April 23, 2024 – 11:27 PM
Full Name: Saffron Tabitha WhitbyNicknames: Saffy (regular); Saffy Tabby, Saffers (call her either of these names and see what happens)
Birthdate: 1 January 1871
Current Age: 23 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Secretary for the Dept. of Magical Games and Sports
Reputation: 8 or 9 | works a perfectly respectable job and puts on a good front, but she stands by her family's printing company even/esp when they print political pieces/commentary
Residence: Hogsmeade High Street, on the corner of Three-Knut Alley and Pendle Road
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Hazel, 12", Phoenix Feather, Whippy.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Edmund Whitby | Father | 18xx - Nov 1893
Eleanor Whitby | Mother | 18xx - 1879
Theresa Agnes Whitby | Sister | 1866
Beth Whitby | Sister | 1869
Mia Whitby | Sister | 1875
Amber Whitby | Sister | 1879
Archer Whitby | Cousin
Saffy is slightly taller for a woman her age, and forever salty that she only reaches 5' 5" when she's wearing a heeled shoe. While Tess might be blonde, Saffron's hair darkened early on in childhood and never reverted back, much to a young Saffy's chagrin. Her eyes are a clear blue, sensitive to sunlight but striking in their appearance and her favorite feature. She has a certain softness to her figure and pale skin that burns easily. While she wears Ministry uniform for work, she tends to favor muted and dark colors. Her hair is done up in a simple bun, which often loosens itself throughout the day. Her wand arm is her right, though she is slightly ambidextrous.
1871 Saffron is born in a fairly uncomplicated fashion. 1875 Mia is born; at her young age, Saffron is interested in this new addition, but often gets distracted following Tess and Beth around. 1877 The same year the magical world is exposed to the muggles, Saffron demonstrates her first sign of magic. Much like her birth, it's a simple and uncomplicated act: she levitates a book off the shelf. If it weren't for one of her sisters walking in, she might not have said anything. 1878 Tess is off to school and Saffy looks on with envy. After Tess leaves, Saffron tries to sneak off into a private corner and cry. She is consoled by their mother with a pastry, which does the trick: buttery, flaky and utterly delectable, Saffron is in love. She wants to try and make it herself, but with limited resources, she is only able to make a batch every so often. Slowly, her technique gets better, but it is not the best. 1879 The family is treated to a joy and tragedy at the same time: Amber is born into the world while their mother is taken from it. Saffron is devastated and turns to her family for comfort. Not wanting Amber to grow up feeling as if it's her fault, Saffron pays special attention to doting on her as much as she can. 1880 Beth goes to Hogwarts whilst Tess returns to help with the print shop. Saffy enjoys the work in the print shop and her chores, though she notices that she is not as good at conversing with people outside of their little family. When she needs me time, she often leaves a trail of pastry flakes behind her which usually leads to the family sitting room where Saffy can be found reading a book. 1882 Saffron is gifted a kitten by a neighbor whose cat gave birth. She names it Clio after the Greek muse of History, which she got from one of the books in their collection. It turns out to be an appropriate name given that the kitten takes to gnawing on the corners of the books. Clio is not allowed in the print shop after that, which upsets Saffron. After it's pointed out how many different ways the kitten could be harmed though, she reconsiders and accepts the change. Besides, she doesn't wish to cause too much trouble; Papa is off after being drafted, and Saffron can see how stressed Tess is. She does her best to comfort her and help where she can, but she's also too excited because... 1882-83
First YearSaffy is off to Hogwarts finally! She is subsequently sorted into Ravenclaw and happily incorporates into the house with little trouble, which surprises her. She's never been comfortable around large crowds (the Sunday market is about the most she can handle), but she finds kindred spirits in her fellow house mates. This is good because that summer, Hogsmeade plays host to the Quidditch World Cup which helps her realize her true nightmares: being amongst a truly large crowd in the middle of summer. It's hot, it's stuffy, she can't breathe and what's more, it is too overwhelming and feels like every neuron in her brain is being dialed up to 100. After that, she goes home and has a breakdown to her sisters. It takes a few extra pastries to calm her down. After the she vows to never attend a Quidditch game again. 1883-84
Second YearSaffron lands herself in detention after she gets caught drawing a cartoon of the professor. More trouble comes later in the form of a drought, plague and fire. There are some parts of this summer that Saffy can't remember, mostly due to just blocking out everything. She comes away with it with a fear of fire. 1884-85
Third YearSaffron finds her stride in third year, especially when it comes to academics. While still struggling with feeling awkward around her friends, she finds it much easier to be with them when they are hanging out in a studying capacity. 1885-86
Fourth YearSaffy knows it's her second to last year at Hogwarts. She starts to study even more, even sequestering herself to the library until late at night sometimes. She even forces herself to be more peppy and extroverted amongst her friend group as practice. Hiding behind the kindness and understanding of her friends would only get her so far, and she needed to figure out what she might be good for in the coming years. 1886-87
Fifth YearIt hits her fairly early in her fifth year in the form of her friends requests for her to help them with studying with their OWLs. She thrives on creating schedules for them, organizing the chaos of their classes and information into bite sized pieces that are easy to digest. The end of her year was bittersweet, but she left feeling satisfied of her performance on OWLs. She continues to work assisting her family at their print shop until she's old enough to apply for a job at the Ministry. In the meantime she starts to draw illustrations for her family to occasionally publish. Her favorite to draw are more political cartoons which she submits under a pseudonym. 1888 The minute Saffy turns 17, she goes to the Ministry to apply for a job, and eventually is hired on as a Welcome Witch. The next few years see her attempt to learn everything she can at the Ministry. Eventually she takes advantage of an opportune moment and befriends a department secretary - a woman named Charlotte - who takes Saffy in under her wing. 1890 Tragedy strikes and Charlotte has to leave the Ministry in order to take care of her family back home. It takes much pleading on Charlotte's behalf to get Saffron to put herself forward for her secretary position as replacement - in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Saffron is too nervous about disappointing Charlotte to say no. 1893 When their father's health takes a turn for the worse, Saffron throws herself into her work again, working late nights to try and gain any extra money to help keep him in the hospital. When he dies in November, Saffron is distraught. Life, however, must go on, and she continues to work through her mourning along with the rest of her family. 1894 Saffron's distaste for Quidditch games still hasn't changed, but she's succeeded in crafting a polite, upbeat persona for her job. Inwardly? She wants to scream. She copes by continuing to draw whilst consuming copious amounts of pastries.
Fiercely loyal to her family , Saffron is all too aware of the pressure that they’re under having taken their family’s business. It’s one of the reasons why she is determined to excel at her job, working as much as she can to prove to her bosses that she is irreplaceable. Every knut of her government pay goes back into helping support her family when she can. The front she’s put up at work is one who doesn’t suffer fools. She is diligent, punctual and detail-oriented; if that gets to the point of her being stressed from fielding demands left and right, it’s only distinguished by the presence of an excess of pastry wrappings with the tell-tale Ivy Leaf Bakery logo.
The world of magical games and sports is filled with talent, of that Saffron is sure; but it is also one filled with bravado and ego, two things that Saffy was not accustomed to putting up with particularly well when she started. She learned fast and quickly and managed to create a personality of tolerance and professional enthusiasm. This job taught her to thrive in chaos, at least where organization and communication is concerned. Her favorite thing is to untangle something messy, which the Quidditch world certainly provides. Her only problem: she hates Quidditch games. Truly. She’s fine with flying (could get use to heights frankly) but cannot bring herself to be excited about sports. She just can’t. On top of that, being in a crowd at a quidditch game makes her absolutely overwhelmed. The screaming, whistles, shouting, cheering, different colors and flag waving are all just too much for her, and there comes a point where she shuts down. She’s since learned how to mask this because she simply has to, but after days spent at a quidditch game she often has to lean on her family a bit more to unwind and decompress.
At home, Saffy is much more relaxed, especially around her sisters and the shop workers. Inwardly, she worries on all fronts: that she isn’t doing enough to help Tess out with the business, that she needs to do more time at the office so she can make more money. Despite this, her family are her safe place, the sounds and smells of the printing press are her lullaby and she wouldn't trade this for the world. Even so...she craves independence: to live on her own and carve her own path in the world. But she can’t bring herself to tell any of her family, except save maybe Declan. She knows it’s an impossibility, so why dwell on it?
— PETS — Clio | Cat
- Amortentia: ink, fresh parchment, the smell of pastries
- Patronus: TBD
- Boggart: TBD
- She doesn't like Quidditch or Sports in general
- In modern times, she would be considered neurodivergent
- Has a weakness for pastries from the Ivy Leaf Bakery
Name: Lady