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Full Name: Harley Flynn Fawcett
Nicknames: Lee
Birthdate: August 6th, 1862
Current Age: 31 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Owner of Enchantment Emporium
Reputation: 8; eccentric, eschews being highly active in society & the rest of his family has a tendency towards harmless eccentricity
Residence: Swallowbury District, Irvingly
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 1873-1880
Wand: 13", walnut, flexible, kelpie hair
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle
father: Duncan Fawcett [1830 - 1887]
mother: Cassandra Fawcett née Wittmore [1844]
sister: Penelope Fawcett [1866]

face claim: christopher mason
height: 6 ft. 3½ in.
build: athletic
eyes: green
hair colour: blond
hair style: has a tendency to forget to cut it so he tends to wear it long but tied back. It is wavy.
wand hand: right handed
distinguishing features: a large scar on his right thigh and ankle
scent: pine wood and somehow, kind of like freshly baked bread
fashion: when it comes to his clothes, Harley likes dark colours with a stylish cut that can be serviceable for many years.


1862 - 1872
August, 1862Harley is born and begins his life as the first born of Duncan and Cassandra Fawcett.
July, 1866After a tumultuous labour, a sister is born and is named Penelope. Harley is fascinated by the tiny baby and is quick to assign himself the role as her protector. Which really just translates to him bossing her around sometimes as they get older.
1868The Fawcett mother returns to work and most of his care falls to the nanny alongside Penelope.
1870Harley shows his first signs of magic which displays as a collection of twinkling lights in the nursery during a particularly dark night.
1873 - 1880
73-74Harley goes off to Hogwarts and is soon sorted into Ravenclaw. His first year is spent largely exploring, making friends and being introduced to new interests as well as nurturing his pre-existing ones.
74-75In his second year, Harley joins the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as a chaser. He is not considered an exceptional talent or anything but he enjoys the new outlet for energy.
75-76Third year finds Harley beginning his elective courses on top of the mandatory classes. He chooses Arithmancy and Muggle Studies.
77-78Harleys fifth year is preceded by an owl that contains a prefect badge within it. Harley is proud but a little overwhelmed with this accomplishment. Penelope begins at Hogwarts as a Hufflepuff. That January, the parent Fawcetts decide that they are moving to Hogsmeade and moving the apothecary there as well. Harley is perturbed but largely gets over it as he is not at home much due to being at Hogwarts most of the year anyway.
79-80Harley is made Head Boy. This time around, he feels a little more prepared for it. This is also the year he begins a sweetly innocent romance with a girl that also attends Hogwarts. He is thrilled when he has the chance to dance with her at the Coming Out Ball. Their romance continues past Harley's graduation though nothing untoward aside from stolen kisses, lingering hand grazes and blushes happen between them.
1880 - 1894
80-82Harley spends the next couple of years helping out in the apothecary as he squirrels away funds for his own hopes and dreams. He wants to marry his sweetheart and he wants to have his own shop full of magical doodads such as sneakoscopes, crystal balls and self-writing quills for example. He is willing to put in the work and time it takes to get there.
June, 1882Harley is drafted into the Hogsmeade Trail. His father is frantic to be the one to go instead, worried for his young sons safety and well-being. It is fruitless and Harley must be the one to go.

Truth be told, the Hogsmeade Trail is one the most harrowing experiences in Harley's life. He is left changed and literally and figuratively scarred by it. Even now, he cannot fully remember what took place except that there was pain, blood, fever and a hazy face he cannot quite make out that had been the cause. As it is, he barely survives the Trail and when he comes home, it doesn't feel quite like a home anymore. He feels out of place, argumentative with his parents, has a new tendency to speak shortly to his sister and he just feels a pressing need to get out. He also cannot stand dark anymore and always needs some sort of light source when it is night.

And so he does, he takes the plot of land given to him and builds a small house there. Drowning in his own misery, his romance drops off as he stops contacting her and rebuffs her efforts. She is better off without him, he feels. She can meet someone better, someone unbroken.
1883Thanks to having become somewhat of a recluse and living in Irvingly, Harley is left unaffected by the Amortentia Tea Crisis. As it is, with one dream shot to hell by his own doing, Harley drowns himself in working towards opening his shop. Not in Irvingly, of course, though it remains his personal residence. Thats summer, he opens a little shop in High Street. It will grow, he tells himself. It is rough since he has ended up becoming a bit of a recluse but his business acumen still stands strong. So it isn't a total disaster.
1884Penelope graduates. The summer comes with a Plague and a Fire. Penelope is sent away which relieves some of his worries. He is stuck in Hogsmeade due to the quarantine but stays at his shop instead of just staying in the Fawcett family home.

It is a turn of very bad luck for Harley. He contracts the Laughing Plague but manages to pull through and survive. However, there are soon fires which destroys his shop and his parents shop as well. Luckily, Harley had escaped in time and suffered little more than smoke inhalation.
1885Harley manages to reopen his shop, once more on High Street.
1886Harleys shop sees a big boom of growth when he mans a booth for his shop at the World's Wizarding Fair. Finally, it seems like things are going to be okay. Workwise anyway.
1887Harley once again sets up a booth at the Worlds Wizarding Fair. At first, things are going pretty good but disaster strikes. The pavilion collapses and there are flying tigers. Most of his inventory he had brought along are thoroughly destroyed. Its a huge setback.

Then something worse happens: his father is dead and Penelope had been left trapped under a pillar for two whole days. He recognizes the same signs of Trauma in her that he had himself. But he doesn't know how to help, what to say. It isn't like he has ever worked through his own problems to be able to know these things.
1888After taking some time to grieve and regroup, Harley reopens his shop with the small bit of inventory that he still had. He ought not have bothered. A fog descents and fucks up a lot of his enchanted object. Worse, the affected areas are cloaked in darkness which has Harley feeling majorly uncomfortable and brings back a lot of his unresolved trauma.
1889The family shop is moved to Diagon Alley. Harley takes some time to regroup and catch his breath.
1890Harley's mother enters a courtship of all things. Harley can understand Penelopes vexation honestly. Harley opens up shop in London. Not in Diagon Alley but in one of the other scattered magical pockets of London as he got the storefront at a price he could not afford to pass up.
1892Harley's mother gets married. For his part, Harley has no interest in such things for himself. He is in the prime age of being considered an eligible bachelor but he hardly goes to society events and he doesn't take much notice of any fluttering eyelashes sent his way.
1893Dragons. Fucking Dragons. He escapes with his life and only minor injury but dragon fire destroys his shop. Why? Just why. Honestly, Harley is rather fed up but ever stubborn. Truthfully, if it weren't for all the magical mishaps, he would be doing quite well for himself by now.
1894Harley had been in the beginning phases of reopening in High Street, deciding he might as well return to Hogsmeade if disaster is going to find him anyway. And then there was a winter storm and a blizzard.


Having been left scarred in more ways than one by the Hogsmeade Trail, most people would likely feel that Harley is notably changed from his Hogwarts days where he was relatively outgoing and a natural born leader. After the Trail, he became a bit of a recluse though it was not enough to stop him from following his life goal of opening his own shop of magical items and supplies. He enjoys tinkering with charms, spells and enchanted objects. He is headstrong and does not give up when it comes to certain things in his life. As evidenced by his refusal to give up on his shop despite the amount of times it has fallen to disaster thanks to various mishaps in the magical community.

Defense Against the Dark ArtsEE
History of MagicA
Muggle StudiesE

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