December 13, 2024 – 2:07 AM
Full Name: Eamon Halston HarperNicknames: If any
Birthdate: February 20, 1864
Current Age: 30 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Herbologist
Reputation: 9?; As for as society and his family is concerned, Eamon has always lived impeccably aside from a few boyish mishaps.
Residence: Family estate in Stratford-on-Avon , Warwickshire, England though they spend the season in London.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 1875-1882
Wand: 12". Springy. Kelpie hair. Hazel wood.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
father: Kingston Harper | [1832-1884]
mother: Megara Harper née - - - | [1839]
brother: Emmett Harper | [1865]
brother: Ethan Harper | [1868]
brother: Easton Harper | [1871]
sister: Ember Harper | [1875]
sister: Elsa Harper | [1877]
mother: Megara Harper née - - - | [1839]
brother: Emmett Harper | [1865]
brother: Ethan Harper | [1868]
brother: Easton Harper | [1871]
sister: Ember Harper | [1875]
sister: Elsa Harper | [1877]

height: five feet, eleven inches
build: slim but toned
eyes: green
hair colour: brown
hair style: loose curls that are kept from growing too long
wand hand: right
distinguishing features: a small mole on the right side of his face
scent: a forest-y, natural sort of scent
demeanor: Eamon tends to always sit upright and proper though he is not rigid. Smiles come to his face easily and he tends to be rather approachable.
fashion: Typical clothing of an upper class man. He has a tendency to wear gloves as he dislikes the feel of his hands getting dirty. He keeps his appearance neat and tidy whenever possible.
1864 | Eamon is born to a loving, upper class couple. He is their first born. |
1865 | Apparently Papa cannot keep his hands off Mama because a little over a year later, Emmett is born. He is a giggly babe which tends to make Eamon also giggly. He adores his little brother from the start. |
1866 - 1874 | More siblings are born and the Harper children enjoy the typical childhood of loved, upper class children. They have a nanny and a governess so their every need is well looked after despite the growing number of children. It is clear to anyone who sees them that the Harper parents are still very smitten with one another. Thus Eamon grows up with a romantic view of love from a very young age. |
1875-1876 First Year | Eamon goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff. This surprises no one. Ever affable, Eamon is quick to make friends. |
1877-1878 Third Year | Eamon chooses Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies and Earth Magic as his electives. The third is a surprise to most as people that know him know of his distaste of dirt and getting dirty. |
1878-1879 Fourth Year | Emmett joins Quidditch which Eamon never did since he personally dislikes the game. Even so, he is a proud big brother. |
1879-1880 Fifth Year | The summer before fifth year finds Eamon's Hogwarts letter containing a prefects badge. |
1880-1882 NEWT Years | Eamon develops an interest in advanced magic that coincides with his heart being stolen by one Drusilla Pettigrew. To his delight, he falls into friendship with her and some others that also share an interest in learning magic beyond what they are taught at Hogwarts. Including the dark side of magic. Eamon believes it is still up to the intent of the magic user so it cannot be all that bad. A naive thought but one he clings to as they continue their journey down this path. He uses his prefect status to help their group get out of scrapes and to help their mutual goals. |
1881-1882 | Eamon graduates and after some travel, becomes a Herbologist. This surprises people since he hates getting dirty and dealing with dirt. He has a knack for plants though, ironically enough. And he is able to get his hands on certain plants and potion ingredients that help aid his and his friends deeper studies of dark and advanced magics. Life is chugging along until Drusilla asks for their help in freeing her from her father. Through a ritual like they had all done research into for their own needs. She suggests and they all commit to an Unbreakable Vow. Eamon would do anything for her so he readily agrees. Maybe once she is free... he might have a chance. Right now he is halfblood and too close in age, her father would never agree. And besides, isn't it ones duty to save the person they love if they can? Even without a payoff? Eamon certainly thinks so. |
1884 | Eamons father succumbs to the Laughing Plague. Eamon leas on his family and vice versa to get them through their tragic loss. |
1886-1887 | The time for Drusillas ritual arrives which involves an ox and blood. News of Mr Rowles death comes in the new year. Dru is freed. |
1888 | Dru is barely out of mourning when she gets married. To someone else. Eamon is devastated but wishes for her happiness above all else. He dives into his work and studies, trying to learn more about his own desired ritual. |
1890 | Eamon finds his ritual and after handling the logistics, it is performed. It is gross, everything he hates since it involves among other things, drinking a freshly killed owls blood and having it poured on him. Urgh. That night, he falls into a deep sleep. He wakes the next day with a deep, innate knowledge of ancient spells forgotten by time and uses for plants long lost to history. The feeling is addictive. Knowing so much is addictive. He had initially gotten into all this for the woman he loved but now he has awakened a desire to learn even more of the unknown. |
1891-1894 | Life goes on as it does and Eamon is filled with an increasing desire to do another ritual, to see what else he could gain from it. He knows it is improbable that the others will want to assist him again. Even so, the desire stays with him and grows more each year as do his curiosities such as what would he learn if he had used another creatures blood instead of an owls? What knowledge would that provide him? He otherwise lives his life, enjoys his family, hangs out with friends and lives the typical life of an upper class gent. |
Eamon is an affable and friendly man who is quick to smile and give affection. He is a romantic and has an idealized vision of love that he saw his parents display throughout his childhood to one another. He tends to be quick to become attached to those he becomes fond of and is protective of those he holds dear. He is forgiving, practically to a fault and to detriment of his own self. He has a distaste for dirt and getting dirty. He is an academic and intelligent with a deep desire to explore the unknown.
class | owl | newt |
Ancient Runes | E | O |
Ancient Studies | E | — |
Astronomy | A | — |
Charms | E | E |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | E | E |
Earth Magic | E | E |
Herbology | O | O |
History of Magic | E | — |
Potions | E | E |
Transfiguration | E | E |
Name: KitAge: Old enough