May 26, 2023 – 7:29 PM
Full Name: Shalott Tennyson DemseyNicknames: She prefers Lottie over her given name lest she be mistaken for a vegetable instead of a poem (after all she's not related to the Potts family), Lotts affectionately by family, Tenny if someone in the family is annoyed with her or trying to annoy her, and Shalott if she's in trouble
Birthdate: March 3, 1867
Current Age: 26
Gender: Female
Occupation: Aspiring Novelist
Reputation: 7
She's a Demsey need I say more?Residence: Near Galway, Ireland
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Beech, 12", whippy, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Middle
Eamon Dempsey | Father | 1824Appearance: Lottie gives off an elfin dreamy aura. Her slight and slender frame is lithe and graceful. Her skin is pale enough to almost seem as if it shines and is set off to contrast with her long wavy dark-brown hair and thick brows. Her gray blue eyes seem to change color depending on her surroundings (although she claims it is based on her mood), often reflecting the colors around her.
Lowri Dempsey née Sayre | Mother | 1836
Ozymandias Shelley Dempsey | Brother | 1856
-- Thomasina Dempsey née Pomfrey | Sister-in-law | 1863
Endymion Keats Dempsey | Brother | 1859
Porphyria Browning Dempsey | Sister | 1863
Don Juan Byron Dempsey | Brother | 1863
Christabel Coleridge Dempsey | Sister | 1865
Lycoris Wordsworth Dempsey | Sister | 1869
She loves to dress in whites, sea green, purples, and mauve as they are her favorite colors and is not fussy about her clothing. She prefers airy lacy clothing, whether muggle or wizarding robes she doesn't really have a preference.
Her wand arm is her left.
Play by: Bogdan Kadritskaya
History: Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.
Lottie is born the sixth child of the Dempsey poets in 1867. She's an inquisitive baby often watching the world with wide eyes that seem to look directly into one's soul and crying very little. After she begins to crawl she follows her siblings around not to play, but rather to watch them. She is more inclinded to share any toys then to take them from her siblings. Above all she seems to enjoy listening to stories. She remains the youngest child for only two years before Lycoris is in 1869. Of all her siblings Lottie seems to find her oldest sister Phyri the most fascinating and follows her around endlessly. When Phryi goes to Hogwarts in the fall of 1873 Lottie is inconsolable. She runs to the nursery and throws herself into her bed to sob. This incidently is when she also displays her first sign of magic. The knob of the nursery door vanishes entirely leaving Lottie locked in the room. When her misery has run its course and Lottie realizes she is trapped in the room she begins to get hysterical, never one to like being in one place indoors for long. Thus begins her second sign of magic where she begins to flood the room with tears. Thankfully she is rescued by some fast thinking magic on her parents' part but from that day on she becomes absolutely terrified of being trapped anywhere and prefers to be outside or to be with others if she is indoors. The next year Don Juan also heads to school and Oz goes on an incredibly long tour of the continent. Missing her older brother and Phyri, Lottie stays close with her sisters, often following quietly behind them. When Christabel goes to school Lottie feels the loss keenly. She begins to spend a lot of time on her own in the gardens reading. Slowly she begins to realize she prefers novels and fairy tales to the poems her family adores but is scared to tell her parents or, especially, Phyri. She doesn't want them to think she is a disappointment. When she is not following her siblings or in lessons she often is reading a novel or writing prose of her own. She is rather more thrilled and interested in Endy when he returns home after his graduation in 1877 although not so much Oz when he too returns home that year. Occasionally when Lottie is annoyed, particularly with Oz, she'll play some small practical joke on him. Ink in his shoes, frogs under his pillow. She never owns up that this is her and often watches with seemingly impassive eyes.
Finally, Lottie's first year at Hogwarts starts [1878-1879]. She is sorted into Ravenclaw and is thrilled to be reunited with Phyri. She takes to lessons reasonably well and while she is often found in a corner reading or writing she endears herself to her yearmates and makes several friends who are deeply protective of her. After two years with Phryi, her sister graduates and scandalizes the family by not showing up to her own debut. In her third year [1880-1881] Phryi adds Ancient Studies, Earth Magic, and Divination. Don Juan graduates at the end of the year and embarks on a tour until the end of 1882. When Phryi writes to tell her she has published her first book of poetry Lottie becomes even more nervous to admit that she would much rather read novels than poetry. She does reasonably well on her OWLS at the end of her fifth year [1882-1883]. Christabel graduates at the end of year leaving Lottie as the eldest Dempsey at Hogwarts. She decides to continue on with Ancient Studies, Charms, Divination, Earth Magic, Herbology, and History of Magic. 1884 is marked by news of fire and plague in the summer, although their family is blessedly unaffected by this. Phyri publishes more poems and Lottie pretends she likes them even though she has very little time for poetry. Seventh year comes much too quickly and Shalott graduates [1885]. She is then sent off to Pendergast for finishing. When she finds this out Shalott is so upset one might have thought someone in the family, yet in the fall she is still forced to attend.
At Pendergast Lottie feels as if she is caged in. Her fits of emotions are not tolerated and her often spacey attitude leaves her at the bottom of her classes. In sheer desperation Lottie begins to play pranks hoping to be sent home. She is not and in 1887, much to everyone's relief, Lottie is declared finished and finally makes her debut. She spends much of her time around the corners of the dance floor looking dreamy and her friends continue their protective nature over her. Attention is turned from Lottie (thankfully) by Oz's marriage. In 1889 Lycoris debuts taking the attention off of Lottie finally. Lottie takes the extra time to focus on her writing and enjoys being home with her family. Phyri scares Lottie when she becomes cursed as a Wren in 1890 and Lottie spends much of the four months suffering from melancholy for her eldest sister's sake. It is doubly worse because work send Endy to the Middle East and Lottie feels thoroughly bereft of her siblings. Endy returns home in 1891 much to Lottie's relief. By 1893 Lottie has neither married, had a serious courtship or even flirtation, nor finished her novel. None of this really bothers her as Lottie loves her life, although surely this was not how her mother had expected her life to go. Lottie is blissfully ignorant of any expectations to get married.
Personality: There is an aura around Lottie that creates the impression that Lottie is often daydreaming. She loses herself in her thoughts frequently, often even in the middle of a conversation. While those she is talking with may think that this is sheer boredom it is actually because some thought has captured her attention and she is using her imagination and creativity to weave words together in her mind. This also means that she tends to forget what she is doing or where she is going, as well as what is being said about her. It has often been bemoaned that Lottie's head was too frequently up in the clouds.
Even though it often seems as if Lottie is unaware of her surroundings when she is aware she feels and feels deeply. She has a strong sense of compassion and often feels as if she knows how others are feeling and worries over them. She is easy to love others, from humans to creatures to imaginary creatures. That said she has never had what she imagines to be an overwhelming love that she would need to even consider marrying. She trusts easily as well and is often generous to a fault. That said she is very naive and it is easy to sway her to your aims.
Her dreamy disposition lends itself to the fact that she is adaptable to situations, but she is also wise especially in someone as young as herself. This does not mean that she is practical. She likes to think it is more a wisdom of the heart and soul rather than the mind.
Her moods can sway easily into fits of sorrow, as she calls them, where she wallows in sadness and her own supposed misery, or to a happiness that feels like sunshine in a meadow. She indulges in these moods, no matter how impractical. When Lottie is in a mischevious mood it couples with her carelessness and impractiality and lends itself toward pranks and other mischeif.
Above all Lottie hates being confined. She has always been desperately scared of being locked up somewhere, which made her years as a Pendergast Rose especially hard.
Other: Trivia about Lottie:
She hero worships Phyri
Her amortia smells of early morning dew, meadow grass, paper, ink, and lilacs
Her boggart is a locked chest
Her patronus is a doe
She is determined to write a novel (she has almost finished a few but never managed to complete one)
She hates poetry
She can speak French and Italian and read some Latin
She can play the harp and sing a soft high soprano but can not sing loudly without going out of tune
Her favorite colors are white, sea green, mauve, and purples
She can dance very gracefully...when she is actually paying attention. She is still graceful when she doesn't pay attention but definitely isn't doing the right steps
Name: FallinAge: 30 something, it changed recently and I've lost count
Contact: Skype... Discord....Wildly waving arms at me in the cbox....
Other Characters: If any .... hah. hah. ha.
How did you hear about us?: Somewhere over the rainbow