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I fail at spelling and misspelled her name at registration. XD #oops

Full Name: Georgia Alice Brierley
Nicknames: Georgie
Birthdate: April 29, 1863
Current Age: 31 years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Curator at the Museum of Magical Miscellany
Reputation: 8
Working MC woman & she and her fiancé are taking their sweet time getting to the altar, and that might make people question why.
Residence: North Bartonburg
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Cedar, 11 3/4 in., phoenix feather, swishy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle
Father. Jacob Brierley (b. 1824)
Mother. Isobel Brierley nee -- (b. 1835)
Sister. Lillian -- nee Brierley (b. 1859)
Standing at five feet two inches--and a bit--Georgia has medium brown skin and is fairly average in build. Her hair is a curly, dark brown, and she has dark brown eyes. She is always smartly dressed, as one might expect of someone engaged to a fashion designer--it surely wouldn't do for her to look frumpy. She is right handed.
1863. Georgia is born the second daughter of Jacob and Isobel Brierley. She has a fairly average, middle class upbringing, and spends much of early childhood toddling after her older sister.

1868. Georgia shows her first sign of magic on her fifth birthday, turning the dress of her new doll to a sunny yellow.

1874. Off to Hogwarts, Georgia found herself sorted into Ravenclaw. She is a reasonably dedicated student, but doesn't especially make herself stand out in any significant way.

1876. For her third year, Georgia picks up Ancient Studies and Earth Magic as electives. This year, she also starts to realize that her feelings about some of her female friends is... well, something other than what most girls seem to experience. She doesn't know what to do with this information--she can't tell anyone, and ignoring it doesn't seem to be an option either. What a pickle.

1877. Well, however she thought things might play out, this certainly wasn't one of them. A Peeves prank ends with Georgia and an older student--Dionysus Quirke--and unable to escape until they both reveal a deep secret. To say Georgia is relieved when Dio reveals that he is attracted to boys is perhaps the understatement of all time. The two form a deep friendship from this moment.

Also this year, the Brierleys (and much of the wizarding community) move to Hogsmeade.

1879. Dionysus graduates and, at the Coming Out Ball, he and Georgia make a promise to each other to court and marry when she reaches spinsterhood. Georgia is fairly certain that her family will insist that she at least make a go of it as a debutante when the time comes, but if she has to be married anyway, she would much rather it be to her dearest friend.

After sitting her OWLs, Georgia chooses to continue with Charms, Herbology, History of Magic and Ancient Studies.

1881. Georgia graduates and, as expected, enters society as a debutante, if only to make her family happy. Unsurprisingly, she doesn't make much of a splash, and honestly doesn't try particularly hard. Eventually, Lillian starts courting, and that at least distracts from Georgia's "failure." Georgia's happy to see her sister happy, of course, but there is a bit of "better her than me" sentiment in it.

1884. Plague and fire come to Hogsmeade, and while the family comes through the other side of it unharmed, Georgia uses the opportunity to talk her parents into letting her get a job. She goes to work at the museum in London, and ultimately finds it much more fulfilling than being a debutante ever could be.

1889. Her family had really all but given up on her by now, so it's certainly amusing to see the reactions when she and Dio begin courting. As far as Georgia is concerned, things are going according to plan--she has a career, she has her best friend by her side, and she has her family--and society in general--off her back. Well, for the most part. They do create a bit of a stir, but there's always something new around the corner to titillate the gossips, isn't there?

1892. Three years is a bit long for a courtship, even if they aren't in a particular hurry. An engagement at least gets her family to stop asking so many questions. For a time, anyway.

1894. A two year engagement might not be unheard of, but with it being five years since they began a public "relationship," Georgia and Dio agree that it is probably time to start really planning their wedding.


Name: Steph
Age: 36
Application Approved!

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