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Full Name: Roxanna Maria Santos Divata
Nicknames: Roxie
Birthdate: March 22, 1872
Current Age: 21 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Aspiring Prima Donna
Reputation: 7?
Is an opera singer which comes with certain assumptions by society of her character.
Whilst not disowned is more or less estranged from her family.

Residence: Pennyworth, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff '83-'88
Wand: 10", hazel, springy, veela hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
She does her best not to think of them.

face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
ethnicity: Mixed Race; Filipino & White
height: 5 ft 1 in
build: lithe, slender
eyes: brown
hair colour: brown
hair style: pinned up with some sort of ornamentation such as flowers
wand hand: ambidextrous but favours her left
scent: rosewater & lemon
fashion: Roxie dresses as fashionably as she can afford. She favours flashy sorts of colours and enjoys drawing attention to herself. She does keep her use of jewelry tasteful, both as an aesthetic preference and her fear that she might end up mugged while going home some night. She has a special fondness of satins and silks.


before hogwarts
1872 - 1882

1872: Roxanne is born smack dab between a bunch of siblings born to a modest and hard working working class couple.

1873-1876: Roxannes childhood is not very notable by her standards. She is taught to work from a very young age, helping out her parents and helping tend to the younger siblings.

1877: Roxanne's first signs of magic consist of making butterflies come out of a painting of them that she liked. The family ultimately decide to stay in London after the exodus of many of their friends to a settlement called Hogsmeade. A lot of her parents clients are muggles so they cannot afford a move to an all-magical village.

1881: Roxanne's father rants at length about some eighteen year old who has become Minister of Magic. Roxie could hardly care one way or another.

1882: With the opening of Irvingly, Roxies parents begin saving up to move there. They know it will take them a couple of years but they are determined.

during hogwarts
1883 - mid-1888

1883: Roxanne goes off to Hogwarts and is soon sorted into Hufflepuff. She is fascinated by all the different people and personalities that she is surrounded by.

1884-1887: Roxannes parents manage to be able to afford to keep Roxanne in school as well as other school ages siblings. Roxie begins developing secret dreams of being someone famous after reading a book of famous women.

1887-1888: During her fifth year, Roxannes dreams have developed into wanting to be an opera singer. A prima donna of the stage. She has little patience for theoretical learning, preferring to cast first and think later. Needless to say, she does not do very well on her OWLs and her parents decide not to send her back. She is Livid.

after hogwarts
late-1888 - 1894

late-1888: Roxannes parents make her work for their little family business. The work is boring, tedious and Roxanne wants none of it. I want to be an opera singer, she insists only to be told that only 'bad' girls become such things. Roxanne sneaks into one of the theatres in Hogsmeade one night and is enthralled by the main performers. She chances into a conversation with one and is greatly encouraged to pursue her dreams no matter what her parents say.

1889: Roxanne bides her time, saving up some of her paltry earnings and then runs away from home - to Hogsmeade. She joins up with and begins living with the same troupe as the singer who had encouraged her the year before. She starts out small, as all must, especially as she is now the youngest among them.

1891: After two years of being more of an errand girl than anything else but getting paid in voice lessons (as well as life lessons) from the others in the troupe, Roxie finally gets to start performing as a chorus girl.

1893: To her excitement, Roxie begins getting assigned bigger roles. It is supportive cast roles but it is definitely a step above being a chorus girl.

1894: Having garnered herself a little fan following, Roxie is hopeful that this will be the year she begins getting main cast roles. She is willing to do almost anything to achieve this, too.


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Name: Kit
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