July 17, 2024 – 1:09 AM
Full Name: Themis Charlotte LyraNicknames: It would be a grave mistake to try this.
Birthdate: September 24, 1849
Current Age: 44 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: 1888-Present: Astronomy Professor, Incoming Gryffindor Head of House
Reputation: 8-9, Upstanding, yet opinionated woman who proudly works
Residence: Hogwarts during the school year, Greenwich, London in summers
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 10" Chestnut, with unicorn hair, firm
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Husband: Daniel Reymund, Halfblood b. 1847 d. 1872
Son: Justin Horace Lyra, Halfblood b. 1870
Father: Nelson Lyra, Muggleborn d. 1852
Mother: Delphina Lyra nee Sommerville, Pureblood d. 1852
Uncle and Guardian: Horace Sommerville, Pureblood b. 1794 d. 1876
Son: Justin Horace Lyra, Halfblood b. 1870
Father: Nelson Lyra, Muggleborn d. 1852
Mother: Delphina Lyra nee Sommerville, Pureblood d. 1852
Uncle and Guardian: Horace Sommerville, Pureblood b. 1794 d. 1876

nationality: English
height: 5'11"
weight: not your business
build: slim, straight physique
eyes: Blue-grey
hair colour: Natural redhead that has faded to blonde in adulthood
distinguishing features: Themis is proud of her flawless skin.
expression: Themis tends to smile readily and often, but not the sort of smile that reassures. This sphinx-like smirk is assessing the situation. Always.
deportment: Her stride reflects her statuesque height – she walks with purpose, pace and a destination in mind. This is not a woman who “meanders.”
1849:Themia Charlotte Lyra is born to Nelson and Delphina. While her birth is celebrated by her parents, the baby is not a welcome family addition. Delphina Somerville was meant to marry better. Her muggle-born husband was firmly rejected by her parents; her resulting pregnancy was seen as the final act of disobedience. Delphina, her husband, and new daughter are disowned, except for a certain grouchy uncle.
Themis is a fussy child. She is often inconsolable during the day, but she calms easily after moonrise, when the stars seem to calm her down.
1852: Tragedy strikes the Lyra family. While a master of charms, Nelson Lyra knows no magic that can save his family from sheer dumb luck. The fever came first for baby Themis, then her mother. Nelson pleaded with his wife’s family for assistance, for healing, but the poor man was ignored. Themis recovered; her mother did not. A week after his wife’s death, Nelson is found dead at her gravesite, taken by his own grief. Three-year-old Themis is alone.
There is debate about what is to come for the little girl, her mother’s family is unwilling to take her and a muggle orphanage is chosen. That is, until Horace Sommerville intervenes. A private curmudgeon of a man, Horace Sommerville was born with little magic to his name. While he had enough magic to get through his Hogwarts career, it was his superior intellect and work ethic that made him a professional astronomer.
1853-1861: Themis is a bright, if rowdy child. Her uncle Horace loves her, there is no doubt of this, but Horace Sommerville is not a sentimental man. He expresses his love for his niece and ward through time and lessons. Themis remembers hours spent sitting at his side as he studied star charts, her own calculations before her.
Shortly after turning eight, Themis dreams of the stars, and wakes to find the ceiling of her bedroom dancing with the stars of the Milky Way. When she informs her guardian the following day at breakfast, the expected celebration is brief. Her uncle mumbles something vaguely celebratory and goes back to his eggs. She is a witch, congratulations. Uncle Horace makes his position clear: magic makes you lazy. Themis works hard to prove she is anything but.
The arrival of her Hogwarts letter is a mixed blessing. While Themis is excited at the idea of finally being allowed to explore all magic, the idea of leaving her uncle is an uncomfortable one.
1861-1868: While the Sorting Hat has plenty to say to the willowy Themis, it decides upon Gryffindor. She quickly finds the home she didn’t know she was missing. She becomes fast friends with her housemates, even if she prefers the quiet, bookish students over the bombastic streak that seems to make Gryffindor what it is. Perhaps the friendship that surprises her most is Daniel. Like her, Daniel is one of the older students in his year. Unlike her, Dan never thinks before he speaks, but he has a magical way of talking himself out of trouble. The exploits of the house quidditch team, usually led by Dan, are shocking to a somewhat sheltered Themis. He's also two years ahead of Themis in school.
Themis thrives in her classes and with her peers. Her tenacity, reason, and unwavering fairness make her fast friends. Her bullish stubbornness and stoic response to chaos also earn her plenty of exasperated sighs. As a student, Themis is diligent, curious, and passionate. Deciding from a young age that she would follow Uncle Horace’s path and become an astronomer, Themis approaches Astronomy with reverence. As Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration are the only classes she can’t make relevant to Astronomy, those classes suffer.
In her third year, Themis adds Arithmancy and Ancient Runes to her courses.
In her fifth year, Themis is named Gryffindor prefect, an honor that even earns praise from Uncle Horace. She quickly learns that being a prefect means making hard choices. On her rounds, Themis discovers Daniel and several of the quidditch team visibly drunk after a victory. Themis had heard stories from Daniel and nearly everyone else in the House, that Gryffindors knew how to celebrate, but the idea that her closest friend would be involved in something so blatantly idiotic made her furious. Gryffindor had become her second home and her proving ground. To Themis, it was a sacred space, a place of learning and reason. To Daniel and the team, it seemed to be a great place to sneak firewhiskey and drown their non-existent sorrows.
When Daniel cannot convince Themis to keep the event to herself, she earns instant enemies, including a best friend who no longer speaks with her. Angered but undaunted, Themis became the prefect to fear. There was no rule infraction too small to escape her notice. Anyone besmirching the name of Gryffindor would be found, reported and suitably punished. Someone had to maintain order.
Her OWLs go well enough; she does regret those two As, but Themis is happy to shed the irrelevant disciplines. It is also her first year in the castle without Daniel. Funny, he always seemed to take up so much space, but if Themis noticed his absence, she never mentioned it. She's too busy with nights in the Astronomy Tower; the stars had always been there for her.
Seventh year deals a blow to her pride. Losing Head Girl to a Pureblood Slytherin burns a strong dislike into her heart. She’s always had reason to dislike the Purebloods and their nonsense, but watching brainless rich children run the castle will never set right with her. Still, when she wore the tiara of Gryffindor prefect at the Coming Out Ball, she looked every inch a queen. It is also the last thought she gives to debutante life. At least she and Uncle Horace are on the same page about her future.
1868-1869: Immediately following graduation, Themis joins her uncle in his astronomy work. A published and respected thinker in the field, Uncle Horace quickly places Themis in front of the right people to build up her own credentials. Finally free to throw herself into the work she loves, Themis is quickly published in articles alongside her uncle. She doesn’t have time to wonder about the fate of her former friend, doesn't both to keep up with quidditch seasons and rosters. Who needs men when you have the stars?
1869-1870: Daniel is back. Themis did not look for him, in fact, she’d locked him away firmly in a mental box of memories and moved on with her young life. His reappearance is unsettling, ungrounding to Themis. Daniel is different from the boy that had been her best friend. Now he's a starting beater on a professional quidditch team; there's talk of him making the national team and being named a team captain. His family is well-established enough to give their youngest son their blessing. He's beautiful, charismatic, popular, and successful; what wasn't there to love? He professes his love and longing, but Themis has no reciprocal feelings. When she speaks to her uncle, she is surprised by his advice.
After weeks of heated discussion, Themis is convinced to give Daniel “a chance” and to allow his courtship. It isn’t love or even affection that prompts the change of heart. Themis concedes to courtship on the grounds of practicality. Uncle Horace won’t be around forever, and Society is not the land of endless possibilities for witches like her. Themis’ best chance at security, as traditionally viewed, lies in marriage. Daniel, even with all his new grandeur, at least seems a known entity. Daniel and Themis marry in June of 1869 with one non-negotiable provision: Themis and any resulting children will keep her maiden name.
Marriage is not a disappointment solely because Themis has no expectations. She has no interest in her new husband’s excessive parties or constant need to center himself in conversation. Themis is “too cold” for her new husband’s taste, utterly uninterested in his need for attention. The new couple occupy a small cottage on Uncle Horace’s estate, and while Themis is comfortable in the country, Daniel complains about his ‘provincial’ home. He also complains about his wife’s work, her scholarly popularity directly challenging Daniel's new instance that Themis behaves more like the wives of other players. Themis saw the need to marry, but she wouldn't be convinced that included foregoing her own mind. This wasn't a match Daniel would be winning. Things are not well in the Reymund-Lyra home.
Themis reluctantly accepts that she is pregnant.
1870-1871: Themis loathes pregnancy and the looming feeling that her life is coming to an end. While she married for practicality, she knew that the birth of her child would upend her world. Her pregnancy hasn’t calmed Daniel. Now he complains she's lost the beauty that made her a prize. The pregnancy and all it's delightful side effects are proof of her feminine inferiority, he knewly proclaims like its gospel. Worse for Themis, her new ‘state’ makes her uncle unsure of how to deal with her. Uncle Horace makes the mistake of questioning her 'delicate state' only once. After a humiliating verbal thrashing, the old man was wise enough to keep his thoughts on his niece's condition private. Themis curses everything pregnancy and marriage have cost her body, already feeling trapped at too young of an age.
Justin Horace Lyra is born in the spring of 1870. Themis is genuinely shocked, one of the few times in her life, by how Justin changes everything. Daniel is thrilled by the birth of his son, but when reminded that he agreed to the child bearing Themis’ family name, Daniel is enraged. While both the family attorney and Themis walk him through the legal document multiple times, Daniel lashes out. When a heated argument leads to physical violence, Themis resolves that her husband will never touch her again. She holds this promise religiously. When Daniel attempts to enter her rooms, he’s met with a rather vicious magical ward. While she never found a use for DADA, Themis knows more than a few nasty defensive spells.
Themis now splits her time between managing Uncle Horace’s estate and raising her young son. The servants are loyal, wonderful people, but Themis can’t resist spending time with Justin. While he may be incapable of reason and too young to do anything of value, she adores him. Themis spends many nights putting her son to bed with stories of the stars. This version of motherhood suits her just fine, thank you.
1871-1872: Daniel is no father. His frustration at fathering a son that won't carry his name and a wife that doesn’t worship him make him a hateful, unbearable ass. Intending to wound, Daniel reveals that he’s been having a string of affairs. Themis thanks him for the indiscretion; it means she doesn’t have to pretend to tolerate him now.
Uncle Horace intervenes after Daniel threatens to take Justin from his mother. Daniel is evicted from the Sommerville estate and sent back to his parents in disgrace. Themis celebrates the separation; her life centered around the two people she truly loves: her son and uncle.
In pre-season training for the 1872 quidditch season, an intoxicated Daniel dies in an accident at team training. While the official reports classify Daniel’s death as a tragic accident, Themis isn’t surprised to learn that a drunken dare went wrong, resulting in Daniel falling to his death. All she feels is relief. The lack of care from her toddler solidifies her feelings. While Themis wears the required black of a widow, her friends would note that she was the happiest they’d seen her since her marriage.
1873-1876: Themis continues to read and research astronomy, taking private clients, but her focus is on her true family. Justin is a happy, curious boy and Themis leaves him with Uncle Horace whenever possible. She wants her son to know his true namesake and for her uncle to know the depths of her admiration. These are the two men who will forever have her heart.
It is her lessons with her son (Themis insisted on guiding his education) that reveal a deep passion in her heart. Themis loves to guide her son in his learning, enjoying every discovery and silly assumption. Raising her son; teaching her son becomes the reason she gets up each day.
In 1876, time takes its true and final toll. Uncle Horace passes peacefully in his sleep. Themis finds herself truly rudderless for the first time in her life. How is she meant to grieve a man who loathed emotion and sentiment? How did she mourn while her six-year-old was inconsolable from the loss of Uncle Horace? How, and when, was Themis meant to feel?
Themis wears full mourning for a year, her dedication to her uncle the most vital connection in her life. The only thing that fuels her now is her son and the stars.
1877-1881: Themis is the heir to Uncle Horace’s home and small fortune, her future and Justin’s secured. Still, Themis cannot shake her need to do. With careful, studied patience Themis completes her uncle’s final book. The proceeds fund her research and travel abroad. Themis and young Justin travel and study the stars until a certain letter from Hogwarts arrives.
Brave, bright, and friendly, Justin is eager for Hogwarts. Themis is torn. Naturally, her son’s education is the highest goal, but she loved leading that education. With Justin at Hogwarts, Themis returns to astronomy publications full-time, but the work seems empty now.
1888: Justin, far more social and outgoing than his mother, graduates Hogwarts near the top of his class and with multiple job offers in hand. Themis is beyond proud of her son and thrilled to see that he still treats his future inheritance with reverence. While he is less thrilled about astronomy than his mother and uncle, Justin is a natural estate manager and tactician. He quickly accepts a position as a clerk with the Wizengamot; Themis could not be prouder of her boy. She is also ready for her life to continue.
Bored with her professional work, missing the joy of teaching her son, and hungry for a new challenge, Themis applies to teach Astronomy at Hogwarts.
1888-Present: Themis proves a demanding, exacting professor. She is not without empathy, in fact, students know her to be deeply caring of their woes, but she suffers no fools. In her opinion, the Astronomy education at Hogwarts lacked purpose or meaning. She intends to make every student understand the need for the stars or, at the very least, their relative insignificance in the face of the cosmos.
As the school year ended in 1893, Themis began eyeing the Gryffindor Head of House position. Her son was now effectively and happily managing Uncle Horace’s estate, and she loved teaching. With her lived experience and the comments from her students, Themis saw a genuine need for female leadership at Hogwarts, whether the men liked it or not.
Now the incoming Head of House for Gryffindor, Themis is determined to build a better, brighter, more intelligent world for the children in her care.
Themis is a fussy child. She is often inconsolable during the day, but she calms easily after moonrise, when the stars seem to calm her down.
1852: Tragedy strikes the Lyra family. While a master of charms, Nelson Lyra knows no magic that can save his family from sheer dumb luck. The fever came first for baby Themis, then her mother. Nelson pleaded with his wife’s family for assistance, for healing, but the poor man was ignored. Themis recovered; her mother did not. A week after his wife’s death, Nelson is found dead at her gravesite, taken by his own grief. Three-year-old Themis is alone.
There is debate about what is to come for the little girl, her mother’s family is unwilling to take her and a muggle orphanage is chosen. That is, until Horace Sommerville intervenes. A private curmudgeon of a man, Horace Sommerville was born with little magic to his name. While he had enough magic to get through his Hogwarts career, it was his superior intellect and work ethic that made him a professional astronomer.
1853-1861: Themis is a bright, if rowdy child. Her uncle Horace loves her, there is no doubt of this, but Horace Sommerville is not a sentimental man. He expresses his love for his niece and ward through time and lessons. Themis remembers hours spent sitting at his side as he studied star charts, her own calculations before her.
Shortly after turning eight, Themis dreams of the stars, and wakes to find the ceiling of her bedroom dancing with the stars of the Milky Way. When she informs her guardian the following day at breakfast, the expected celebration is brief. Her uncle mumbles something vaguely celebratory and goes back to his eggs. She is a witch, congratulations. Uncle Horace makes his position clear: magic makes you lazy. Themis works hard to prove she is anything but.
The arrival of her Hogwarts letter is a mixed blessing. While Themis is excited at the idea of finally being allowed to explore all magic, the idea of leaving her uncle is an uncomfortable one.
1861-1868: While the Sorting Hat has plenty to say to the willowy Themis, it decides upon Gryffindor. She quickly finds the home she didn’t know she was missing. She becomes fast friends with her housemates, even if she prefers the quiet, bookish students over the bombastic streak that seems to make Gryffindor what it is. Perhaps the friendship that surprises her most is Daniel. Like her, Daniel is one of the older students in his year. Unlike her, Dan never thinks before he speaks, but he has a magical way of talking himself out of trouble. The exploits of the house quidditch team, usually led by Dan, are shocking to a somewhat sheltered Themis. He's also two years ahead of Themis in school.
Themis thrives in her classes and with her peers. Her tenacity, reason, and unwavering fairness make her fast friends. Her bullish stubbornness and stoic response to chaos also earn her plenty of exasperated sighs. As a student, Themis is diligent, curious, and passionate. Deciding from a young age that she would follow Uncle Horace’s path and become an astronomer, Themis approaches Astronomy with reverence. As Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration are the only classes she can’t make relevant to Astronomy, those classes suffer.
In her third year, Themis adds Arithmancy and Ancient Runes to her courses.
In her fifth year, Themis is named Gryffindor prefect, an honor that even earns praise from Uncle Horace. She quickly learns that being a prefect means making hard choices. On her rounds, Themis discovers Daniel and several of the quidditch team visibly drunk after a victory. Themis had heard stories from Daniel and nearly everyone else in the House, that Gryffindors knew how to celebrate, but the idea that her closest friend would be involved in something so blatantly idiotic made her furious. Gryffindor had become her second home and her proving ground. To Themis, it was a sacred space, a place of learning and reason. To Daniel and the team, it seemed to be a great place to sneak firewhiskey and drown their non-existent sorrows.
When Daniel cannot convince Themis to keep the event to herself, she earns instant enemies, including a best friend who no longer speaks with her. Angered but undaunted, Themis became the prefect to fear. There was no rule infraction too small to escape her notice. Anyone besmirching the name of Gryffindor would be found, reported and suitably punished. Someone had to maintain order.
Her OWLs go well enough; she does regret those two As, but Themis is happy to shed the irrelevant disciplines. It is also her first year in the castle without Daniel. Funny, he always seemed to take up so much space, but if Themis noticed his absence, she never mentioned it. She's too busy with nights in the Astronomy Tower; the stars had always been there for her.
Seventh year deals a blow to her pride. Losing Head Girl to a Pureblood Slytherin burns a strong dislike into her heart. She’s always had reason to dislike the Purebloods and their nonsense, but watching brainless rich children run the castle will never set right with her. Still, when she wore the tiara of Gryffindor prefect at the Coming Out Ball, she looked every inch a queen. It is also the last thought she gives to debutante life. At least she and Uncle Horace are on the same page about her future.
1868-1869: Immediately following graduation, Themis joins her uncle in his astronomy work. A published and respected thinker in the field, Uncle Horace quickly places Themis in front of the right people to build up her own credentials. Finally free to throw herself into the work she loves, Themis is quickly published in articles alongside her uncle. She doesn’t have time to wonder about the fate of her former friend, doesn't both to keep up with quidditch seasons and rosters. Who needs men when you have the stars?
1869-1870: Daniel is back. Themis did not look for him, in fact, she’d locked him away firmly in a mental box of memories and moved on with her young life. His reappearance is unsettling, ungrounding to Themis. Daniel is different from the boy that had been her best friend. Now he's a starting beater on a professional quidditch team; there's talk of him making the national team and being named a team captain. His family is well-established enough to give their youngest son their blessing. He's beautiful, charismatic, popular, and successful; what wasn't there to love? He professes his love and longing, but Themis has no reciprocal feelings. When she speaks to her uncle, she is surprised by his advice.
After weeks of heated discussion, Themis is convinced to give Daniel “a chance” and to allow his courtship. It isn’t love or even affection that prompts the change of heart. Themis concedes to courtship on the grounds of practicality. Uncle Horace won’t be around forever, and Society is not the land of endless possibilities for witches like her. Themis’ best chance at security, as traditionally viewed, lies in marriage. Daniel, even with all his new grandeur, at least seems a known entity. Daniel and Themis marry in June of 1869 with one non-negotiable provision: Themis and any resulting children will keep her maiden name.
Marriage is not a disappointment solely because Themis has no expectations. She has no interest in her new husband’s excessive parties or constant need to center himself in conversation. Themis is “too cold” for her new husband’s taste, utterly uninterested in his need for attention. The new couple occupy a small cottage on Uncle Horace’s estate, and while Themis is comfortable in the country, Daniel complains about his ‘provincial’ home. He also complains about his wife’s work, her scholarly popularity directly challenging Daniel's new instance that Themis behaves more like the wives of other players. Themis saw the need to marry, but she wouldn't be convinced that included foregoing her own mind. This wasn't a match Daniel would be winning. Things are not well in the Reymund-Lyra home.
Themis reluctantly accepts that she is pregnant.
1870-1871: Themis loathes pregnancy and the looming feeling that her life is coming to an end. While she married for practicality, she knew that the birth of her child would upend her world. Her pregnancy hasn’t calmed Daniel. Now he complains she's lost the beauty that made her a prize. The pregnancy and all it's delightful side effects are proof of her feminine inferiority, he knewly proclaims like its gospel. Worse for Themis, her new ‘state’ makes her uncle unsure of how to deal with her. Uncle Horace makes the mistake of questioning her 'delicate state' only once. After a humiliating verbal thrashing, the old man was wise enough to keep his thoughts on his niece's condition private. Themis curses everything pregnancy and marriage have cost her body, already feeling trapped at too young of an age.
Justin Horace Lyra is born in the spring of 1870. Themis is genuinely shocked, one of the few times in her life, by how Justin changes everything. Daniel is thrilled by the birth of his son, but when reminded that he agreed to the child bearing Themis’ family name, Daniel is enraged. While both the family attorney and Themis walk him through the legal document multiple times, Daniel lashes out. When a heated argument leads to physical violence, Themis resolves that her husband will never touch her again. She holds this promise religiously. When Daniel attempts to enter her rooms, he’s met with a rather vicious magical ward. While she never found a use for DADA, Themis knows more than a few nasty defensive spells.
Themis now splits her time between managing Uncle Horace’s estate and raising her young son. The servants are loyal, wonderful people, but Themis can’t resist spending time with Justin. While he may be incapable of reason and too young to do anything of value, she adores him. Themis spends many nights putting her son to bed with stories of the stars. This version of motherhood suits her just fine, thank you.
1871-1872: Daniel is no father. His frustration at fathering a son that won't carry his name and a wife that doesn’t worship him make him a hateful, unbearable ass. Intending to wound, Daniel reveals that he’s been having a string of affairs. Themis thanks him for the indiscretion; it means she doesn’t have to pretend to tolerate him now.
Uncle Horace intervenes after Daniel threatens to take Justin from his mother. Daniel is evicted from the Sommerville estate and sent back to his parents in disgrace. Themis celebrates the separation; her life centered around the two people she truly loves: her son and uncle.
In pre-season training for the 1872 quidditch season, an intoxicated Daniel dies in an accident at team training. While the official reports classify Daniel’s death as a tragic accident, Themis isn’t surprised to learn that a drunken dare went wrong, resulting in Daniel falling to his death. All she feels is relief. The lack of care from her toddler solidifies her feelings. While Themis wears the required black of a widow, her friends would note that she was the happiest they’d seen her since her marriage.
1873-1876: Themis continues to read and research astronomy, taking private clients, but her focus is on her true family. Justin is a happy, curious boy and Themis leaves him with Uncle Horace whenever possible. She wants her son to know his true namesake and for her uncle to know the depths of her admiration. These are the two men who will forever have her heart.
It is her lessons with her son (Themis insisted on guiding his education) that reveal a deep passion in her heart. Themis loves to guide her son in his learning, enjoying every discovery and silly assumption. Raising her son; teaching her son becomes the reason she gets up each day.
In 1876, time takes its true and final toll. Uncle Horace passes peacefully in his sleep. Themis finds herself truly rudderless for the first time in her life. How is she meant to grieve a man who loathed emotion and sentiment? How did she mourn while her six-year-old was inconsolable from the loss of Uncle Horace? How, and when, was Themis meant to feel?
Themis wears full mourning for a year, her dedication to her uncle the most vital connection in her life. The only thing that fuels her now is her son and the stars.
1877-1881: Themis is the heir to Uncle Horace’s home and small fortune, her future and Justin’s secured. Still, Themis cannot shake her need to do. With careful, studied patience Themis completes her uncle’s final book. The proceeds fund her research and travel abroad. Themis and young Justin travel and study the stars until a certain letter from Hogwarts arrives.
Brave, bright, and friendly, Justin is eager for Hogwarts. Themis is torn. Naturally, her son’s education is the highest goal, but she loved leading that education. With Justin at Hogwarts, Themis returns to astronomy publications full-time, but the work seems empty now.
1888: Justin, far more social and outgoing than his mother, graduates Hogwarts near the top of his class and with multiple job offers in hand. Themis is beyond proud of her son and thrilled to see that he still treats his future inheritance with reverence. While he is less thrilled about astronomy than his mother and uncle, Justin is a natural estate manager and tactician. He quickly accepts a position as a clerk with the Wizengamot; Themis could not be prouder of her boy. She is also ready for her life to continue.
Bored with her professional work, missing the joy of teaching her son, and hungry for a new challenge, Themis applies to teach Astronomy at Hogwarts.
1888-Present: Themis proves a demanding, exacting professor. She is not without empathy, in fact, students know her to be deeply caring of their woes, but she suffers no fools. In her opinion, the Astronomy education at Hogwarts lacked purpose or meaning. She intends to make every student understand the need for the stars or, at the very least, their relative insignificance in the face of the cosmos.
As the school year ended in 1893, Themis began eyeing the Gryffindor Head of House position. Her son was now effectively and happily managing Uncle Horace’s estate, and she loved teaching. With her lived experience and the comments from her students, Themis saw a genuine need for female leadership at Hogwarts, whether the men liked it or not.
Now the incoming Head of House for Gryffindor, Themis is determined to build a better, brighter, more intelligent world for the children in her care.
personality: Clever, Insightful, Bold, Calculating, Fair and Just, Skeptical, Exacting, Proud
class | owl | newt |
Ancient Runes | O | O |
Arithmancy | O | O |
Astronomy | O | O |
Charms | EE | O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | EE | — |
Herbology | O | EE |
History of Magic | A | EE |
Potions | EE | EE |
Transfiguration | A | — |
amortentia: Tea tree, the metal of her telescope, parchment, what she won’t reveal
boggart: Justin dead
former clubs: Astronomy, Potions, Flying
patronus: Unknown
sexual orientation: Heterosexual
zodiac sign:
Sample Roleplay Post:
![[Image: BTIqMl0.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/BTIqMl0.gif)
Name: AmyAge: 35
Contact: PM and Discord
Other Characters: Lots
How did you hear about us?: LADY