
Full Version: The Application Process
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The Process

Welcome to Charming! Once you’ve registered your account (First Last as your username, please!) and read all the supporting info relevant to your character, it’s time to begin the application process.

1. Fill in our application template and post it as a new thread in this forum. If it is unfinished, throw that in the title so we know, but remember to remove it when you’re ready for the staff to take a look ;)

2. A member of our staff team will take a look and either approve it or send you a PM with a couple of housekeeping notes to see to before we can.

3. Once approved, that same member of staff will port your application over into your account profile. This will be the living document that you edit going forward.

4. Sort out your claims! Head on over here to see all the options available, but don’t forget the mandatory Character Directory and the popular PB list.


The original application is locked after approval and serves as a ‘baseline’ for staff reference. 99.9% of the time, your account profile will be the one looked at by the member base :)

Please be advised: at Charming, we ask that you wait three days between the approval of one application and the posting of the next, OR post your most recent character 3+ times in-character.