January 18, 2025 – 3:33 PM
Full Name: Leo Erasmus Goshawk.
Birthdate: 18th January, 1868.
Current Age: 27.
Gender: Male.
Occupation: First String Seeker for the Hogsmeade Howlers.
Reputation: Eight. He shags around like his father before him but at least he hasn't fathered any bastards yet.
Residence: Mayfair, London.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Wand: Hawthorne, veela hair, 13 inches. Leo uses his left hand.
Blood Status: Halfblood.
Social Class: Upper.
Erasmus Goshawk, Father [1830]
Lenore Goshawk, nee ___, Mother [18xx]
Cygnus Goshawk, Brother [b. 1867-1871], a squib
Ursa Goshawk, Sister [b. 1870-1875], a woman
Rigel Goshawk, Brother [1877 - 1893], a ghost
Albion Picquery, Half-Brother [1863], a bastard
Henrietta Picquery, Nothing [1878], a woman he may tap once she’s old enough
Appearance: Standing at a sturdy 5’11 Leo is slender and muscular, a good build for a seeker and an excellent piece of eye-candy. He is handsome and knows it and it more than happy to use his Winner of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile (NB: This is not true but he should be the inaugural winner) to his advantage. He has hazel eyes, black hair he wears cropped to aid his seeking and he honestly thinks he wears a sharply tailored suit better than any man he knows which is why he is generally to be found wearing them. He favours dark colours but is not a stranger to the occasional pop of colour to draw attention to himself.
1868-1879:Leo is born the oldest son of Erasmus and Lenora Goshawk and though neither he nor his mother are aware at the time the birth is not such a novelty for his father. In the years that follow he is joined by two brothers and a sister – in their youth they inhabit the same nursery, but Leo is all-too aware that he is the next in line and is therefore just better than his siblings. Subsequently they are not close.
1879-1886: After displaying magic by clattering Cygnus with a cricket bat Leo receives his Hogwarts letter and heads to school at the age of eleven. He is sorted into Hufflepuff and is immediately in trouble when it is discovered he has snuck in a broom. By his second year he has it back and immediately gains a place on the house team; his prowess at Quidditch just about makes up for his unspectacular academic performance.
At home it has become obvious that Cygnus is a squib and Leo, older and wiser now, worries that he might have hit him a bit too hard when his own magic came in. There is nothing he can do about this though, so he focusses on his training instead. In his sixth year he becomes the captain of the team – largely because there are no other options, but he ignores this fact – and he becomes determined that he will pursue Quidditch professionally. He does not, at this point, tell his father about it, though he does share his ambitions with Ursu, who becomes the family member he relies on most over the subsequent years.
1886-1893: When he graduates – with precisely one NEWT to his name – Leo becomes the Second String Seeker for the Montrose Magpies, a role that he finds endlessly frustrating because the First String Seeker is apparently made of steel and his services are not really required. Feeling let-down by Quidditch in general Leo leaves the club and takes a tour of Europe to soothe his woes and sow his oats. When he returns, with a litany of experiences that would make a harlot blush, he becomes the Second String Seekers for the Hogsmeade Howlers (it is possible, though definitely not confirmed, that some money may have been donated to the club). Fortunately, here he finds his form and by 1890 he has the job of his dreams.
Oh, and his brother dies, but he becomes a ghost so it barely counts.
1894-1895: Suffice to say it counts quite a bit fucking more when he discovers that he has another brother about whom he knew nothing.
Personality: Had Leo been born just a bit less rich he might have been an upstanding individual. His heart is, generally, in the right place and he means no harm – especially to attractive women to whom he means nothing but happiness… Easily distracted, he is passionate about Quidditch and using his prodigious talent to finally impress his father.
Name: Lauren. Age: 30ish.
Contact: Discord.