June 13, 2022 – 8:45 PM
Full Name: Divona Mei DodderidgeNicknames:
Diddy by her sisters, but that’s about it.Birthdate: March 20th, 1870
Current Age: 24
Gender: Female
Occupation: Death Photographer; Aspiring Authoress
Along with her sisters, runs Dodderidge Mortuary Services. Death photography, assistance in dressing the dead, and liaising between the family of the bereaved and various service providers (casket makers, florists, etc.). They also arrange the storage of memories for those nearing death and “Celebrations of Eternal Spirit” for ghosts.Reputation: 8
Her passion, though, is writing. Though she has not yet been published in anything more than a couple of penny dreadfuls, her numerous created works all have one thing in common: a plucky young mixed-race heroine solving gruesome murders and falling in love. (Or is that three things?)
Hogsmeade High Street, in a flat above the business.Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Pear, nine and a quarter inches, with a unicorn tail hair. Bendy.
Blood Status:
Halfblood: Divona’s father was a muggleborn, and her mother halfblood.Social Class: Working Class
Cormac Dodderidge, Father [1840-1892]Appearance:
Birdie Dodderidge nee Xu, Mother [1840 - 1868]
Damara Dodderidge, Sister [1870]
Damona Dodderidge, Sister [1870]
Aisling Dodderidge nee –, Stepmother [1859]
Duncan Dodderidge, Half-Brother [1881]
Enid Xu, Maternal Aunt [1844]
History:Four feet and ten inches of height places Divona Dodderidge decidedly below average, but what she lacks in stature, she makes up for in a bright personality. Her smile comes easily—though not always genuine—and wide, punctuated in dimples. Like her sisters, she sports dark hair and dark, almond-shaped eyes, but she fancies that her hair has just a bit more curl, her eyes just a bit more spark of intrigue, than either of the others. Divona favours brighter colours in her wardrobe, and is ambidextrous.
Her PB is Stephanie Hsu.
Personality:Divona’s Story
Prequel They took their own routes to get there.
For Xu Xiang, it was as a translator for the East India Company, allowing himself and his bride to relocate to London. They tried in vain for many years, but were only blessed with two living children, daughters both: Birdie and Rosie, born five years apart, and given English names so that they might better acclimate to their new world.
For Cormac Dodderidge Sr., well, he was born in Scotland. His father, too, but his wife, well… no, she was born, in Ireland this time, but still definitely on the British Isles. Much less exciting, really.
Cormac Jr. and Birdie Xu would meet at Hogwarts and fall madly in love—but that’s all the detail relevant to this particular story.Chapter One
1870 - 1880The sisters Dodderidge arrive into the world in reasonably quick succession—in the same day their mother leaves it. Though some may insist that a girl needs her mother, Divona would go on to point out that one cannot miss what she never had.
Instead, the triplets’ main maternal figure would prove to be Enid, a maiden aunt who would teach the girls how to sew, read, write, do sums and, with varying degrees of success, speak Mandarin. She would remain prominent in the girls’ lives even after their father’s remarriage in 1879 to a woman but ten years—to the day!—their senior.
For herself, Divona was hesitant to accept her new stepmother—a woman who was not unkind in the least, but simply young, with no idea what to do with a trio of pre-adolescents. In addition to this, Divona had always fantasized that one day her father might remarry to Aunt Enid, making them a proper family at long last.Chapter Two
1881 -1889It is the summer of 1881 when two of the most expected things in the world occurred: Aisling birthed a son, called Duncan, and the triplets received their formal invitations to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All three were sorted into Gryffindor, and though Divona might have insisted that she wanted nothing more than independence she…didn’t really act like it all that much for the first couple of years at the school.
Her third year was her first opportunity to branch out, and branch out she did, the only one of the Dodderidge sisters to take on Earth Magic or Ghoul Studies as electives.
Quite bright, in her own estimation, Divona might easily have remained at school for her NEWTs, but instead found it more practical to secure work as a secretary to an aging widow on conclusion of her OWLs.
Three years later, the widow dies, as old women are apt to do—and Divona herself finds the body, sitting with it until the widow’s erstwhile son can come to do his duty by it. For her sudden lack of employment, she is given a hefty bonus and a good reference, taking both to purchase a camera and begin working as a photographer for the Daily Prophet.Chapter Three
1891 - PresentHere we jump forward in time to a trio of broken hearts: the Dodderidge sisters would lose their father in a freak gardening accident. Divona can never look at petunias the same way again. Following what many called the most flawlessly executed funeral they had ever attended, the sisters made a very bold professional move indeed, relocating to Hogsmeade to open Dodderidge Mortuary Services.
The sisters have continued to manage their buisness, bolstered by the steady stream of disasters that seems to plague the Wizarding world.
- Languages: English, Mandarin
- A way with words
- Boggart: TBD
- Amortentia: TBD
- Keeps a quartet of pigeons. Her favourite, Fiona, is used in lieu of an owl.
- Partial to daisies
Name: KayteAge: 30s
Contact: PM