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Full Name: Mia Esther Whitby
Nicknames: My-my
Birthdate: October 10, 1875
Current Age: 19 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Maid at the Three Broomsticks
Reputation: 9; she has a perfectly respectable job for a working class woman and her more troublesome shenanigans have not become widely known... yet.
Residence: Just off of Hogsmeade High Street, on the corner of Three-Knut Alley and Pendle Road.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 12", springy, dragon heartstring, sycamore
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Edmund Whitby | Father | 18xx - Nov 1893
Eleanor Whitby | Mother | 18xx - 1879
Tess Whitby | Sister | 1866
Sage Whitby | Sister | 1868
Saffron Whitby | Sister | 1871
Amber Whitby | Sister | 1879

Archer Whitby | "Cousin"

face claim: Taylor Swift
height: 5 ft. 6¼ in
build: slender
eyes: blue
hair colour: blonde
hair style: wavy and prone to curl when the humidity is high
wand hand: right
scent: a soft lemon sort of scent
demeanor: A daydreamer, Mias mind is almost always somewhere else. She seems distractible but is quick to smile and laugh.
fashion: Mia enjoys 'pretty' colours that are light and airy. She loves pastels. Her nemesis is her Three Broomsticks maid uniform.

'Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

1875Mia is born in early October.
1877The family moves to Hogsmeade after an uproar about magic and another magical printworks is burned down. Being two years old, Mia hardly notices much of a difference in her residence.
1879Amber is born, the last of their brood. Their mother dies a week later due to birth complications. Mia is heartbroken.
First Year
Mia goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. The magical schoolwork proves hard for her but she powers through.
Fifth Year
Mia does terribly on most of her OWLs and does not go back to Hogwarts for her sixth year. She ultimately ends up working as a maid at the Three Broomsticks. She designs society invitations, stationary and cards on the side.
1893Mias father dies which she does not take all too well. She works through her mourning alongside her sisters.
1894Mia takes to sneaking into society parties wearing cast off gowns that a seamstress friend of hers has fixed up and let her borrow. She has the goal of ensnaring and marrying some rich bachelor.

Personality: Can sometimes be materialistic. Romantic. Whimsical. Daydreamer. Sociable. Ambitious. Adventurous. Acts first and thinks later.
Other: Any other information you want to include.
Name: Kit
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