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Using an Against the Odds reward.

Full Name: Katherine Marie Arundell
Nicknames: Kitty
Birthdate: April 11, 1881
Current Age: 10
Gender: Female
Occupation: Little Lady
Reputation: 10: nothing remarkable has happened to her, and the odd things that do happen her family goes to great pains to hide.
Residence: Ashburnham Place, Sussex
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: Muggleborn [But right now only knows the muggle part]
Social Class: Upper
Lord John Arundell, Earl of Ashburnham, b. 1845, father
Lady Cecile Arundell nee Ashburnham, Countess of Ashburnham, b. 1854, mother
Thomas Arundell, b. 1874, brother
Charlotte "Lottie" Arundell, b. March 1876, sister
Claire Arundell, b. February 1877, sister
Appearance: Katherine is only 4 ft. 3 in. but she is constantly in motion so it can be hard to tell. She often seems to bounce with energy. She is right handed and has lost her baby fat over the years. She has pale skin and dark blond hair that in the summer leans more toward a strawberry blond color. Her eyes are a bright blue with a pert nose. But her most striking feature is her smile, which is large and unrestrained.
She loves bright colored dresses and dresses much as a proper young lady should. Except that her clothes often end up with dirt on them, or ripped.

Play-By: Anna Grudina
History: In April of 1881 Katherine is born. She is the youngest and unexpected third daughter of the Earl of Sussex. Being the youngest of four, her siblings quickly bore of her and she is often thought of as a nusiance in the nursery. When Katherine is the three the butler wakes to find all the doors of the house unlocked although he was quite sure he had locked up at night. But even more startling is the fact that Lady Katherine is outside playing in the garden, dirt streaked over her nightgown and flowers clutched in her hands. The nanny is submarily fired after this incident and as such Katherine's first act of magic goes entirely unnoticed by her family. However, the odd things don't stop. Katherine has an uncanny ability to be found in rooms she should not be, for things that were left hidden from her to be found, and once, the new nanny swore she saw all of Katherine's toys floating in the nursery when Katherine was throwing a temper tantrum. After this incident the nanny begins to think that Katherine may be a changling and teaches Katherine about the fae folk. It goes far enough that Katherine even begins to think she is a changling. She is only four at the time. Katherine becomes obsessed with the fae folk and tries to escape out into the forest whenever possible to try and meet them. When the rest of the family finds out about this the nanny is fired and Katherine is giving a stern talking to. While the nanny is gone it takes a solid year for Katherine to become convinced she is not one of the fae folk, but her obsession with them never goes away. As she grows older she enjoys more and more time in the surrounding forrests playing. Her sisters tease her for her oddities, but Katherine doesn't care. Once Katherine gets stuck in a tree and swears she didn't climb it, another time a cake falls in her sister's lap at supper when she is making fun of Katherine. Strange things just seem to happen to Katherine which makes her more and more of an outsider to her siblings.
Her family tries to temper Katherine, to keep her indoors with lessons and etiquette, but Katherine longs for the freedom of being outside. Her curiosity seems to often get the best of her and she is constantly trying to sneak out rather than allow herself to be raised as a proper young lady - much to her family's concernation.
Personality: Kitty is very cheerful and bright. She smiles and laughs often. She is also very outgoing but can be completely oblivious. She often doesn't mean to get in trouble but her curiosity gets the better of her - or something odd happens. She does have a short temper. And at times her upbringing as the daughter of an earl can come out and she can be a tad judgemental and snotty.
Other: Kitty can play the piano and can sing.
She has been taught rudimentry French.
Her family claims ties to William Marshal.
Name: Fallin
Age: -_-
Contact: You know how to find me
Other Characters: Hah.
How did you hear about us?: No clue.
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