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Full Name: Hazel McPherson
Nicknames: Haze, Zel
Birthdate: August 20, 1873
Current Age: 21 years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Sheppard, Prostitute (Mostly part time and very client picky)
Reputation: 4. Hazel is a known bastard child of a former proustite mother. Her mother and Hazel live in highlands nears Hogsmead where they mostly self isolate. Hazel works as a prostitute at night to make some ends meet. Hazel is unmarried.
Residence: Western Highlands, near Charlestown of Aberlour
Hogwarts House: Former Hufflepuff
Wand: Vine wood, unicorn hair, 11 1/4 Inches, Supple
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Working Class
Family: Maise McPherson (Mother), Unknown Ottoman Sailor Father, Ian McPherson (Cousin)
Height: 5'7
Build: Lean
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Brown
Wand hand: Left
Clothes:Hazel, when working her normal job is usually wears a working dress of some kind, usually blue or black. The dress is covered with an apron. She will also wear a head scarf that she uses to tie up her hair. If she's working "at night", she usually wears a black dress with a black overcoat and usually she wears her hair down, usually flowing down to her shoulders.
Accessories: Walking stick used while herding animals
August 20, 1873-Born in a brothel in London to a prostitute mother after her mother had a longer term engagement with a Ottoman naval officer.
September 24, 1873-Hazel's father departs, leaving her mother some money and a small Ottoman Naval medal for Hazel
October 1, 1874-Hazel's mother departs London with her daughter and moves to her sister's house in Edinburgh. There, Hazel is passed off as her mother's sister child initially.
January 10, 1875-Smallpox rips its way through the family household, killing Hazel's aunt, uncle, and three of her 4 cousins. Hazel, her mother, her youngest cousin, and her grandfather are the only survivors.
January 14, 1875-Hazel's mother and grandfather move the survivors closer to the Western Highlands (Near Chalestown of Aberlour).
February 1, 1875-Surving family members purchase a small house in the countryside and start sheep herding.
August 3, 1877-Hazel's cousin moves to Dover after joining the British Colonial Expedition Forces.
November 8, 1880-Hazel's grandfather passes away, leaving Hazel's mother solely responsible for the family farm.
November 11, 1880-Hazel receives a letter from her biological father. Letter said not to be opened until the 'time was right'
January 4, 1881-Hazel's first instances of involuntary magic happens with her accidentally breaking a window after she was upset about working in the rain.
March 22, 1881-Hazel opens letter from her father. Letter explains that he is a wizard and that he likely was responsible for Hazel being a witch. Letter did not provide much else. This became the seed of active resentment towards her father and her magical self.
February 8, 1881-Hazel's mother accidentally burns herself severely, sidelining her to mostly indoor work. Hazel started taking a more active role on the farm in response.
October 11, 1881-Hazel's cousin returns from First Boer War, loosing half a arm in the process. Dismissed from the army and given a pension from the crown. Begins working on the farm, helping the farm grow mostly sustainable. Like most small scale farms, it mostly served the local area at the time and barely turned a profit.
January 9, 1884-Hazel and Hazel's mother receive a visit from a Hogwarts official to explain what Hazel's was going through. Explains the requirement for some sort of magical education to prevent further mishaps.
September 1, 1884-Hazel starts her first year at Hogwarts. Mostly marked by general distrust to those around her and the staff at the school. Despite this, Hazel achieved good enough marks that she was able to attend another year at the school using a partial scholarship and the gold the family could spare.
September 1, 1885-Hazel starts her second year at Hogwarts. Similar to her first year, she achieves well enough marks to afford a third year at the school. Her view of her own magical abilities and her general self-hatred towards being magic leads to social isolation.
September 1, 1886-Hazel attends her third year full year at Hogwarts. Nothing particular of note happens outside of a interest in history.
September 1 to December 1, 1887-Hazel starts her fourth year at Hogwarts. A notable slip in academics occurred during this year. Hazel started experiencing her first feelings of attraction towards anyone. Notably, it was the same gender. This caused a depression spiral as Hazel believed something was wrong with her. This resulted in some self-destructive behavior such as drinking, skipping class and general delinquency. Leads to disciplinary actions.
December 3, 1887-Hazel quits Hogwarts after her mother falls ill. Mostly used as a excuse as Hazel was close to being expelled.
April 5, 1888-Hazel's mother recovers from her illness. Hazel decides to not re-enroll into Hogwarts, deciding to work on the farm.
May 9, 1889-Hazel takes a trip to London during the slow season, visiting her mother's formal place of work. During this trip, Hazel encounters a associate of Henry Hyndman. This is Hazel's first exposure to politics. At this time, Hazel started reading political literature.
October 10, 1889-Hazel's farm started selling some of their goods in Hogsmead.
March 9, 1890-Due to some financial issues due to a illness going through Hazel's herd, Hazel looked for alternatives to make some extra money. This eventually lead her down to the prostitute route. Through her mother's former work in London, Hazel's mother became friends with a prostitute that just happened to be a witch. It was through her that Hazel's family learned about Hogsmead and Hazel specifically of the underground brothel in Hogsmead (The Painted Lady). Hazel only takes limited clients, however, preferring a more personal connection with her clients. Due to her own sexual desires, Hazel preferred taking any female client that would be available.
August 11, 1892-Hazel starts questioning the current system of governance and of the economic institutions of the United Kingdom. Joins the Social Democratic Federation.
March, 1894-Present Day-Hazel mostly works as a Sheppard, taking on a "client" once or twice a week.
Personality: Hazel is generally a standoffish type, mostly quiet, and has trust issues. Hazel suffers of what people call melencholia(depression). She is, however, very attentive when it comes to people who might be in distress or hurt.
Other: Any other information you want to include.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Ding Ding Ding. The distinct clatter of cowbells rang through the air as a small flock of highland cows wandered through the the less crowded parts of Hogsmead. They were being moved from one field to another. Cows weren't a welcome sight for everyone as they meant the chance of stepping on animal feces increased exponential. Hazel, didn't care much about that though. It was her job to drive them and most of the people that lived in this town didn't understand they next thing that went into farming. Humming a small tune of some classical piece she heard a couple weeks ago, Hazel lead the cows through the streets, occasionally greeting a acquaintance or someone who buys some of the limit wares her family offers in Hogmead.

Normally, Hazel wouldn't take the route she was taking but a recent rainstorm had put a damper on those plans. She hated walking through the town during the day. It reminded her constantly of what she was. Something she could never change about herself. Sighing, she tapped her stick a little, making the cows pick up the pace a little. There's a reason usually she hated doing selling in this place. Good thing Hogsmead wasn't the main clientele for the farm. At least at night, she can sometimes pretend her magic doesn't exist. Ding Ding Ding the bells went as Hazel slowly made her way out of town, back towards her home. There was more work to do for the day but the part she dreaded most would finally be done.
Name:< b> Innish
Age: 27
Contact: DMs/Discord ( aberystwythtown )
Other Characters: Not atm
How did you hear about us?: RPG-Directory
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