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Full Name: Ulysses Alexander Hawthorne
Nicknames: Uly
Birthdate: February 6, 1863
Current Age: 31 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Tragic Hero
Reputation: 5; he was thought lost at sea for ten years and upon his return, he is not exactly going to be a society darling.
Residence: Elsewhere. Currently living on an undiscovered island. His family has a manor in the English countryside called Ithaca.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: olive, springy, 10", dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Family: Dead mother, alive father, multiple siblings
face claim: Michiel Huisman
height: 6ft
build: athletic
eyes: blue
hair colour: dark brown
hair style: long and a bit shaggy
wand hand: ambidextrous
distinguishing features: Several scars scattered across his arms, torso and legs.
scent: cedar
demeanor: Ulysses carries himself in a confident manner even after everything he has been through. He is always on alert and rarely relaxes. This is a direct result of his experiences over the years.
fashion: He prefers dark clothing that is practical and easy to move in.

Maybe one day they'll follow me and we'll
Make a greater tomorrow, then they'll see
I know we'll change the world
'cause we are the warriors of the mind
1863Ulysses is born in the middle of a mess of siblings. His childhood is loving and warm with affectionate siblings and parents. He is raised to be skilled in a variety of areas but he shines best at archery and games that require strategic thinking such as chess.
1864-1873Ulysses's life is largely uneventful during his childhood. He spends his time making mischief and honing his skills. His first sign of magic consists of causing a flood during bath time. He did always seem to have an affinity for the water.
First Year
Ulysses goes off to Hogwarts and it is hardly a surprise when he is sorted into Ravenclaw. He is quick to make friends.
Second - Fifth
Ulysses joins the Quidditch team as a Chaser in his second year. He gets excellent marks on his OWLs and passes into his NEWT years with minimal problems. He is not made prefect but Ulysses is not too fussed about it.
Penelope is her name
She’s the smartest girl in the game
And seventeen was the age
That I knew that we’d be engaged
NEWT Years
Ulysses's NEWT years come with one distinctive change: he has fallen hard for a schoolmate. He is lost to her, utterly and hopelessly. Ulysses knows his chances are slim: he is close in age to her and far from established enough to even be thinking of taking a wife. Even so, at the age of seventeen, he is pretty sure he is going to marry her one day. Especially since she returns his affections!
1882Ulysses begins adult life. His father gifts him an old ship that he names for his love. It is need of fixing and Ulysses works on it when he has the time. He otherwise takes up a job as a sailor for a ship that works under Seabound Sorcery Trading Company. He spends the rest of his free time with [Penelope] and speaks to her of his dreams for their shared life together. If only her father would just agree to their pairing already. But Ulysses is not one to give up.
1883[Penelope's] father (likely realizing just how stubborn the two lovebirds are) relents enough to give a condition: Ulysses can begin to formally court her if he is able to bring back twelve rare jewels from his journeys. Uly agrees. Sometimes they are allowed to keep part of the spoils of things they discover while underway.
Six hundred miles of open sea
But the problem's not the distance
It's what lies in between
Early 1884It is a mostly routine route, another trip that is not meant to take too long. They are to go underway to France, Spain, a couple of other ports with the final destination to be Greece. They make it there (Ulysses with three of the twelve jewels he needs!) and this is the last place Uly sends word home from as everything goes to Hell on the journey home.
A large windstorm steers them wildly off course and all they know for a while is that they are must surely still be in the vicinity of Greece. They rechart their course and things are not so dire for the moment. At least not until the Captain of the ship makes the colossal mistake of forgetting to plug up his ears in waters that play home to Sirens. The captain is lured into steering the ships into rocks, some of the crew barely making it to nearby shores. The captain and the rest of the crew, however, are claimed by either the Sirens or the sea.
1884-1895The remaining men do what they can to re-find civilization and thus a way to get home. They build a small boat from the remnants of the shipwreck. They set off but must eventually stop off to hunt for food. Unfortunately the isle they landed on is home to a colony of giants. More of their number perish before they are able to make their escape.
The surviving members come across another island, this one inhabited by what seems to be only women. That is fine by most of the crew though Ulysses stays true to his [Penelope]. But at least his belly is filled and their vessel is loaded with supplies for their journey though the women claim to have no way of sending mail.
Some of the men offend the women grievously and they are turned into pigs. The women refuse to turn them back. The remaining men know they are in danger so they are forced to abandon their men though it turns Ulysses's stomach to do so.
The remaining men continue to sail. They are at sea for some time and they realize their time with the witches made them lose track of the days. Likely owing to some sort of enchantment the isle of women is under. At least that is what Ulysses theorizes.
They must pass through a passage that looks more like a lair. Maybe because it is one. A group of sea dwelling magical creatures that Ulysses does not know lays waste to their ship and he is left the sole survivor though he is greatly injured. He miraculously survives, manages to dress his own wounds and ponders his options. He has no idea where he is now, how far off course he is and how to get out of this.
He builds a raft and takes himself to sea. He sails for some days before stopping on another island. Where he ends up staying as he knows to continue is certain death when he is somewhere he does not know (he does know he is now somewhere beyond Greece, at least). And he must get home alive. And here, he has food supply and he has survival skills that keep him going.
1895Ulysses has no idea how much time has passed, how many years, when sees a ship in the distance. He sacrifices what he has left and the remnants of his raft to build a huge fire to signal for help. It works and after ten long years, Ulysses is on the way home as that is where the ship came from and will be going home to.

Strategic. Cunning. Clever. Sociable. Charismatic. Resourceful. Courageous. Loyal. Romantic.

— skills —

01. Skilled tactician.
02. Skilled archer.
03. Skilled in physical combat.
04. Skilled sailor.

Name: Kit
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