December 20, 2024 – 12:29 AM
Full Name: Mia Esther WhitbyNicknames: My-my
Birthdate: October 10, 1875
Current Age: 19 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Maid at the Three Broomsticks
Reputation: 9; she has a perfectly respectable job for a working class woman and her more troublesome shenanigans have not become widely known... yet.
Residence: Just off of Hogsmeade High Street, on the corner of Three-Knut Alley and Pendle Road.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 12", springy, dragon heartstring, sycamore
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Edmund Whitby | Father | 18xx - Nov 1893
Eleanor Whitby | Mother | 18xx - 1879
Tess Whitby | Sister | 1866
Sage Whitby | Sister | 1868
Saffron Whitby | Sister | 1871
Amber Whitby | Sister | 1879
Archer Whitby | "Cousin"
Eleanor Whitby | Mother | 18xx - 1879
Tess Whitby | Sister | 1866
Sage Whitby | Sister | 1868
Saffron Whitby | Sister | 1871
Amber Whitby | Sister | 1879
Archer Whitby | "Cousin"

height: 5 ft. 6¼ in
build: slender
eyes: blue
hair colour: blonde
hair style: wavy and prone to curl when the humidity is high
wand hand: right
scent: a soft lemon sort of scent
demeanor: A daydreamer, Mias mind is almost always somewhere else. She seems distractible but is quick to smile and laugh.
fashion: Mia enjoys 'pretty' colours that are light and airy. She loves pastels. Her nemesis is her Three Broomsticks maid uniform.
1875 | Mia is born in early October. |
1877 | The family moves to Hogsmeade after an uproar about magic and another magical printworks is burned down. Being two years old, Mia hardly notices much of a difference in her residence. |
1879 | Amber is born, the last of their brood. Their mother dies a week later due to birth complications. Mia is heartbroken. |
1887-1888 First Year | Mia goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. The magical schoolwork proves hard for her but she powers through. |
1891-1892 Fifth Year | Mia does terribly on most of her OWLs and does not go back to Hogwarts for her sixth year. She ultimately ends up working as a maid at the Three Broomsticks. She designs society invitations, stationary and cards on the side. |
1893 | Mias father dies which she does not take all too well. She works through her mourning alongside her sisters. |
1894 | Mia takes to sneaking into society parties wearing cast off gowns that a seamstress friend of hers has fixed up and let her borrow. She has the goal of ensnaring and marrying some rich bachelor. |
Personality: Can sometimes be materialistic. Romantic. Whimsical. Daydreamer. Sociable. Ambitious. Adventurous. Acts first and thinks later.
Other: Any other information you want to include.
Name: Kit