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Full Name: Bertram Blackwood
Nicknames: Bert, Bertie, Old Bean
Birthdate: February 18th, 1830
Current Age: 64
Gender: Male
Occupation: Patron of Sports
Reputation: 9 - Stays away from scandal but is seen as a little eccentric
Residence: London, alternative residences in Hogsmeade and Boston
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 11 inch, pear wood, dragon heartstring core
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper

Wife - Eugenia Blackwood, Nee Flint, Socialite

Bertram Blackwood - son

- daughter

Brother - Cillian Blackwood

Sister in law - Sibyl Blackwood nee Sidonia

Nephew - (1867)

Nephew - Theophilis Blackwood (1869)

Nephew - Valentine Blackwood (1875)

Neice - Andromeda “Meida” Blackwood (1879)

Appearance: A handsome man, Bertram is five foot nine, sports striking white hair and wears a beard. He often walks with a cane, whether this is for support of simply for flair is known only to him. He enjoys a knee length jacket in bright coloured velvets and similar materials. He had green eyes and is right handed.

1830: Born as the eldest son to two wealthy parents in one of the nicer parts of London.

1838: It wasn't until shortly before his eighth birthday that Bertram showed his first magical talents. He was at dinner with his family and was initially unhappy with his food, until he reached down to his bowl and it had remarkably transformed into a beautiful dessert of his favourite fruit blamange.

1841: Starts at Hogwarts school of Wizarding and sorted into Gryffindor watching the older children play quidditch was his first taste of a sport that would become so important to him.

1842: In his second year he succefully tries out for the Gryffindor quidditch team and takes the role of seeker. A position he maintains throughout his school career.

1846: finishes OWLs with above average but not top results

late 1847: Brief scandal when Bertram's best friend, Penelope Upton returned from summer showing signs of pregnancy. In her panic she named Bertram as the father. His name was cleared once she realised the harm her lie might do to him. Miss Upton was unable to complete her NEWTS and their friendship quickly drifted apart as social convention made it all but impossible for them to maintain a friendship out of school.

1848: Bertram finishes his NEWTs and leaves with results that were unremarkable, but enough to make his parents quite proud.

1850's: With his family wealth making gainful employment unnecessary, Betram began to frequent the social scene in London and began to get a little bit of a reputation for himself being spotted with several socialite women, but he maintains that he remained virtous throughout this time.
After leaving Hogwarts he also managed to hold a position as seeker in a professional team until 1857 when Injury ended his playing career. He quickly moved on to patronage of the team, using money from his own portfolio to build their success.

1858: Eugenia Flint Graduates from Hogwarts and after her coming out Bertram’s parent’s arrange a marriage for their now 28 year old son. They quickly became good friends and complemented each other well but never quite made the transition into romantic love. This suits them both fine and they are both happy with the arrangement.

1862: Bertram's first child, is born, named Bertram Jnr

1863: Death of Bertram's father. Bertram inherited the vast family estate and position of head of the family

1860's onwards: Bertram takes a business leap and begins to invent things, various new brooms, more durable bludgers, safety equipment and various other quidditch related items. The business is successful but rarely profitable due to Bertram's habit of donating new equipment to a variety of financially challenged quidditch clubs, this is not a problem considering his existing personal wealth.

1868: A daughter is born, named Ginevra after her grandmother. Bertram is quite smitten by this new arrival and becomes an exceptionally doting father on the girl.

1870's onwards: Bertram increases his Patronage of quidditch clubs, typically picking a less successful club and sponsoring them for a few years to help build their successes and then moving on. He is also picked up a habit as a spectator of noticing things that needed repair or replacement at poorer clubs and quickly offering to pay for improvements after the match.

1880: Bertram Jnr completes his NEWTs and is given a position within the family business and begins to work on his own portfolio. He too is an avid quidditch fan and the pair rarely miss a match.

1884: Ginevra completes her OWLs. Bertram and Eugenia elect to send her to the newly opened finishing school, Pendergast School for Young Roses before holding a private coming out ceremony for her. Bertram would quite like to see her marry a nice upper class pureblood man, but he has never had it in his heart not to let her do exactly what she wants and puts no pressure on her.

1890-91: celebrating his 60th birthday Bertram and Eugenia went on a grand tour around the world, he enjoying different world takes on sport and her enjoying the foods and the sights.

late 1891 onwards: Back in the United Kingdom and back up to his usual life.

Personality: Bertram is a fun and kind gentleman, a pleasure to be around and he knows what his priorities are, his family, then quidditch, then his wealth. He is flamboyant and dresses to impress at all times. When in a good mood, and this is often, he walks with a swagger and an almost musical tapping of his cane. There are a few things that put him off this mood, his team failing being one, and disappointment on the face of Ginevra being another. His estate manager takes care of most of the business and investment dealings allowing Bertram to focus on his social life.

He is mildly purist, not as much as his wife or her family but he still leans towards his own. His time in quidditch circles has made it harder to follow this kind of thinking though as great players come from all walks of life. He would just rather his beloved daughter not marry some working class beater.

Name: Chris
Age: 30+
Contact: Discord
Other Characters: Violetta DeCroix, Ignatius Prince, Benedict Hunter
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