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Full Name: Cordelia Rose Emsworth, formerly Nott
Nicknames: Delia, Dee
Birthdate: July 13, 1863
Current Age: 31
Gender: female
Occupation: Botanist
Reputation: 6 - divorced, no children, rather unconventional
Residence: London Townhouse, family estate in Oxfordshire
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
9 ½” banyan tree, occamy feather, flexible
8” dogwood, unicorn tail, pliant - this wand was lost in The Predicament, it was replaced in India on an expedition
Blood Status: half-blood
Social Class: upper
Oscar Emsworth | [18xx] father
Magdalena Emsworth née - - - | [18xx] mother, philanthropist
Cynthia Emsworth | [1867] sister, currently a beetle

Hadrian Nott | [1863] ex-husband & their many pets

Delia stands at an average five foot one and her build is lithe and willowy. Dee spends quite a bit of time outside either working in her garden, or traveling for expeditions where she is unafraid to do the walking and the climbing to collect specimens. Her features are soft, though the shape of her face is angular, her warm brown eyes are very expressive and open. Black hair falls in natural soft waves to the middle of her back, but it is always tied up and away, especially when she is working. It does not always stay this way, but she does her best. Delia’s state of attire depends wholly on what she is doing. When outside she can often be found in bloomer suits or trousers and a blouse, but in company she is dressed well, in bright colors suited to her bronzed skin. Her guilty pleasure is comfortable boots versus fashionable shoes, but they are generally well-hidden beneath her skirts. She has a large collection of hats and is rarely seen without one. She is right-handed for writing and wand work.

Magdalena marries Oscar Emsworth in a love match; the two are as eccentric as they are obsessed with one another and it shows throughout Delia’s childhood. A herbologist, Oscar instills a love of plants in his girls early. Mags is a fierce woman who believes that women are not only capable, but often more capable than men at anything they put their mind to. Her own endeavors vary from music, to the arts, to flowers and everything in between. She supported her girls in anything they wanted to try, be it archery (yes), ballet (no), painting (eh) and a plethora of other activities that were tried and discarded or added to the repertoire.
July 13th, 1863
Cordelia Rose is born to ecstatic parents. She is a doted upon and spoiled child.
A Sister
Cynthia is born and though Delia is a little too young to recognize the significance, she does take to her sister quickly and can often be found entertaining the babe.
Thick as thieves, Delia and Cindy give their nannies and governess a run for their money. They have the freedom to explore their estate and when left to their own devices, tear through the gardens barefoot, climbing trees, spending time in their father’s conservatory and arboretum, learning and sneaking around at their leisure. They swim, play lawn games, draw, ride and have a whole host of activities to keep them occupied both inside and out.
Though it breaks her heart to leave Cindy behind, Delia heads off to Hogwarts a little leery and uncertain. Normally a confident extrovert, she spends most of the first evening close to tears. It is only upon meeting new schoolmate, a Mr. Hadrian Nott, that their conversation eases her nerves. Upon her sorting, the Sorting Hat barely touches her head before she is proclaimed a Gryffindor and off to her table she skips.

School is a blur of classes and clubs. She does well with wandwork as well as herbology; adds creatures and divination as both are of interest. A voracious reader, she devours anything of interest and can often be found taking books from the library to read on the grounds.

She makes lots of friends throughout her schooling, though none quite as close as with Hadrian. This particular friendship with Hadrian blossoms in stages; best friends, to a mutual crush, to some big feelings by the end of school.
Post Grad
Their mutual love of adventure and the impractical sees the two of them getting engaged shortly after she graduates Hogwarts. Neither see the issue with this; they are young, in love and there doesn’t seem to be any good reason to wait! (This will come back to haunt them later.)

Delia studies under her father as an apprentice herbologist while she and Hadrian travel with him on different expeditions that take them all over the world. After a couple of years under her father’s tutelage, Delia deviates slightly to the more scientific portion of the field (botany) and is allowed to join the botanical society. Her father’s failing health confines him to the estate, but they write to one another often while Delia is away. With funding, she and Hadrian are able to take their own expeditions after they marry in 1883.
Once Cynthia graduates, she joins them on their adventures, adding her own flair to their escapades.
Upon finding out she is pregnant, Delia heads home to rest, but not even halfway through the pregnancy, she miscarries. It is exceptionally hard on her, and her marriage. She survives the fever, the morbs and other maladies with a vehement determination. Once she is well enough, they head out again to a new part of the world in an effort to distance themselves from the heartache. Delia has always been prone to flights of fancy and during this long voyage tries her luck at being a deckhand; leading an expedition through high grass (with a skeleton in the middle, yikes!) though she loses her compass off a cliff at one point. Their work for the botanical society is rigorous, collecting specimens in magical wardian cases, pressing samples and keeping detailed field journals on their experiences. The Society laughs at some of her more whimsical methods (using a shot gun to seed wildflowers in the side of a hill— a rousing success; drinking from pitcher plants which is less delightful; riding bikes through the jungle to escape a tiger; using large lily pads as rafts), some of which are laughable and others which become more common practice. Her ability to locate and bring home rare and new plants is generally the only thing that keeps her funded; clearly her methods are a little… unusual. Delia has rarely cared much for what others think, she just likes to adventure of it all. It is all a brilliant distraction from the fact that she has yet to become pregnant again.
The Predicament
After spending the holidays at home with her parents, Delia, Hadrian and Cynthia set out yet again, this time to India and the surrounding regions. During a kerfuffle with some locals, Hadrian has angered the wrong maji and Cynthia is the one to suffer the consequences. She is cursed by the maji and turns into a giant elephant beetle. The only human skill she possesses is speech, but with the caveat that it is only to the person she loves most, currently of which is Delia. Delia’s wand is broken in the process and she must replace it quickly. The new one is not quite as cooperative, but works well enough. This results in the breakdown of the once-happy marriage between Delia and Hadrian. Delia struggles to forgive him and throws herself into trying to fix Cynthia. She becomes somewhat obsessive about it, feeling her own guilt weighing her down. Their divorce is not completely amicable, though Delia still loves him, she cannot move past what has happened. She takes the dogs home, along with beetle-Cynthia and begins researching how to go about turning Cindy human again.
Presently, Delia is in the process of finding funding, a crew and the right steps to set out again in search of a cure for her sister’s curse.

Delia is a bit of a paradox; she is known for her flights of fancy, moving on whims and half-formed ideas, but she can be equally as stubborn and steadfast in things she believes in wholeheartedly. Loyal and family-oriented, she is a bit of a romantic at heart, though would never admit to this aloud. She is analytical and detail-oriented in her work, but not in much else. Artistic, Dee’s sketches are precise and detailed and she keeps accurate records of her findings and travels. One day she hopes to publish a book about her adventures, but now she has other things to focus on. She can be very one-track-minded and it clouds her judgment. Sometimes she is unable to see the big picture and therefore struggles to get past certain details. Savvy and quick-witted, she has a sharp tongue that she does not always know how to hold, especially around Hadrian. Delia lacks any semblance of impulse control and it gets her into trouble frequently.


» Delia has several pets, Nibbles the flying squirrel and a trio of hunting dogs, Ace, Atlas, and Boone. They all travel with her.
» Though she does not count Cynthia as a pet, Delia cares for her expertly. The pair can talk to one another, which often makes Delia look a little crazy. Only those close to the sisters will know that it is Cynthia, most people are under the impression that she is unwell and convalescing at home.
» Dee speaks a little bit of a lot of languages, mostly to introduce herself; she finds foreign languages and cultures fascinating and tries to pick up at least a little bit from everywhere she goes.

Name: Bee

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