January 6, 2025 – 9:56 AM
Full Name: Basel Nour MeighanNicknames: Baz
Birthdate: December 14, 1877
Current Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 8, due to withdrawn and snappish nature
Residence: Hogsmeade out of term
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: cherry, 13', Solid, Unicorn Hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working class
Mathew Meighan | Father | 18xx - present
Fayrouz Layali Rami Meighan | Mother | 18xx - present
Conall Amir Meighan | Brother | 1874 - present
General | Often seen roaming the halls of Hogwarts with an impossible amount of books and papers, wild hair, and too frequently the same shirt for a week, it sometimes appears as though the 6th year does little else but study. His smiles are few and far between, and while not known to be malicious, Basel is certainly far from being deemed friendly or welcoming. Matters are not particularly helped by being 6 foot 1 or the scowl ostensibly stuck to his face. While Basel would undoubtedly never be described as overtly muscular or fit, He is by no means scrawny either. Time spent helping his father with work in the summers has provided him with decent muscle tone, maintained well enough during the school year via recreational Quidditch playing and definitely rule-compliant exploration.
Features |Basel's Egyptian ancestry, inherited maternally, is much more prominent in his features than his Paternal Irish. Possessing thick eyebrows, a strong hooked nose, and olive skin, Basel is the spitting image of his Mother. His curly hair, a dark oak brown, stops just below his ears. It's often an unkempt, wild mess pushed back off his face. Peppered with moles, They seem to be most dense on his chest and shoulder blades. His hands are littered with small scars and smudged ink, and his fingernails are all but crying for help-- routinely abused via nail-biting. Though ambidextrous, he favors his left hand. It's rather common to see his hands, clothes, and even forearms smudged with ink..
Fashion |Basel possesses few new items, his wardrobe consisting of hand-me-downs from his Father, Brother, and on occasion his Mother. While most of the damage has been fixed via magic, his clothes still have noticeable wear. Almost all his clothes are 2-3 sizes too large for him, though he can't say he minds all too much, as he gets cold easily. His 'style' mostly consists of whatever has escaped the worst of clumsily made coffee stains and/or is closest to him upon waking. Perhaps in an alternate life, Basel would enjoy piecing together an outfit or dressing up, but as it is, he simply doesn't have the time or money to commit to such 'frivolities.'
Face Claim | Tamino-Amir Moharam Fouad
BEGINNINGDespite a complicated birth, Basel joins the Meighan household at 3 a.m. on December 14, 1877. He proves to be a rather fussy baby, prone to fits of crying and screaming. 1886
ACCIDENTS & PARTINGSBasel's first display of Accidental magic occurred in 1886, at 8 years old, while helping his father deal with a Garden Gnome infestation. Reaching out to grab a Gnome, He is bitten. With a scream and a pop, Basel apparates to St.Mungos, where he has visited his mother many times. Confused and in pain, He stands in the middle of the waiting room with a Garden Gnome hanging off his hand, crying for his mother. He never truly lives down the story, nor does he ever quite get the hang of apparition.
3 months later, Collan departs for his first year at Hogwarts. Basel is distraught by the departure and the loss of his brother. It takes a week to calm him down, and he is only placated by the promise of letters and souvenirs.1878-1889
SUM IT UPBasel remains largely unaware of the many goings-on in the world and the seemingly inevitable hardships of a working-class family. The years are filled with the idleness of childhood, and he is kept as safe from such trials and tribulations as any child of his class could be. He spends his time reading, exploring, and, in the later years of childhood, playing Quidditch with the other children his age. He finds he has a particular knack for playing beater.
Occasionally, Basel joins his father at the manor whose gardens he keeps and helps with the more mundane, magicless chores that need doing. The time passes without conversation, the only sound that of his father singing some song or another in his deep, accented voice.
In the late evenings, when his mother returns home bedraggled and, more often than not, faintly smelling of smoke, he sits on the counter sipping tea while she tells stories of the day's various medical encounters.
And while Basel might be considered a rather serious child, He could not be thought an unhappy one1889-1890
YEAR 1It is with both nerves and excitement alike that Basel attends his first year at Hogwarts. He is, to some disappointment, sorted into Ravenclaw. Basel had hoped to join his brother's house, Hufflepuff, so that he may spend more time with his brother. Any disappointment is, however, easily forgotten as the term starts and his schedule fills. Basel has never been a particularly social child, but this does not stop him from making friends with some of his peers. His free time is spent exploring Hogwarts and its grounds, goofing off with Conall, or playing recreational quidditch games with his yearmates.
At the end of the year, Basel is awarded a Partial Academic Scholarship. he returns home with pride and excitement for the following year. Over the summer, however, things take a slight turn for the worse. Money grows tight, and Conall prepares for his final year at Hogwarts.1890-1891
YEAR 22nd year, and Basel faces it as best he can. Conall returns as well, subdued with the knowledge of his impending departure from Hogwarts. Both brothers know how unlikely it had always been that either of them would even be able to complete their O.W.L.S. and the sacrifices their parents made to ensure it. Still, the departure looms over the two like a shadow. Basel especially finds himself distressed by the reminder of his own short stay at Hogwarts.
The term starts quickly, with a flurry of activity and work. He spends most of his free time playing Quidditch and exploring the grounds, though he can't seem to find as many free hours as he could last year.
As the year wraps up, he breathes a sigh of relief when his Partial Academic scholarship is left intact.
The return home is a dour affair, and Basel pretends not to see the tear tracks on his brother's face. 2 months later, Conall finds a job transporting magical goods across continents via boat, and the brothers say their goodbyes once more.1891-1892
YEAR 3Basel returns to Hogwarts for his 3rd year, adding Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Runes to his class roster. Early in the year, he receives news that his father has been laid off and that Basel will likely not return for his 4th year. Sickened by the thought and desperate to ensure otherwise, Basel devotes himself to his school work in the hopes of earning a Full Academic scholarship. His free time is almost nonexistent, and he practically lives in the library. Only occasionally does he find the time to play a game of Quidditch and never more than a round or two. Many of his friendships, which had been tenuous at best, are abandoned.
However, during Care of Magical Creatures, Basel discovers a fascination with insects. Occasionally, when a break is necessary, he finds solace in reading about the different varieties of insects. The topic is endlessly fascinating to him, and he is quite enthralled with both magical and nonmagical bugs.
The year ends with news of his being awarded the Full Academic scholarship he worked so hard for. Though somewhat hesitant at first, his parents eventually agree to let him attend his fourth year. The summer is spent recovering as best he can, and he begins his own insect collection. He resumes playing Quidditch with the local kids his age, finding comfort in the activity after last year's lonely trials.1892-1893
YEAR 4Basel begins 4th year far too aware that he could only do so because of his scholarship. Collan's letters are far between, though the few that do arrive are lengthy and elaborate. His brother describes foreign shores and otherworldly ports. On occasion, Basel lets his mind drift and imagines he is experiencing them alongside his brother.
The year passes similarly to the previous, and relationships are pushed to the side in favor of his studies. His insect collection grows; however, he hardly steps foot on the quidditch pitch-- favoring insect-hunting over quidditch playing.
The term comes to an end, as they all do, and news of his scholarship's renewal brings with it relief. Basel returns home feeling lighter than he had all year and uses the summer to better prepare himself for his O.W.L.S. His father finds a job shortly after summer starts, and the Meighan household can finally relax.1893-1894
YEAR 55th year arrives, and with it, O.W.L.S. Anxious and determined to do well, Basel is especially snappish and short with his peers. He is studying for his exams the moment he is settled in. His childhood nail-biting habit makes a recurrence, and his fingers/cuticles are often left bloody and scabbed from where they've been bitten to the quick. Collan, despite Basel's objection, sends 'fun money' every couple of months or so. Nothing extravagant or even beneficial, but Basel saves it. The money is spent only ever sparingly on study materials regardless of its initial purpose. Basel's Insect collection, packed and brought with despite better judgment, lays at the bottom of his trunks untouched. He hardly leaves the library and more often falls asleep in the library than he does in his own bed. It would not be too far an exaggeration to claim that Basel does not see the outside of Howarts' halls once this year.
His work pays off, however, and Basel receives an O on all his O.W.L.S except for History of Magic, in which he obtains an E.
Basel heads home for the summer, proud of his scores and nervous about conversing with his parents. Upon his arrival, he makes it known that he wishes to return and take his N.E.W.T.S. His father insists on finding a job or apprenticeship to begin making his own living-- to become a man. When Basel expresses that he wishes to make something better of himself, to seek out more than his station would allow, his father falls silent. Then, quietly, he tells Basel that he is a fool. The two scarcely talk for the rest of the summer, and Basel prepares for his return to Hogwarts. He does not play Quidditch or collect any bugs that summer.1894-1895
YEAR 6Determined to prove his father wrong, Basel returns to Hogwarts. Letters from his mother are few, and letters from his father are still fewer. Collan continues to send lengthy, meticulous letters along with the odd .03G or so. He insists their father will eventually get over whatever his issue is, but Basel remains unconvinced and shaken. He attempts to shove both his father's disapproval and his own festering doubt and guilt aside.
While unsure of what he would like to pursue after Hogwarts, he is determined to at least take his N.E.W.T.S.
Basel signs up for Potions, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures.
Personality: ambitious | loyal | awkward | single-minded
Basel is perhaps best described as an awkward, unsociable kind of person. Communication, unless written down in an essay format, is something he struggles with greatly. When he communicates, he tends to be terribly blunt and snappy, which worsens in moments of discomfort or awkwardness. Once comfortable, though, Basel can be found to be a rather stalwart companion. In fact, upon
While he is perhaps a bit of a workaholic and a recluse, he would do most anything for those he loves. In fact, once close with Basel he is a rather gentle person, with a distaste for aggression or argumentation. His skin is really not thick, and insults cut deeply-- doubly so when they originate from those closest to him.
Perhaps Basel's most prevalent feature is his ambition. While he does not desire power, money, or even respect, Basel wishes for financial and societal freedom to do what he wishes. However, his ambition often causes negligence of anything which does not actively contribute to his goals.
- Basel's mother works as a Mediwitch for St.Mungos, and his father is a Head Gardener.
- Patronus is a Maned wolf
- Very Claustrophobic
- while there is no evidence, Basel suspects that Collan’s job is not so legal as he makes it out to be.
Sample Roleplay Post: It had been raining all day, the sky a gray shroud enveloping the world and obscuring the Sun. Strong, howling currents of wind ripping through arches and around towers shook Ravenclaw Tower, the walls shuddering and groaning with each whistling swell. Fat, heavy raindrops beat like a drum against the tower stones and windows.
Inside, where wet chill could not entirely penetrate the warm sanctuary, Basel sat in solace, curled by the warm cast of the hearth. Its glow filled the comfortable space well enough to work by, and cedar logs crackled pleasantly.
The Common Room was blessedly empty this evening. His classmates lay far below finishing dinner, voices only faintly heard from so far above. It was times like this, when it was only him in the usually overcrowded and loud Common room, that some twisted and knotted thing in his chest unraveled. His breaths were steady, and his fingers efficient at whatever task lay before them. This particular evening, their assigned task was of a rather delicate nature.
Layed out flat on Basel's lap is a long plank split in half. Each side is tilted upward slightly, creating a wide V. The smooth crack in the middle is roughly half an inch wide and half an inch deep, running the span of the board. Carefully arranged so that its thorax fits neatly in the gap and wings lay flat on either side, rests an iridescent white and blue butterfly. Its wings resemble stained glass in the firelight. Around each wing, Basel has placed a long, thin pin-- each one meticulously positioned so that its wings remain fully open.
Delicately, Basel places the last pin alongside the bottom of the right wing and exhales loudly, letting out the breath he had unconsciously held. It had been almost an hour since he had begun work on the specimen, and both his hands and back ached from the strain. Arching his back and stretching his arms over his head, his spine pops satisfyingly. He promptly collapses backward on the floor, butterfly still balanced on his lap, his arms limp above his head.
He knows that his half-finished Transfiguration essay is lying on his bed somewhere above him, waiting, an unhappy reminder of the responsibilities he had been neglecting for the last hour. It was due tomorrow first thing, and Basel knew he would have to stay up late into the night to finish it on time. Yet the allure of the butterfly-- a truly exquisite Belgian Glass Butterfly, likely in the midst of migration during its capture-- had proven too tempting to resist. The thrill of pinning it had been a temporary but pleasant distraction from his academic obligations.
Distant voices grow louder, the clamor of students making their way back up the spiraling tower echoing in the silent room. Reluctantly, Basel pushes himself upright, eyes blinking rapidly in an attempt to refocus on the world around him. Fatigue lingers in his bones. He begins gathering scattered materials, a yawn crawling its way up and out of his throat as he does so. The butterfly, a moment of peace and beauty, would be adequately appreciated in the morning.
For now, it was time to get back to work.
Name: Blueberry
Age: 20
Contact: Pm, Email
Other Characters: N/A
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