from Guinevere, who is usually so filial. In the end her OWLs marks finally convince her Father to let her remain in school. Reluctantly.
  • December 1894 - January 1895 - The Christmas holidays bring unexpected tragedy. Arthur– two years a Gryffindor graduate and something of a wildcard– turns up dead under mysterious circumstances. Foul-play, an accident, nothing seems entirely clear save the fact that Guinevere’s brother is dead. It takes her several weeks to recognize the additional complication his death brings her. She-- a woman– is now the sole hope her father has to pass the family fortune into what he views as appropriate hands. As her return to school approaches, he begins to push conversation about her coming debut and subsequent marriage all over again. She returns to Hogwarts frantic. Until she walks through the castle doors, she expects him to pull her out of school.

  • Patient
  • Clever
  • Soft-spoken
  • Introverted
  • Honest
  • Loyal
  • Anxious
  • Ambitious
  • Perfectionist
  • Compliant
  • Torn

The last surviving child of the Frost line, the sole possible heir to her father’s trading company, an academic by nature, and a woman. Guinevere finds herself torn between duty to her family and her own rising ambitions. Her studies have proven only that she craves more from life than to be a housewife. Her attempts at schoolgirl romance have left her utterly certain she favors the company of women– abhors, in fact, the attention of men. She is ill-suited to all that her parents wish for her, and yet if she does not comply with their expectations there will be no Frost heir to inherit, for her father would not leave their empire to a girl and she does not want it.

  • Amortentia: TBD
  • Patronus: TBD
  • Boggart: TBD
  • Skills:
    • Fluent in Thai, Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.
    • Less than fluent in French, but she understands enough to get by listening to a conversation.
    • Demonstrates a particular aptitude for Potions and Alchemy– and more importantly, a zeal for studying them which borders on obsessive.
    • Proficient with the harp, but despises performing so deeply that she tends to lose all aptitude while trying to play.
    • Guinevere is studying apparition.
    • OWLS
      • Astronomy - E
      • Charms - O
      • Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
      • Herbology - O
      • History of Magic - E
      • Potions - O
      • Transfiguration - O
      • Divination - A
      • Care of Magical Creatures - E
      • Arithmancy - E
    • NEWTS
      • Alchemy - TBD
      • Herbology - TBD
      • Charms - TBD
      • Defense Against the Dark Arts - TBD
      • Transfiguration - TBD
      • Potions - TBD

    Name: Arcadia
    Age: 30
    Contact: Discord
    Other Characters: Norris’, McCarthy’, Ilkin’, Bythesea’, Dumbledore’, Bauer’, Pomfrey’, Flores’, Applegate’
    How did you hear about us?: I live in your walls
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