
Full Version: Kayode Gbadamosi
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Full Name: Kayode Enitan Gbadamosi
Nicknames: Kay
Birthdate: August 2, 1868
Current Age: 26 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Vibing
Reputation: 10; Kay is new to the country and his public reputation is still perfectly intact other than some typical "boyish" behaviours most would write off as him simply being a young man. No one would know of the troubles that happened back home.
Residence: Kingdom of Benin, will be residing in Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade during his stay.
Hogwarts House: Attended Uagadou
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
father: b. 1844
mother: b. 1847
brother: b. 1865
sister: b. July 1867 - d. Sep 1868

face claim: Aaron Pierre
height: 6 ft, 3 in
build: Athletic
eyes: Hazel (but to some, looks more blue or green so no one can ever agree on what his eye colour is)
hair colour: Black
hair style: Kept very short and neat.
wand hand: He does not use a wand but if he did, he would be ambidextrous.
distinguishing features: His eyes are his most striking feature. In his animagus form, his eyes remain the same colour.
demeanor: Kay is a confident and jovial man and it shows in the way that he carries himself. He does not shrink down for anyone and is not one to be cowed. He has a deep, booming laugh and is quick to smile.
fashion: Kay does sometimes wear the typical fashion of a British upper class man but much prefers to sport traditional Yoruban attire as he finds the former to be a tad boring and constricting. He prefers deep purples, blues and other jeweled tones.

1868Kayode is born and is the second son of his parents. The joy of his birth is cut short for his mother when his older sister dies a month later. She is despondent and refuses to have another child.
1869-1878Kay is a bright, cheerful child and to know him is to love him for most. He and his brother are very close growing up and share a loving bond with each other. They are distant with their father but in the way of upper class folk. Their mother is loving but has bouts of not being able to be near them.
Kayode goes off to Uagadou and quickly proves to be an exceptional student. He swiftly unwittingly outshines his elder brother without meaning to. A rift grows between them due to his elder brothers insecurity and jealousy. It does not help things when a girl that his elder brother admires begins casting glances Kayodes way. Kayode does his best to ignore it despite secretly reciprocating her feelings at the time. Throughout his later years in school, Kayode studies the art of becoming an animagus.
1886Kayode graduates and begins working for his fathers flourishing publishing company. He takes to the work quite well and has an excellent eye for grand stories that will make profit. One of his feats upon graduation is successfully becoming an African lion animagus.
1888Kayodes father begins to make remarks about Kayode inheriting instead. This causes more strife between the brothers. Kayode does his best to simply move past it.
1890Kayodes brother marries the aforementioned young woman by going straight to her father for her hand.
1892Incidents begin to happen at work and each time the evidence seems to point to Kayode being at fault. His value in his fathers eyes begins to diminish and he is given less and less responsibilities.
1894Things come to a head when Kayode's brother publicly accuses him of having an affair with his wife. A fight breaks out when Kayode defends both his and his sister in laws honours. and Kayode accidentally causes a deep injury to his brothers leg. He was simply defending himself but even so, Kayode accepts the blame.
1895Deciding that some new scenery after everything is much needed, Kayode decides to go to Britain where his grandmother and cousins reside. Perhaps with his absence, his brother will chill the fuck out.


— skills —

01. Is an African Lion animagus.
02. Can produce a fully corporal African Lion patronus.
03. Exceptional in wandless magic.
04. Fluent in Yoruba, English, French, Italian and Russian.

Name: Kit
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