December 12, 2023 – 7:59 PM
18 October 1983 — St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies & Injuries
There they were again. Giant looming shadows that seemed to never cease that caused panic to reach down into Irene’s throat and seize hold of her heart. It kept happening over and over again; once she started running away from them, the ground suddenly felt like molasses and her legs couldn’t move fast enough. The beasts sure could though. Their roars rattled the air, seeping into her skin as she clapped her hands over her ears to try and deafen the noise. That never worked either.
So instead of running, Irene always took refuge in the alleyway. It never changed its appearance: sheltered, secluded and reeking of the sour tang of days old food.
“Please, oh please, someone help.” Irene never spoke too loud; the last few times she’d tried it only resulted in the large dragons hearing her. She would get corned, then she would watch as the beast inhaled, its chest glowing hot as an ember before the fire wooshed towards her in a deafening roar. And then she would get dropped somewhere else - usually a body of water.
She didn’t want to go into the water again. It was petrifyingly cold and brackish water got into her mouth that only made her nauseous again. The mere thought of it caused her to clap a hand over her mouth as she knew what was coming. But instead of the dragon rounding the corner, there was someone else this time. She was talking to someone out of Irene’s sight. “Hello?!” She called desperately, scrambling up but of course her feet wouldn’t move. She was stuck there.