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Full Name: Lonzo Rhys Tabiner
Nicknames: El (pronounced like the letter 'L'), L.T., Zo, Lonnie
Birthdate: May 28th, 1864
Current Age: 30 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Captain & 1st String Chaser for the Montrose Magpies
Reputation: Staff Discretion [SEE BELOW]

During Lonzo's seventh year at Hogwarts, whispers had spread like wildfire. It was said that his father, Jean, was spotted in the company of another woman who was not his mother, Dovie. Rumors of a family meeting had stirred, the meeting having to have taken place possibly during Christmas break, if not a bit earlier. Unfortunately, this left Lonzo torn between being loyal to his father and the duty he bears for his family. While he had a close relationship with his father, the thought of him being unfaithful was unacceptable. Knowing that the family was at stake, Lonzo knew he had to support his mother.

Residence: Wellingtonshire
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Apple, 12", Slightly springy, Phoenix Feather
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper

father: Jean Tabiner [b. 1839]
mother: Dovie Tabiner, née Woolahan [b. 1841]
sister: --- Tabiner [b. 1867]
sister: --- Tabiner [b. 1869]


face claim: dalmar abuzeid
ethnicity: black or african american
accent: cumbrian
height: 6 ft 0 in (183 cm)
weight: 179 lbs (81 kg)
build: average
eyes: brown
hair colour: black
wand hand: left

scent: earthy scents like sandalwood, patchouli, and rosewood

demeanor: lonzo is someone who can radiate energy and enthusiasm no matter where he goes. his infectious laughter and warm smile could light up any room he entered. he was all about living in the moment and enjoying the here and now. he has a knack for finding the silver lining in every situation, and his optimism is contagious.

fashion: lonzo is often seen wearing a black traditional cutaway morning coat, a black victorian top hat, black trousers, black faux leather congress gaiters, a white dress shirt with a silk vest in navy blue and a silk puff tie in black, long black elastic y-back braces and a pearl tie tack


Early Life
1864 - 1875

1864: Lonzo was the first of three children born to Jean and Dovie Tabiner (née Woolahan).

1867: The eldest Tabiner child became an older brother for the very first time, excitement becoming apparent! A beautiful baby girl—a second child—had arrived and joined big brother, Lonzo, as the newest addition, making the Tabiners a family of four.

1868: Lonzo would start receiving lessons from a governess/tutor that would often come to the home.

1869: The eldest Tabiner may or may not have showcased his first sign of magic on accident. Through typical preschool-aged tantrums, Lonzo said a color, which turned an apple in the fruit basket in the kitchen from red to green. Around this time, another beautiful baby girl—a third child and the youngest of the family—had also arrived and joined her older siblings, making the Tabiners a family of five.

1875: Lonzo receives what seems to be an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by or around his eleventh birthday. Having heard about Hogwarts from both of his parents, who happened to have been former students, the eldest Tabiner child was excited to start his education there, becoming increasingly curious about what he would be learning.

Hogwarts Years
1875 - 1882

1875-76 [First Year]: Lonzo began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the traditional age of eleven and was eventually sorted into Slytherin during the Sorting Ceremony. He took a quick interest in Astronomy, Charms, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions—having to have excelled in all four of those classes, even though it was quite a challenge at first.

1876-77 [Second Year]: Second year for Lonzo was just the same as the previous year as he continued to be naturally curious while being a quick learner and has a love of chatting about what he has learned. Upon encouragement from his parents, Lonzo took it upon himself to try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Fortunately, he was accepted to become the team's Chaser.

1877-78 [Third Year]: In the summer that had followed Lonzo's second year, he and his family had traveled to Belgium to visit his maternal aunt and uncle, as well as explore the country as tourists. Upon starting a new school year, however, it became apparent that all third years had to take new and upcoming lessons for the term. Lonzo had chosen Divination and Muggle Studies as the electives he would participate in throughout the school year, along with the typical core classes that he is required to take. While he had found that Muggle Studies was not as relevant or important, he also found Divination to be quite challenging and hard to understand, hence why Lonzo had been struggling with both of these classes.

1878-79 [Fourth Year]: Upon starting his fourth year, Lonzo was filled with excitement in wanting to return to Hogwarts. In the summer that had followed his third year, he had spent the entire time at home and at his grandmother's, working in the garden and listening in on the many interesting things that his father had done during his travels, such as obtaining books about certain creatures. During this time, he was rather eager to share his newfound knowledge with his friends while also seeing what the new school year had to offer.

1879-80 [Fifth Year]: Tragedy had struck for Lonzo and his family. During the summer that had followed Lonzo's fourth year, it was discovered via letter that his paternal grandmother had passed away from bronchitis. This was, to Lonzo, a devastating blow as he was really close to his grandmother.

Upon starting his fifth year at Hogwarts, Lonzo couldn't help but think of the many countless memories he had made with her. She was very kind and wise, always willing to lend a listening ear or offer words of encouragement. Her passing had left a hole in Lonzo's heart, and he never felt this lost or alone before.

As the days, weeks, and months had passed, he struggled to come to terms with his new reality. While he mainly distanced from the hurt and pain he had been feeling by distracting himself and finding solace in his studies and maintaining his friendships with those he was friends with, he wasn't able to shake the feeling of emptiness that he had felt until much later.

1880-81 [Sixth Year]: In the summer that followed his fifth year, Lonzo had received his O.W.L.s. It became apparent that he had failed Defense Against the Dark Arts, Divination, History of Magic, and Muggle Studies. It was likely that Lonzo either didn't enjoy the classes much, he never truly understood the material, or both. Upon starting his sixth year, Lonzo proceeded to take only three N.E.W.T.-level classes: Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration.

1881-82 [Seventh Year]: Lonzo would likely suffer yet another tragedy during his seventh and final year at Hogwarts; whispers had started to spread like wildfire. It was said that his father had been spotted in the company of another woman, a woman who was not his mother. It was even rumored that a family meeting was called to discuss the unfolding events, the atmosphere being tense and apprehensive.

Lonzo was, at that point, torn between being loyal to his father and the duty that he bears for his family. While he had a close relationship with his father, the thought of him being unfaithful was unacceptable. At the same time, however, Lonzo knew that he had to support his mother, and that the family was at stake.

Throughout the school year, at least the beginning, he seemed more withdrawn when he was in a melancholy state, though tried to remain cheerful through it all. Even though he struggled, Lonzo tried distracting himself with activities and conversations. The end of the school year ends with Lonzo being able to achieve great scores in Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration after attaining his N.E.W.T.s.

Later Life
1882 - Present

1883: Alongside with his mother and maternal grandparents, the eldest Tabiner child sent off both of his sisters to start the new school year at Hogwarts. He had told them to be good and make sure that they get good marks in school.

1884: Lonzo was often seen helping his maternal grandmother take care of his maternal grandfather from time to time if his mother was not able to help; he would make sure his grandfather was getting the fresh air he needed as well as eating meals properly and going on nice, long strolls.

1886: With the help of encouragement from his mother, Lonzo had tried out for one of the professional Quidditch teams, the Montrose Magpies. Even though he hesitated at first due to him still trying to be of help when it came to his grandfather, Lonzo went on to try out for the team. Fortunately, he was accepted as one of the team's 1st String Chasers.

1890: After being able to show the true qualities of a team leader, Lonzo was also selected to be the Montrose Magpies' very own Quidditch captain.


Lonzo was a man of many talents, but his greatest gift was his ability to light up any room he entered. He was an extroverted, outgoing, and spontaneous individual who lived on his own terms. His infectious energy and joyful spirit were contagious, and he had a way of making everyone around him feel seen and heard.

Lonzo was a natural performer and loved being the center of attention. He was always up for a good time, and his laughter was as contagious as his smile.

Despite his outgoing nature, Lonzo was deeply empathetic and fiercely loyal to those he cared about. He would go to great lengths to support and protect his loved ones, always with an open heart for those in need. His empathy and loyalty were not just traits, but a testament to the value he placed on his relationships.

One of Lonzo's greatest strengths was connecting with people from all walks of life. He found common ground with even the most unlikely individuals, and his open-mindedness and acceptance of others drew people to him like a magnet.

But Lonzo's most defining characteristic was his unwavering optimism. Regardless of his challenges, he always found the silver lining and saw the good in every situation. His positive attitude was a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around him, a quality that made him a true treasure to all who knew him.



Defense Against the Dark ArtsTDROPPED
History of MagicP
Muggle StudiesTDROPPED

— trivia —

amortentia: mud, pine, and caramel
boggart: loss of freedom
clubs: unknown
electives: divination and muggle studies
patronus: owl
pets: cricket (bichon frise)
quidditch: chaser
religion: unknown
romantic orientation: heteromantic
sexual orientation: heterosexual
titles: chaser
zodiac sign: gemini

Name: Sherryl
Age: 27 Years
Contact: Discord & PM
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How did you hear about us?: Caution to the Wind (I believe, before they closed down)
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