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Full Name: Lydia Konstantinovna Morozova née Ivanova
Birthdate: July 6, 1864
Current Age: 27 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Socialite & Charitable Healer
Reputation: 7 or 8
Though otherwise respectable, Lydia makes frequent visits to the slums for charitable healing work — far more often than most might expect an average socialite to do so. Also she is an identical triplet, the eldest of whom eloped into the working class.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Dogwood, Hebridean Black dragon heartstring, 13"
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle
Aleksei Morozov, husband (b. 1863)
— Dmitri Morozov, son (b. 1889)

Konstantin Ivanov, father (b. 18??)
Marigold Ivanova, mother (b. 18??)
"_" Ivanov, brother (b. 1863)
Sophia Voss  née Ivanova, triplet sister
— Jacob Arnold Voss, brother-in-law (1862-1891)
— Cosette Ivana Voss, niece (b. 1886)
— Julien Edward Voss, nephew (b. 1889)
Angela Montague née Ivanova, triplet sister
— Robert Montague, brother-in-law (b. 18??)
— Eliza Montague, niece (b. 1886)
— Marigold Montague, niece (b. 1888)
— Katherine Montague, niece (b. 1891)
Edward Ivanov, deceased brother (1867-1877)
"_" Ivanova, sister (b. 18??)
"_" Ivanov, brother (b. 18??)
General | Lydia is the shortest of the Ivanov triplets, standing five feet even — though the main thing people see looking at all three is how purely identical they are, from the roots of their dark brunette hair to the ice blue of their eyes. Growing up, she struggled to use her right hand for writing and other tasks, and to this day uses her wand with her left.

Expressions | Moderation is the word of Lydia’s life. Where elder Sophia is exuberant and younger Angela is cold, Lydia could be best described as lukewarm. Gentle smiles, polite laughs, careful frowns. Lydia tries carefully to be the middle ground between her identical sisters.

Deportment | Years of ballet training, though not nearly as rigorous as her elder sister’s, have led to a fluid, determined grace in Lydia’s every movement, though gentle. She is especially graceful on the dance floor.

Fashion | Preferring the style and cut of wizarding robes over the rigid shape of modern muggle fashion, Lydia can often be found wearing demure, soft shades ranging across the rainbow spectrum. Her favorite color, however, is a rich magenta, which she avoids out of the interest to look less than proper.

Accessories | Certainly Lydia accessorizes in a fashion suited for the upper middle class, not too far off from her younger triplet’s opulence. Sometimes she even borrows from Angela’s collection of jewelry for more elegant events.

Scent | Miscellaneous potions scents, mixed with the scent of rosewater.

Face Claim | Rachel Brosnahan
Daughters of darkness, sisters insane
July, 1864The triplets are born. Lydia is the second to be born, and somehow manages to maintain that status even through various mix-ups through early childhood.
1865 — 1874The triplets get on well enough throughout their childhood, but as time goes by, they slowly begin to drift apart. The triplets, and their elder brother, are shortly joined by one, two, three more siblings, two younger brothers and a younger sister. Lydia personally grows to favor their youngest brother. Her first notable sign of magic occurs after her sisters’, in 1870, turning Angela’s hair stubbornly bright pink for precisely six days after the disagreement over Angela using her hairbrush.
A little evil goes a long, long way
1875The triplets are off to Hogwarts. Their identical appearances may make them difficult to tell apart, but their house affiliations do not. Lydia is placed in studious Ravenclaw, Sophia in bold Gryffindor, and Angela in cunning Slytherin — not to surprise anyone, really. But to make matters worse, their elder brother, born the September before them, joins them at Hogwarts! Lydia is the first to accuse him of favoring Angela over herself and Sophia when he’s sorted into Slytherin with her.
1877Little Edward is killed in one of the muggle riots, along with the family governess, plunging the family into mourning. Knowing now that she would like to be a healer someday, whether as an old woman or perhaps after only a couple of years as a debutante, Lydia only adds Arithmancy to her courseload, intending to focus the majority of her time studying the courses preferred for a healer’s NEWTs.
1880Lydia continues forward with Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration — and applies to be considered for the Gobbledegook course, thinking it might be useful to be able to communicate with goblins in their own tongue. After all, they look after the financials of the wizarding world, why shouldn’t they be treated with dignity?

During her sixth year, Lydia begins exchanging letters with a Durmstrang student, the son of their father’s friend, only a year her senior and on the same sort of educational track. Even learning Gobbledegook himself. Aleksei Morozov quickly became a beau in her mind, though he wasn’t even in England. She wrote to him about everything, even and especially once Sophia made her debut on the ballet scene and landed an invitation to the Imperial Ballet school.
June, 1882Lydia debuts alongside her younger sister, but her real plan is to spend but a year as a debutante before using her stellar NEWTs to do what she’d decided to do a couple years before. Become a healer.
We stand together, no, we're not afraid
Aug. 1883As promised, and with their parents’ blessing, Lydia sheds the silks of the debutante for the sturdy robes of the trainee healer at Hogsmeade Hospital, with her eye on the Potion & Plant Poisoning department.
Dec. 1883In a major upheaval, upper class gentleman Mr. Robert Montague proposes marriage to Angela! Lydia is pleased, if a little jealous. She continues to correspond with Aleksei, writing to him about Angela’s marriage — and Sophia’s plans to elope.
1884Angela marries, and the very next day, Sophia elopes with Jacob Voss, all but ruining Lydia’s prospects at a decent marriage. Or they would, if Aleksei weren’t understanding that sometimes a woman simply must do what she wishes to. Whether that’s elope with a ballet choreographer or work as a healer.
1886Both Sophia and Angela welcome their firstborn children — at least the first to survive.
1887Aleksei finally arrives in England! Almost immediately, he asks Lydia’s father for his permission to propose — but at first he’s refused. It’s only when he finds employment at one of the hospitals and purchases a decent home in North Bartonburg that Konstantin Ivanov approves of the match. Lydia is overjoyed and immediately writes to Sophia with the news.
1888Lydia’s wedding is an affair of its own magnitude, and for the first time in years, Lydia dons a muggle-fashioned gown, just for the ceremony and subsequent reception. But it’s a tense affair, as it’s the first time in several years the whole family’s been together, and the first time the family meets Sophia’s husband and daughter. And on top of that, the professional ballerina is once again pregnant, and Angela has had her second child. Tension galore.

By year’s end, she leaves the hospital, finding herself pregnant. She only leaves at her employer’s insistence that a woman’s first priority must be her family.
1889Lydia’s first child is born, a son she promptly names Dmitri. Once it is safe to be up and about, she begins offering her assistance as a healer to women in need of assistance who don't have the funds to visit the hospital.
1891Sophia’s husband, and many of her ballet troupe, die in a tragic theater fire in St. Petersburg. Thankfully, Sophia and the children are spared.
1892Lydia opens her home to Sophia and her two children, inviting, even welcoming the potential scandal that housing her elder triplet might bring. At least until Sophia gets back on her feet. But she’s got a second pregnancy to think about…

Educational Record

Defence Against the Dark ArtsOO
History of MagicA--
Abilities & Skills

  • Able to cast  a corporeal patronus in the form of a caracal.
  • Perfectly fluent in French and Russian, and conversational in Gobbledegook, which she uses to converse privately with her husband in public.
  • Capable with the violin.
  • Skilled ballet dancer.

  • Owns three different owls for mail — a speedy barn owl named Snidget, a snowy owl for winter letters named Gidget, and a regal Eurasian eagle owl for summer letters named Bridget.
  • Lydia finds that Amortentia smells of cinnamon, roses, and vodka.
  • Like her identical sisters, her western zodiac sign is Cancer.
  • Keeps two Great Danes — one black female named Nyx and one fawn male named Helios — and a Russian Blue female named Luna.
  • When Lydia faces a boggart, it turns into a giant black mamba snake. She is a simple woman of simple fears.
Name: Elaine
Age: 28
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