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Full Name: Sophie Lorraine Miller
Nicknames: Millie by her employers
Birthdate: 1 July 1866
Current Age: 28 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Lady's Maid & Personal Assistant to Lowri Dempsey
Reputation: 9 | While has a generally spotless reputation, she is very much associated with the Dempsey clan.
Residence: the Dempsey Estate; Galway, Ireland
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Birch, 13 3/4", Flexible, Single Phoenix Feather
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Family: Lorraine Elyse Miller née __________ | Mother; Muggleborn | b. 1840; d. 1870
Stephen Richard Miller | Father; Muggleborn | b. 1834; d. 1870

General |
Sophie stands at an even 5 ft 3 in., choosing to wear her hair back in a bun close to the nape of her neck to make sure it's out of the way. When down, it flows to about waist length which she usually ties into a plait before bed. As a result, her hair can hold a soft wave to it at times. Aside from her hair's ability to hold a curl, that brings an end to the features she enjoys about herself. In her opinion, both her hair and eyes cannot seem to decide on a color to stick to; during the summer, her hair can be bleached lighter from the sun, and fade back to a indistinct blonde/brown in the winter. Her eyes could be described as a dark hazel, but can veer towards a dark brown depending on the lighting. Her wand arm is her right.

Deportment | Sophie's stature is of one who is constantly trying to minimize her physical impact on the world. She doesn't hold herself with much confidence outside those with whom she feels comfortable. There are times that she walks with a distinct limp, especially if it's cold (always) or her limbs are sore from work, however she can be remarkably fast when she wants to be.

Fashion | Sophie wears a standard lady’s maid uniform more often than not which consists of a black dress, white apron and white cap, and can also choose darker jewel tones on her days off. She favors wearing her mother's old straw hat on days in the sun and decorates it with different ribbons she can find from time to time.

Accessories | While she loves the idea of jewelry, it would be completely impractical (and not to mention inappropriate) as a member of staff.

Scent | the standard soap is used at the Dempsey estate, though on special occasions, she favors a pine & lavender scented soap that Lowri often gifts her.

Face Claim | Sophie Cookson

Sophie is born to Lorraine and Stephen Miller, two muggle born folk of the working class. While originally from Yorkshire, the Millers live in a small village near the Dempsey estate in Galway, Ireland, as both Lorraine and Stephen work in the household as a maid and footman respectively. Sophie grows up a quiet little girl, content to keep herself apart from the Dempsey children when she comes to visit the estate on occasion; not because she has any sort of comprehension of the classes keeping them apart but because she is an introverted child, content to watch the others play. Later, the idea of having to explain her relationship with the children and family as a whole quite literally has her seeing stars, and she even faints on one occasion before she can get the answer out.

Watching each of the Dempsey children go off to Hogwarts has Sophie feeling wistful, and eager for her turn for a chance to prove herself. Her first sign of magic comes in 1870 when her and her parents are in a carriage accident on the way back from a family trip. The fall that the family suffered should have killed everyone, but somehow Sophie walks away, though not without her own injuries: a large scar across her back, a pain in her hip that occasionally flares up, and for the next year she hardly speaks a word. Lowri and Eamon take the girl in and allow her to take part in lessons set by the family governess.

Relief comes on the one year anniversary of her parents deaths as she watches the Dempsey children play in the field. Soon enough, their antics escalate from amusing to completely ridiculous, and Sophie starts to laugh. From then on, though she remains a quiet girl, the family can occasionally get her to say a few words here and there. Eventually Sophie receives her letter from Hogwarts. By then she's equal parts terrified and equal parts elated.

1877- 1882
Indeed, Sophie is absolutely terrified when it comes time to leave Hogwarts. During the Sorting Ceremony, she manages to make it up to the stool, but falls in a dead faint before she can hear the Sorting Hat's decision. Once revived by the staff, she finds herself at the Ravenclaw table, which is absolutely terrifying because it's the same house as many of the Dempsey children and she is immediately terrified of making a horrible impression. There's no going back though, and she tries to settle in as best she can.

Her confidence grows as her performance in academia does. Though it distresses her that she isn't close in years with any of the Dempsey children, in retrospect it forces her to branch out and make friends, though she suffers at the hands of a few girls bullying her for her occasional limp and her quiet nature. She finds comfort in what friends she has and her spell casting ability. Spell work comes easily to her, especially charms, arithmancy and transfiguration.

One day during the summer of 1881, she asks Lowri if she can help with planning the celebration to launch Lowri's newest publication. Lowri agrees and they begin to plan extensively. During their walk around the grounds, they come across Shallott who joins them. After fetching the two women their shawls, Lottie approaches to find a sight to behold: Lowri, Shalott and a third figure in the form of a very naked Endymion Dempsey who - by what Sophie could gather - had been in the throes of passion with a wayward wild veela. Sophie tries in vain to erase the image of the nude third eldest son of her mother's employers, however the image persists before settling into a very intense crush. She has a hard time keeping a blush from her face around Endymion for a while after that.

Unfortunately when the time comes for her to sit her OWLs, she fails almost everything — except charms. She is distraught after receiving her results, feeling like she utterly wasted the money for education that her family had saved up for her. After some digging on Lowri's part, she finds out that she in fact wouldn't have done too terribly had she not mistaken the second question for the first question. It's a blunder that lives with her to this day, resulting in extreme test anxiety. Unbeknownst to most of the Dempseys, Lowri offers to help her fix it and to offer to put her through to seventh year at Hogwarts. Utterly overwhelmed by the kindness shown to her, Sophie faints in Lowri's study. Upon waking up, she insists that a sixth and seventh year is not necessary and that she is content to begin her life at the estate as a maid - that is, if the Dempseys will still have her.

Life as a Maid
1882- 1889
Going from student life to life as a maid is a bit more rough than Sophie imagined. While she is still friends with some of the staff, some do still give her the cold shoulder about being a favored one amongst the family. And as much as she might blush, Sophie can't deny the fact that there is a line between her and the family that is blurred more so than the rest of the staff.

As the years pass, Sophie adjusts to life as a maid. It's grueling work, but rewarding, especially when Lowri lets her help plan various events at the estate. Getting to know the Dempsey children as adults tests the limits of her social anxiety; much of their lives having been spent away at Hogwarts meant at times it was like ships passing in the night. But learning how to take care of them, especially the girls, learning their tastes, their quirks, their habits, sees Sophie learn to love them in her own way. They aren't quite family, because now she understands class divides, but they are certainly closer to her than a lot of her friends.

Personal Assistant to Lowri Dempsey
1889 - Present
The promotion as Lady's Maid to Lowri comes when Lowri's former lady's maid retires. At first Sophie is available to help in the interim, however once she adjusts to the whims of the mistress of the house, all parties find that the promotion fits Sophie's station. Whilst she still has issues with social anxiety, she and Lowri work together within her comfort zone as much as possible. However when Oz becomes Minister for Magic, Sophie becomes even more fearful that she might have to step even further out of her comfort circle and help Lowri plan something that might truly end in disaster for her.

Smart & intelligent, but also very easily overwhelmed. A bit of a hurricane when it comes to organization. Seems a little disorganized in Lowri's mind because Lowri is very much the type of person to ask one thing, forget, then ask another completely contrary thing of Sophie. Terrified of talking in front of large crowds. Is tbh very grateful she didn't really have to come out to society because she would have fainted the minute she stepped foot at a party where she's the center of attention. She HAS fainted multiple times in social gatherings. Probably been sick in a few obliging plant pots around the Dempsey estate due to her social anxiety. Is very much of an introvert but the Dempseys are the only people who she can truly feel comfortable around.

Name: Don't look at me.
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