
Full Version: if I burn you, it’s all friendly fire
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Instead of answering her question, the girl might as well have hit her in the face with a fireball. Irene flinched, recoiling. “N-no I’m not, that’s quite impossible.” She stammered, feeling her heart leap in her throat. Out of fear, or relief she couldn’t tell. She just wanted to get away from here.
"You're in St. Mungo's and you have to wake up!" Enid said; in her bed, she kept twisting in her blankets, and had started to mutter in her sleep. Even in the dream, she had a sense that she was about to leave Miss Crawley to her internal wars.
St. Mungo’s. No, that was even more impossible. Even if she was dreaming, this would have taken place in Italy. She hadn’t come back from the main continent yet. “No, I’m still in Italy, there must be some mistake.” Irene replied, looking at Enid as if she’d grown two heads. But…there was something in the way the girl spoke that made her pause. “Wh - why am I in St. Mungo’s?” Her heart jumped as she realized Enid’s figure was now flickering in and out of focus, as Irene was looking at her through an out-of-focus telescope.
Enid wanted to explain, she was determined to explain, she opened her mouth to say something — and then she woke up, safe in Avalon Glen, in the room she shared with her sisters.
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